
Volume 01 - Chapter 05: A Battle of Wits.

Sitting across the mysterious woman, Sylvia Indrath, I scanned her. Her body was tense. But it wasn't because she was searching for a moment to attack me. It was a natural response that a body has when it is under continuous stress or pain. Her desperation coupled with her strained behaviour proved my hypothesis even further.

"So are-" I was interrupted as she moved swiftly, her pale smooth finger pressing against my lips, "I will be the one who asks the first question", she said, and a minute smile appeared on her face. 

"It's not a question. Just some confirmation", I replied, slightly removing her finger. She looked away and started thinking, "I guess I can allow that", she replied after a twirl of her finger in the empty air.

"You're not the one who reincarnated me, right?" I asked. Her eyes widened for a brief moment but then she scoffed, "Dear Child, that's a question."

"It's not. Maybe you failed to interpret the true essence of my statement. What I was trying to imply is that I know that you didn't reincarnate me. I am merely telling you that you can't use that as a bargaining chip to gain a favour from me. Also, your reaction just now gave me the confirmation I needed." It was a gamble. Not completely, but partly. She is definitely related to the one who reincarnated me but isn't the cause of it.

A deathly calm quiet encompassed the almost dark cave, with the mana crystals jutting out of the ground were the only source of light. A saccharine laughter boomed followed by a hitched breath. Her hand travelled to her abdomen, interrupting her laughter as a frown formed on her face.

My head tilted to the right, as I tried to look at her face that was now covered beneath the silky white waterfall. Her face turned upwards after a while, a tear lining the side of her eye as she wiped it, "Although I wasn't able to see much in your past, but I think I have to be more wary of you." She said with a mixed expression of joy and pain.

"I was just an ordinary teenager in a normal world", I replied, shrugging my shoulders as I relaxed, placing one hand behind my back on the ground. I made it look like I was merely doing it to support my weight, but I was just trying to perform a small search spell to identify if there was anyone else nearby. Sylvia seemed to notice it as she smirked, "You don't have to worry about someone following us here. There is no one around us. Just the two of us." She said and crossed her legs. The cut in the robe revealed her calf to mid-thigh as she looked at me ready to speak.

"I think we should limit the questions to 5 per each. I don't see a reason for telling you everything." I said again, interrupting her midway.

A frustrated look appeared from her face, once again desperation overtaking her, "Fine. 5 per each." She agreed and I motioned for her to ask the first question.

"How did you forcibly awaken your core?" She asked.

I took in a deep breath. I expected her to know that she would ask this question first, since depending on my answer she can determine the other 4 questions accordingly. The answer would unveil the extent of my understanding of mana. However, showing her that I have less significant knowledge, that can't be of help to her might result in her eliminating me. I needed to show her, I was of value. Only that way I could extract anything of value from her.

"It wasn't a forcible awakening", I replied in a neutral tone, keeping one at her and the other on my hand.

"Your core is still immature. It was prematurely awakened. Of course, it's forcibly awakened", her tone got brash for a split second but then returned to its usual soft, saccharine one.

"What I mean is the word you're using is wrong. Forcible awakening means I would've awakened my core despite me having no talent with it. Like forming a core in a normal human. My case is different", I said, and I saw a subtle wave of embarrassment wash over her pristine face. She coughed a little, shaking her head to get rid of embarrassment and then spoke again,

"I understand. So how did you awaken so early? Is this statement more accurate?" She asked, tilting her head. Her earing jingled and hair moved subtly in tandem with her head movement.

"It would suffice. As for my awakening", I paused once again as every element appeared in the palm of my hand, "I merely quickened the procedure."

A blanket of silence enshrouded us.

"Why have you gone quiet? Tell me how you hastened the awakening procedure." She said with a low grumble.

"That wasn't a part of question. You asked me how I awakened so fast. The answer to it was that I hastened the procedure. I don't see when and where you asked me to explain the procedure of hastening the awakening." I replied. It was a simple tactic. Picking up the minute details. Her question was crude, unrefined. Of course, she still has 4 more questions. But the fact that 2 of her chances would be lost to know just one thing, is already a big loss for her.

Her eyes brightened, a shade of purple bubbling in the lavender eyes, "You..." She paused, tightening her hand into a fist. Of course, she would be like this. But this raises a question. What was she to have such a sense of superiority that she is this mad over losing a question. Royalty? Or was she something else. She did mention something about a "Form", before. Is she not human?

"Fine, I will use my second question. What was the method you used?"

"It's my turn now", I replied as I repositioned myself in a more comfortable position. It wasn't just an exchange of questions and answers. It was a battle of wits and composure. And she was already losing it. Not because she lacked knowledge. But rather the desperation. She didn't say anything but motioned for me to continue.

"What is your race?" This was a question that was bothering me from some time now. When I arrived, she said that meeting me in this form was more appropriate. She wasn't a mana beast. Mana beasts might have high intelligence but none of them are able to transform into humans. Also, the way she mentioned "form" implied she had more than 2 forms. There was no written data on anything or anyone taking on forms. If it wasn't mentioned anywhere... then what was she.

Choosing correct words for question was vital too. If I asked her, what was she; the most I would get out of her would be that she isn't human. And I would've lost a chance that I would've used in something more productive. That is why I used the word "Race". Judging from her expression I had hit the bull's eye.

"You are really something else, aren't you?" She said, her gaze like a sharp blade piercing right through my chest.

"Flattery was the last thing I was expecting as an answer to my question", I replied, fighting the urge to look away from her. As of now in this body, I was too weak. I had remained the strongest in my previous life. Although I hated that upbringing, still being weak to someone left a bitter taste in my mouth.

"Hmmmm", She hummed melodically and then her lips parted, "I am what you would call a deity", she paused. I looked at her. My curiosity was through the roofs. It was a natural reaction. After all, all I felt was an abundant rush of curiosity at how everything and everyone can be used as a steppingstone. "As for my race, I am a Dragon."

I felt my eyes widen for a cursory moment. I was expecting her to be not human. This world was estranged so the existence of mythical races like dragons and phoenixes was within my expectations. What caught my attention was the word "Deity". But asking about it directly might lead to repercussions. The name clearly suggests that the dragons are species that revered as gods by people. Similar to the myths back on earth.

"Alright my turn now", she said excitedly. "How are you doing it?"

"I do not understand." I replied, a bit confused. I had the general gist of what she might be referring to. Its either my awakening hastening procedure or the continuous absorption of mana despite my regular activities.

"Oh, I truly know that you understand what I mean. You're just trying to twist my words", she paused and squinted her eyes, thinking about what to say, "Both of them." She said with a smirk.

I sighed. Guess she isn't too stupid. Treating her like a kid won't be much beneficial to me. Should I treat her like a grown-up child then? Seeing her reaction, she seems to be fascinated by my methods of using mana. If she is a higher being shouldn't be things like this be normal to her? Or is she like me too?

"The process is simple yet exceedingly strenuous", I said and paused.

"I am listening", she replied.

"When I was 2, I started reading books about mana. Upon reading them I learned mana exists all around us. Since it was a foreign subject for me because of the absence of it in my previous world, I was curious about it. Hence, one day I came along the decision of why people just blindly accpet the natural order. Hence, that became the motivating factor for me to awaken before time."

"That doesn't explain h-" I interrupted her by placing a finger on my lip, "I haven't stopped talking." I said and she huffed, crossing her arms beneath her ample breasts.

"With enough concentration I could spot the fragments that would later form my mana core within me. That level of concentration could be achieved by diverting your attention. Just like how mages chant the name of spells to give themselves a specific direction of mana output, shape and intensity, similarly you can select any position that might help you concentrate. The next stage was most arduous", I continued explaining, skipping the splitting of mana core which helped me make two mana cores inside myself. Sylvia kept listening to me with stars in her eyes, "Concentrating on the individual mana fragments, I made them move. Since I didn't have a mana core influencing them seemed almost impossible. However, since their purpose was already pre-determined, it was easy for me to convince them into moving towards my sternum much faster."

Sylvia let out a shallow breath. Her expression made it seem like she was hearing the method for the first time. This seriously raises questions on the deity part. It's almost as if they are called deities because of their inherent abilities. If they were revered as gods and couldn't even come up with something as simple as this- it means they were nothing but unworthy. Like privileged kids born in a rich household. Who have all the wealth in the world but do not understand how that wealth is earned or how it works.

"And the other?" She asked after a brief moment of digesting the information I gave her.

"Shortly after my awakening, I experienced problems with the amount of mana my core could hold. The mana density wasn't enough so I couldn't just advance my core at a faster pace. So instead of advancing my core, I focused on a more practical method- Brimming my core with same amount of mana as I have lost. After enough practice I could fill half of my core in a matter of a few seconds even if I was running or using mana in a rapid succession." I finished my explanation.

Sylvia now had full moons in her eyes, her hands gripping her robe, "This is fascinating. To think that a human would be able to comprehend mana and develop methods like us despite having an innate handicap is just marvelous. And you're not even lying" She exclaimed.

She knew I wasn't lying. That means she must've performed a kind of spell that tells her whether I am lying or not. But even this had a loophole. I cannot lie, but that also means I can omit details. Like the formation of my other core.

"My turn now?" I asked and she calmed down, the momentary excitement and curiousness dying out and a palpable tension filled the cave. She knew exactly that whatever I ask will bring out most of her. It was a long process. While I was telling her my story of awakening and the absorption of mana, I had split my mind into telling the story and thinking what kind of question would result in her telling me the most of her secrets.

"Hmmm", I hummed, and I could see a perceptible apprehension appearing over her perfectly sculpted face, "I need you to tell me everything; Ranging from the origin to the cause and the exact of history of who did it."

"W-What are you talking about?" She stuttered. A sign that she was being pushed in the corner.

My finger raised up, pointing at her chest, "The wound that festers right there", I said pointing at the invisible wound. It was pretty obvious from the beginning. Her eyes widened for the sixth time since my arrival here. Her hands balled into fists; the pure white robes being stained with a drop of crimson as her nails dug into her palm. She bit her lip, frustration evident on her face.

However, she soon regained her lost composure, breathing out shallow breaths,

"Very well. It all started..."


(A/n I am back? Maybe, lol xD.

Tho I haven't recovered I am much better than before. So here is the chapter. Hope you enjoy it. Cheers! )

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