
V1-Chapter 2

Chapter 2

After we arrived in the [Village of Portch], just half a day by carriage, and a full day when walking from the city, we then confronted with a big unexpected news after we talked and meet the village chief, Allan, for the Quest we took about hunting some {Hobgoblin}, extermination to be exact. The Quest that we took from [Inquiry Lath] only talked about 6 {Hobgoblins}, and maybe 1 {Hobgoblin Variant}, a stronger species of {Hobgoblin}. They are dyed in red and has more power either in magic or sword, taking command of the 5 {Hobgoblins}. Its a 100ths to 1 chance to meet those variant, but being cautious is a must.

But the thing that made this scenario deluge in complete silence is that, one or two of the villagers, both were woodcutters, spotted not just 1 {Hobgoblin Variant}, but rather 2, and if his eyes aren't tricking him, then he counted it as 3. 3 {Hobgoblin variants}, which is out of my scope of expectation

Though this {Hobgoblin Variant} aren't that different from the other variant, except for their chosen profession, but their pride and ego made them bossy, prideful, and quite hot-blooded. They don't usually like to go with other variants and like to have their own gang, just say it's like "there can't be two boss in one room" slogan, which makes this plot seems fishy and quite tricky.

As we don't have much information about this so called merry band, we can't just out of nowhere press on and try to take charge of this situation. Because we are in this pit hole of situation, I asked the village chief, Allan, if he could atleast tell us who are these villagers that saw the {Hobgoblin} group, for questioning. He then nodded and asked Ben, the uncle, to guide us to the villagers who saw the scene.

As we walked out and followed Uncle Ben, as he guided us to the villager. We then passed 3 houses, then took a turn from the left, and continued walking to our right, and reach the destined house. It's the same as the houses we saw in the village, but the thing that made this house a bit of different, is that it had a box in its front gate, just a half or a meter tall looking one, colored in red, we call it a [Mail Box]. It was named as it where the letters that are mailed put inside the box, but not going to lie, it's much better to call it "The Portable Letter Receiver", quite long one but got a sting on its name. But well the guy who named it loses though, quite some silver coins too. The house also had a tree on its right corner, just a few distance from the fences.

And as we walked in, we were then greeted by a young looking woman. When she saw us, she then greeted us and called someone inside. A man then came out, the father I could say, the beard says it all, then another woman came out, the mother I suppose. Uncle Ben then walk in front of us and greeted the family.

"Good afternoon, Billy, Natt, the villager chief asked me to introduced the adventurer who took our Quest to you. They requested this to asked some few question regarding to what you saw in the forest"

The man name Billy had a long thick beard, wore a gray upper clothes, got a bit dirtied with those dirts and dust, pairing with a long brown pants and a pair of slippers, a typical father outfit. While the woman, the chubby-beauty, is called Natt. She wore this long white dress, with a bun hairstyle, and a piece of clothes she holds while wiping her hands.

As they were informed about our sudden appearance, they then nodded and welcomed us. He called his daughter, Ciel, to fetch his son that was on the guard duty today. She then hurriedly went off. We then entered his home and sat in their living room. As we were waiting for his son and daughter to come back, Mrs. Natt gives us some sweet snacks, it's a home-made cookies-

'Wait are those Red Berry? Sweet!'

Red Berry is a small sweet fruit which is only second to Pink Berry when it comes to pure bliss sweetness, then followed by Orange Berry as 3rd, Yellow Berry 4th, Green Berry 5th and Blue Berry 6th. We call them Rainbow Berries, as the color and order (sweetness) has the exact similarity of the rainbow.

As I chewed 1, 2, 3 cookies till the son and daughter come back, the father, Mr. Billy took a sip of his hot coffee, black coffee to be exact. Coffee is produced when you pound the Brown and Black Berry to powder then mixed with hot water, you will get a bitter taste drink. Brown for mild, and black for pure bitterness. So after he took a sip or two, he then looked at us. As I was stuffing my mouth, chewing silently the cookies with Red Berry toppings, he then stated

"I was on the woods 2 days ago, in the early afternoon. Me and my son, Josh, were chopping some old grown trees for firewood and some to be sold in the market, when my son suddenly halted and ask for me to keep quiet. I was in confusion when he said that, but I still followed. I then quietly went towards my son's location, and spotted a Goblin group. But because it was cloaked and a bit taller than the usual Goblins I known, so I was so sure those are the {Hobgoblin} we requested to be exterminated. But my son was looking directly, with a fixed gaze, to a red colored one.

It was carrying a sword, and was ordering the other {Hobgoblin}. My son said it was a variant he heard of from some of the adventurers who came in the village, dyed in red and much stronger than any {Hobgoblin}, a {Hobgoblin Variant}. I was in shocked to what I heard, and remembered that we didn't wrote any for this kind of situation in our Quest request. As I was telling him that we should go back and tell the village chief, he did pointed while hiding in a big tree, just a couple of distance from the rest, another {Hobgoblin Variant} was there, but this one is holding a wand, and was following through to the group that was being commanded by the sword user {Hobgoblin Variant}.

As I patted his back, and telling him that we need to go back, I then saw as I raise my head to the {Hobgoblin} group, another {Hobgoblin Variant}. I'm not truly sure to what I saw because of some bushes and tree branches was covering it, but the red colored arm and legs is telling me it's another {Hobgoblin Variant}. So I didn't waste any more time and took our equipment, and some woods that we could carry back to the village. We then reported this to the village chief, and that....is all I know"

He then look at us before closing his eyes, then took a sip on his black coffee. I was staring him for a couple of seconds, before turning back to savor my cookies. As I was happily eating my cookies, Sheryl and Natsumi are both sipping their hot coffee with milk, sweetly, after they asked Mrs. Natt for some milk in their coffee. I did the same thing too, but took my precious time eating the cookies first.

After some minutes of silence with crunching, sipping, and chewing, Ceil, the daughter of Mr. Bill and Mrs. Natt, got back with her, their son and her brother

'Hold on a minute, isn't that the young man in the archer tower?'

I asked myself as I gaze to the young man who came with Ceil. Mr. Bill did the same and greeted both of them a "Welcome Home", and a hug from their mother. After some short exchange of greetings, the young man then turned towards us and was, of course shocked, as he saw who were the guest who is taking their sweet time with some cookies and hot coffee with milk. He then, once again, stern at us. Mr. Bill saw it and looked towards us. As he saw we didn't give a damn about it, he then went back looking to his son and told him

"These are the said adventurers who took the Quest we requested 3 days ago. They are here to ask about what we saw in the forest 2 days ago, about the sightings of the 3 {Hobgoblin Variants}"

As he explained why we are here, the young man give us a snort and a look, like he was looking down on us. Uncle Ben saw that and give him a hard look, while Mr. Bill was confused to his sons action. And the young man then said

"Father, this so called "adventurers" are hoax!"

We pay no mind to his words, and just leisurely sitting as we savor our sweets, while he continue

"This party is so weak dad. Look at that man in front, he introduced himself as the leader of the group, but he doesn't look like one. I can't even expect that he could swing that sword in his waist! Maybe he could, but how about fighting then? I'm sure he can't do that, and how about those 2 girls beside him? That damn child is maybe the group mascot, and that girl next to her maybe could fight with her bow, but that's all! How can we expect them to help us to this problem of ours anyway?"

"..... "

Silently sitting, I could felt some ominous chill on both of my side. Both of them were calmly sipping, making sure that those intent won't slip, or to be noticed. Uncle Ben then stood up

"Josh, that's enough! Don't you dare looked down to the people who came to our village to help us. Who gives you the right to judge them just by their looks ha!? Remember you are just woodcutter and a guard on duty! Be respectful!"

As I look towards our kiddo, he just stood there, quite in shocked apparently. I'm sure he didn't expect those words that his uncle said towards him. He gritted his teeth then

"So what if I'm just a woodcutter?! At least I could even do a hunt! so what if I dared to judge them?! Can I not give my own opinion? I just stated to what I saw to this clown!"

As he answered back to his uncle words, Ciel, his sister, was in dismay to what to do, while his father, Mr. Bill, was about to jump into the conversation to stop it and his mother, Mrs. Natt, was just standing behind us, looking between Uncle Ben and Josh

"Just because you know how to use a sword doesn't make you a Knight, even a kid would know the difference between a Rabbit and a Goblin"

Uncle Ben then slap Josh once again of what is reality and what is a mere dream


"So what!? I was given some tips from those strong adventurers that visited our village, they told me all the tips and tricks about killing this small fry! Just let me get a proper sword and bow, and I'll do the job of hunting those freaks!! Why do you need to request some help anyway? We could just take down this baby-type monster as easy as how that man ate 3 cookies at once!!"

As he pointed at me, as I was about to get my 11th cookie and 12th, and munching the 10th cookie in my mouth.

Frustrated, he then gritted his teeth and give a loud remark towards Josh

"This is what I'm pissed about you! Why can't you see that those guys aren't adventurers, but storytellers? Their like Bards with alcohol and sword. Those people aren't even that helpful nor respectful towards us! How come you believe those scumbags words that to your uncle, ha!? How come your still acting like a child, when you already had your coming of age! Grown up!"

As he made his last remarks, nailing down the last straw of unforgiveness. And as Josh heard his uncle scolding voice, he then went in silence for couple of seconds before lifting his head up and said

"Okay fine, so that's how is it then"

He then leaves without saying any word back at us, he just opened the door and slammed it close. Ceil was shock for the sudden slam, Uncle Ben's left hand were on his forehead, dejectedly sighing while his father and mother were in complete silence. The three of us, Sheryl, Natsumi, and I was awkwardly sitting down as the scenario uphold before us.

"I'm sorry everyone, Josh wasn't like this. He usually a pretty much a good listener, a playful kid, and good leader in the youth. But after he meets those hooligans, he thoughtfully changes. Just some few sugar-coated words of tales of adventure and flattered battle, he seemingly and unbelievably taken to those fools words. I apologize for that rude interaction between us sigh"

Uncle Ben then broke the silence with his apology. Natsumi then responded

"His quite a handful kid, isn't he? Giving him such space and time would either be good and bad for him. So I suggest he either wake up in reality or be slap by it"

Natsumi said a few words of advice before taking a sip of her coffee. As the 3 nodded in agreement to what Natsumi said, I then give a sudden suggestion after swallowing the last 20th cookies that I took from the plate.

"I would like to borrow a bow and a sword from your hunters if that would be alright, and some alone time with your son too"

I said as I asked, it might be pain in the ass but, we need Josh's information. I would like to get it in a more peaceful way, taking it by force will only damage our reputation, and worsen our relationship to the village. Mr. Bill and Mrs. Natt are both in the question mark section, when both quite didn't get the reason to what I just asked, but as for Uncle Ben, after some time of thinking, he were able to get my idea of "rehabilitation", so he nodded in agreement.

So I then took a drink of my bit of cold coffee, then walked out. I of course asked which direction should I ask to borrow some bow and sword, then after I got my answer I then walked out.


After I got my stuff, I then went to the village gate, where our boy Josh was guarding, he was stationed in the right side of the tower. As I saw him, I then called him 

"Hey Josh!"

After he heard me he then looked down below and as he saw me, he then gave a hateful look at me before asking.

"What? Got some bones to pick on me?"

As he gazed at me with pretty much a huge margin of dislike. I just smiled at his childish tantrum

"The village chief asked me to ask you, to accompany me for some sightseeing around this part. I need someone to be able to compete with its come to mobility and stealth. I've heared you can easily hunt Rabbits with a clean hit, so I assume you are quite a stealthy one, so how about it, coming?"

I give a simple flattering expecting that this child would take the bait. As he was thinking of my propositions he then looked at me, and afterwards sighed


"Cant be help then. So I guess I'll ask someone to guard my place for a bit and accompany you, wait here!"

This punk truly thought I was begging for some "assistance". After he went down, he then hurriedly went to a house next door, a young man then came out. After some exchange, that man then nodded, Josh then came back hurriedly and stop near me

"He said yes, so, when? When we will be heading out? I'll ask the hunter today to borrow so-"


Before he could finish to what he was saying, I then threw the bow that I was holding unto him, surprising him. He then looked at me as I walked towards the gate

"We will come back before nightfall, so let's go"

As I keep walking straight not looking, he then followed behind. We headed south-east of the village, walked 10 meters pass, before taking a left turn, then walk away from the village. As we are already quite far from the village, we then stop, look around the surrounding vicinity before we continued on. We put our guard up as Josh was holding his bow in a prepared battle stance, not low neither high which is impressive. With an arrow ready, he was silently and swiftly scanning the area.

And as for me, I was just holding my sword like some grocery bag, with no guard up, while my other hand was holding a cookie that I secretly took before heading out. Josh saw my careless action and was dumbfounded by it, and just ignored me and continued his surveillance, which made me smile a bit when I saw how serious he was when hunting

'Impressive feat for a kid, not bad.... So, how should I play this then?'

I muttered to myself, as I was planning this "rehabilitation" strategy I suggested earlier. As I was pounding myself for what game should I try to settle this playful nephew, we got then greeted by a sudden scream, not loud but definitely a scream. I look towards Josh and nodded. We then fasten our approach towards that unidentified voice. We took a long distance from the spot I was planning to take my theatrical act as we headed towards that mysterious yell. And after a while, the voice suddenly disappeared, or meeken, I don't know, it became silent when we are able to reach the center bit of the forest. I then signal Josh to stop and bend one knee, to scan the area, to try to see if we could hear some faint scream, voices, or some whispering noise.

I then signal Josh to prepare and he did, he stretch his bow just a bit, while I then readied my sword. As I was an Elementalist, someone who controlled the elements by transferring, casting, or wielding it, anything that might suit the user or holder, but for me, in this situation, I transferred my magic into the sword I was holding

"Engulfed it, [Transmission Magic] [Ember]"

As I muttered my skill in a short chanting, which is much better especially if you are in a battlefield. And as a heat of waves then showcase its ability, a reddening color ray from my left shoulder then descended to my left arm till to my hand, and slowly went down, shifting my magic to the blade. A hot flaming aura then emerged and envelop the sword

"[Flame Glaive]"

A fire sword was then formed. The fire its emitting isn't that much to say that's it could compete to a Magic Swordsman fire sword but it's enough. And as I'm already prepared and ready, behind me was Josh looking at me with awed and admiration, for some reason. As I look at him, I then suddenly realize that this kid would truly believe anything, or idolized anyone as long as it's an adventurer with "skill". Just show him a couple of skill and spell he then will worship you like his life depends on it. I just made a poker face, eyes open and mouth closed in a horizontal manner (note: 😐). Afterwards, we then hear some nasty sound of something that I am familiar with, some pounding, ramming, and moaning, plus some groans, and pleading.

As I ordered Josh, which directly followed without any hesitation and doubt, to wait here, I then moved closely, silently, to the sound, and there I saw a couple of {Hobgoblins}, 3, were having their fun time to a-wait, hold up, a kid? Is that a kid? That's a damn kid! The {Hobgoblins} were rapping a damn child, as tall as my waist, shorter than Sheryl, were being fucked by some hideous and hateful monster.

The little girl was crying in pain, who wouldn't anyway. As I was about to rush to the scene, I suddenly halted and realize how grave the situation is, not for me but for the little girl. If those {Hobgoblins} out of nowhere got disturb their fun time, they could easily use that little girl as a shield, hostage, or even kill her on sight then flee. I just grip my right hand so hard that it crashed the cookie that I was about to finish in bits. I saw in my eyes what horror that child face shown, as her little mind couldn't comprehend what's happening in front of her.

I then called Josh and readied my sword. After he was already in my reach, I then pointed my blade into his neck, he was shocked to what I did and

"W-wh-what are you doing? The he-"

Shakingly he said, and before he could finish his words, I interrupted it with a serious and cold gaze. I then stated

"Scream and I'll cut your head from your neck. We got a situation here, see to it and judge, tell me who is the girl, and we will discuss our action"

As I said those few words at him to make him know who is the boss here, and make him not scream stupidly. He then, hesitated a bit, nodded at me. He slowly walk closely next to my spot, and saw the foul scene infront of him.

As I saw he was about to charge in, I gripped his head so hard that it was telling him that I could easily crush his head, and kill him if I wanted to. He gives me a look of objectionable gaze, and some obnoxious looks, which I don't give a damn about and silently muttered

"She's...she's April"

"She's my mother best friend's daughter, she's 8! A damn 8 years old child! I don't know how she got in here but dammit! Help her man, help her! You are an adventurer, right? Right!? Help her!"

As he was giving me those animosity but with some pleading eyes and words, demanding if you add.

"Who the fuck do you thing I am? I am not a hero or some shit that could kill those damn monster in a mere second, and rescue the girl like a damn prince in a white horse. If you are so angry about this shit hole we are in, stretch that bow and ready to aim! Fire if I said fire! Don't you dare miss or I'll kill you"

As I give my harsh remarks towards Josh, he was taken aback to my spiteful words that I throw at him. He was staring at me for a couple of seconds, before gripping his bows then looking for some spot to take aim.

I told Josh to aim at the one who is pounding the little girl, April, and take the rest on my own. They are small fry, yes, but the situation is something that we shouldn't take for granted, because one single mistake will result of that child laying in ground dead. I choose the one who is pounding the little girl as Josh target, because maybe one way or another, we might could use that {Hobgoblin's} body as a shield for the little girl. It might be a gross thing for the child, but she needs to hold on for a bit.

After Josh gives a signal that he can clearly shot the target with no problem, I then told Josh to fire when his ready. He then released a simple shot from his bow. It wasn't that fast, but because all these hooligans are letting their guard down, and wasn't paying much attention to the surrounding area, Josh arrow was able to hit the targeted {Hobgoblin} with ease. It got shot on his neck and stumble, miraculously, in the child's body. The child then let out a loud cry


And after the centered {Hobgoblin} was killed, the one in the left was in shocked, and while the other who's at the right was looking around the vicinity. It then readied its sword that was on the ground next to it, while the one on the left then went to searched for its weapon, it was a wand. And after the two were already at their battle stance, and the child is secure, I then stood up and walked towards them.

So I didn't waste any more time as I boosted the magic to the sword I was carrying. Transferring is where elementalist pour their magic into an object, weapon or not, as long the user is an elementalist, then everything they could touch will be weapons. And as I poured more fire magic in my sword that I was holding, from the dimming light of flame that the sword was emitting, abruptly turned into a smoldering torch, then


As if I was sliding in an icy area using wind magic, fast enough that only the breeze of the wind, and some leaves that was touched by my feet, swayed and danced could be seen. I was able to reach the spot of the wand user {Hobgoblin}, and enough to see the sword user {Hobgoblin} behind, I then used wielding.

Wielding is both casting and transferring magic. You can cast any magic spell you prefer to the weapon you transferred your magic into, take this for an example. As I was already closer to my first target and enough to see my second one, I then wield my sword horizontally, then

"Burn them, [Fire Wave]"

A skill which is a horizontal-frontal attack. As the transferred fire magic was released from my sword, a huge fire wave then hits both the {Hobgoblins}. I made sure not to include thier legs, so that the child below wouldn't be affected. I didn't also plan to kill them that easily, I will make sure that they will suffer. I will let them taste the agony and fear that this child screamed. As both {Hobgoblin}s let out a loud cry of pain

"Wahhhhh!! Mama! MAMA!! It hurts mama! IT HURTS!! UWAHHH!!"

The child then let out her loud cry, I completely forgot that this shits penis is still stuck into the child's body. As I was making sure to block the view of the child away from the scene I don't want her to see, I already made her suffer enough and I can't add another one, I then hurriedly moved closer to lift and moved the {Hobgoblin's} body away from her, showcasing her sobbing and whining expression, as tears falls down from her eyes. The little girl April, closed her eyes in pain and horror.

And from her body, painted some scratches, no deep wounds, a burned part from her left feet, and some swelled bruise could be seen, maybe during the time it was struggling and fighting, fighting for her life. And as I was looking below her, the {Hobgoblin's} penis was still connected to hers, and some white liquid fluid came out, telling me, which is something I disgustedly wish not to, that this guy already let out some of its semen inside the body of April. I then slowly took it out, then hurriedly took my clothes off, and covered her small frail body. She was still fighting back, maybe her reflexes and natural instinct, when a foreign touch touched her, but I still continued on as I patted her back, caress her head to make her relax, telling her she was safe, while still blocking the grotesque view.



As the two {Hobgoblin's} still letting out their groans and cry, I then lift the child when she was able to relax a little, moved her head towards my chest, and tilted my head to touch hers, I was like a mother protecting her children. The [Flame Glaive] in my left hand slowly stopped emitting some of its smoldering flame aura, and died out which showcase a burned sword, with some tattered parts too. As I look to it, I then give a big sigh before muttering

"I'll see to it if there is a blacksmith around the village to fix this"

I also cleaned the filthy fluid from the child's clit, gently, and carefully, I brush it off. As I finished cleaning that disgusting semen out of her body, I then kissed her forehead gently. She then gave a breath of relief, as her body completely relaxes to the point that her will power, that was still fighting against my touch, quiet down. And with her half-closed eyes saw me, she then muttered in a small, and almost faint voice


I can carry her no problem with just one arm, but to give her much comfortable sleep, I used both of my arms, as I put my sword back to my waist, then tried to fix her sleeping posture. She then give a cat-like purr as she sleep silently in my chest. I patted her hair a bit.

I then look behind my back, and saw the scene I created in its final play. The other {Hobgoblin} was still in his desperate plea, as it was trying to subdue the flame that was eating him, while the other were already dead, laying down the ground as the flame still burning hot. And as I was heading towards Josh's direction


A sudden loud cry echoed the forest's deep, as a thundering roar resounded the area. It was so loud and strong enough for April to forcibly wake up, so I then hurriedly put my hand in her ear and whispered

"It's okay, just sleep, I'll protect you no matter what"

And kissed her forehead. She then went back to sleep, but my hand was still placed in her ear, as I shouted Josh's name


Josh then stood up from her hiding place as I called him. He then got my signal and rushed towards the place where we came in. I also did the same. I know we are running away from an unknown entity, and to inform everyone about it, but I still made sure that April wouldn't feel any bumpy ride as I move, while still thinking what monster gave that loud roar, deep in the forest

As we got back to the village, Sheryl, Natsumi, Chief Allan, Uncle Ben, Mr. Bill, Mrs. Natt, and Ciel, and some village folks were standing in front of the gate. 3 men occupied each of the archer tower as ready their bows. Sheryl and Natsumi were about to move into the forest, knowing I was still there, but as both of them and the other folks saw us, they then breathe in relief.

Natsumi give me huge smile as she patted her chest, while Sheryl rushed to hug me, but stopped as she saw a sleeping child I was carrying, and moved at my back, and there she gives me her loving embrace. Then Chief Allan came with worried look

"What happened? Who is that child? And what was that roar about?"

He asked question after question, as he was confused to what was happening. But I couldn't say for sure as I, myself, didn't have any solid confirmation to that roar, that we heard inside the forest.

Next chapter