
Nightcaller Temple

I led the contingent of Legionnaires over towards Nightcaller Temple, the dozen men and women following behind me quietly and without issue, their seasoned nature on full display.

As we walked, I sent an order to my Thrall, telling her to bring Erandur over so that we could begin 'purging' Nightcaller Temple of Vaermina's influence.

She sent back an affirmation, and I made sure to set a reasonable pace for the Temple, all while reviewing what I knew about this quest line.

In theory, I should be able to grab Vaermina's Torpor and save myself time on that front, before speeding through the dream to release the miasma and unlock the path to the Skull of Corruption, which would become my prize.

I already had an idea on how to fake it's 'destruction' to Erandur and the Legionnaires so that I could pocket away the Skull and take it for myself, giving me another reason to go bang a Daedric Prince...

Just remembering that 'mouth' inside her pussy that sucked on my tip as I fucked her extremely tight, writhing pussy - all while taking her tail into my own pussy as she fucked me in turn.

On top of that, I would gain access to a new school of magic and be able to begin tampering with Dreams, using them as a catalyst to boost my other spells - and perhaps begin delving into Illusions too.

As I was thinking, I found myself standing in front of Nightcaller Temple, where Rayya and Erandur were waiting for me, the Priest surprised by the contingent of Legionnaires.

"Jeleia, are those..? How?"

He approached the dozen men and women, giving them a nod before looking towards me again, disbelief etched onto his face.

"Brina pulled some strings. Even drafted up a letter to make this whole thing a tad more official too, so that she can... never mind. Anyways, just know that we have help, so... bless them, Priest Erandur. We are about to delve into a Daedric controlled temple. Rayya, let us pray..."

I stepped away from the group and knelt in the snow, clasping my hands together as I began to mutter to myself, Rayya mirroring me as we 'prayed' to Morhwa, the Fertility Goddess of the Redguards.

If I was to pray to any Divine Being that wasn't Daedric, it was of course going to be Dibella, Morhwa, or any of the other fertility and sexual Goddesses.

I could tell that the Imperial Legionnaires were listening to our prayers at the beginning, trying to determine if we were worshipping Talos or not, before focusing on their prayers to Mara when they noticed we weren't.

[Morhwa takes note of your prayer, but has no interest in taking action for or against you]

To say I was surprised would be an understatement, but I couldn't think on it too hard as Erandur finished up and gestured for us to enter the temple, each of us steeling ourselves for the battles to come.

Entering, we were met with the simple wooden pews and podium, confusing the Legionnaires.

Moving to stand past the podium, I looked at the engraving on the stone wall, which made the Priest chuckle as he said "Caught on already? Indeed, this is a fake wall, made from Magicka. Let me get rid of it..."

Just like in the game, he raised his hands and began to bathe the wall in flames, before it faded into a purple mist, shocking the Legionnaires for a moment.

The rest of the temple was revealed to us, and we filtered into the spiraling tower and looked down towards the red dome that shrouded the Skull of Corruption, making the Legionnaires shiver.

"That there is our goal; an artifact of immeasurable power, capable of stealing the dreams of mortals and funneling it into its wielder, granting them incredible arcane prowess! Let's go, we need to reach it!"

Erandur led us further into the temple, where we began to meet the various awakening cultists and miasma walls.

As we walked, I picked up the book and potion for the quest, handing them to Erandur and getting the man to send me into the realm of dreams...

Where I was promptly whisked away to Vaermina's personal realm, the ravishing Daedra standing there bare, smirking at me.

"We have a few minutes, don't we Jeleia~? Come give me that cock..."

I... had a much more pleasurable time inside the dream state than I had in game, where you were forced to wait around for a few minutes for words to be spoken...

But here, I was balls deep inside a Daedric Prince, pumping her full of cum as I spanked her luscious ass before being sent back to the land of the living, the others none the wiser.

With the miasma gone, we descended down to the bottom, where we encountered Erandur's previous cultist friends, who were swiftly put down beneath the storm of fourteen blades.

A few of the Legionnaires gave the Dunmer dark looks at the revelation that he was once a Vaermina cultist, but he assuaged their doubts by invoking spells only those devoted to Mara could cast.

When we approached the Skull of Corruption, I stepped up and hoped that the few words that I shared with Vaermina were heard...

Grabbing ahold of the staff, I glanced at Erandur beside me, who nodded as he began to chant.

As his magicka wrapped around the skull, I timed it with the buildup and stored it away, and a pulse of Daedric energies knocked us back a few steps, making the Priest believe that we had destroyed it.

A smile tugged at my lips as I joined in the celebrations, following everyone out after an easy clear of Nightcaller Temple.


I was going to do this more in depth, but 1) no motivation to and 2) it's honestly a boring quest anyways.

So... summary of it done, let's move on to more interesting things, like Pirates?

Or perhaps new magics?

Dunno, but I'd rather write about those than this quest lol



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