
The Titans

Many more years passed by and the Gaea started to populate the Earth with animals and birds, She later married Ouranos and together ruled the world as King and Queen. Every night Ouranos will visit Gaea to have sexual relations with her. This Union soon bore fruit and Gaea gave birth to the Hecatoncheires and Cyclops.

Hecatoncheires where Giant humanoid creatures with a hundred arms and fifty faces and had immense physical strength and skilled in smithing.

Whereas the Cyclops where one eyed giants who excelled in the art of smithing and crafting much more than their brothers the Hecatoncheires.

Ouranos who saw his children was disgusted at their appearances and was frightened at their physical strength so he threw them into Tartarus, so that they would never threaten his reign. Gaea was heart broken by this, but she could not do anything as she was bound by the ancient laws which with held Primordials from killing each other.

Gaea could only lament as she could hear the constant cries of her children from Tartarus. Ouranos on the other hand, did not show any signs of remorse.

Gaea got pregnant again and gave birth to a new race of beings called the Titans. She gave birth to six Titans and six Titanesses. Ouranos was delighted to see his new children, who were not ugly as his firstborn. But he was still paranoid, so he made them stay in the Underworld only allowed to come to the surface twice a year on the Winter and Summer Solstice. Gaea was fed up with her husbands paranoia and went to her children, the Titans to plot and kill him as she cannot kill him herself even though being more powerful than he is. When she asked her children to kill her husband, no one came forward as they where afraid of Ouranos, except Kronos, her youngest son, the Titan of Harvest and Time.

{Kronos's control over time is far lesser than Chronos's power, Kronos can only slow down time or stop them for a while, whereas Chronos can create multiple timelines, travel to the past and future, etc...This is the fundamental power difference between a Titan and a Primordial}

Gaea and Kronos planned to kill Ouranos with the help of His brothers Hyperion, Iapetus, Coeus and Crius

Hyperion was the Titan of the East, Light and Dawn

Iapetus was the Titan of the West, Mortal Life and Craftmanship

Coeus was the Titan of the North, Intellect and Rational Mind

And Crius was the Titan of the South and Constellations

Kronos with the guidance of Gaea travelled to Tartarus to meet his older brothers, the Hecatoncheires and Cyclops and convince them to create him a weapon powerful enough to kill their father Ouranos, in return of their release from Tartarus.

Convinced by their younger brother, the Hecantoncheires and Cyclops made him a powerful Scythe capable of injuring the Primordials.

Kronos and his brothers where now ready to kill their father. The lay in wait for Ouranos to come and have sex with Gaea in the night. When Ouranos came down from the sky to earth the Titans sprung into action, Hyperion, Iapetus, Coeus and Crius restrained their father while Kronos castrated him with his Scythe. Ouranos cried in pain, while Kronos continued to hack his father to death. On the verge of his death Ouranos looked at his son Kronos and cursed.

Ouranos: "Kronos just kill you killed me and stole my throne, your throne would also be stolen by your descendant and you will be killed by your own blood."

Saying this curse the Spectre of Ouranos left his body to join the Chaos's court. Seeing that this is all over Gaea let out a sigh. The Titans then decided that Hyperion, Iapetus, Coeus and Crius should hold up the sky as pillars in the four corners of the world so that their father's body does not collide with the Earth ending all life. Therefore Hyperion the pillar of East, Iapetus became the pillar of the West, Coeus the pillar of the North and Crius the pillar of the South.

Afterward Kronos released his siblings from the Underworld. He then went to Tartarus to free the Hecatoncheires and Cyclops but was afraid the that they would pose a threat to his rule. So he tricked them and sealed them in the Underworld and put a Dracanae Kampe the daughter of Tartarus as their jailer, so that no one can come and free them like he did.

He later crowned himself as the King of Titans and married his sister Rhea, the Titaness of Fertility as his wife and Queen.

He then created humans on Earth with the help of his brother Iapetus. {The lifespan of Humans and this time was around 250 years}

Thus began the rule of Titans on Earth and The Golden Age of Mankind as there was no wars.


Other Children of Ouranos and Gaea by order of birth

Oceanus, Titan of Oceans and Seas

Coeus, Titan of the North, Intellect and Rational Mind Crius, Titan of the South and Constellations Hyperion, Titan of the East, Light and Dawn Iapetus, Titan of the West, Mortal Life and Craftmanship Kronos, King of Titans, Titan of Harvest and Time Theia, Titaness of Sight and Percious Metals Rhea, Queen of Titans, Titaness of Fertility Themis, Titaness of Law and Prophecy Mnemosyne, Titaness of Memory and Language

Phoebe, Titaness of Brightness and Intellect Tethys, Titaness of Freshwater and Nursing

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