
Page 7

Arianna is excited for the news to blow up, dragging Clarissa with it. She had spent enormous money to put this story on the first paparazzi internet site.

"oooh, Clarissa, do not play with fire if you do not want to get burnt." Her expressions darkened, and she was satisfied at the same time. She will deliver the sweetest revenge that will make Clarissa fade in Arlington.

Receiving the text messages from the number she has been patiently waiting for two days:


Cackling like a piglet, she got off the bed and danced before getting ready to start their shopping excursions.


At the cafe, while waiting for Baldie, Remi casually checked the gossip column and saw an article on page 7 regarding socialites that attempted suicide from heartbroken.


Clicking her tongue, she felt terrible for the woman that has to endure that. she wondered which family the socialites were from, she bet it's not a famous family, since the article was not front page and no family name was mentioned.

Paparazzi profit from gossip in a higher tier of wealthy clans; this news is to fill up the gap since they haven't been able to find a juicier piece of gossip.

The little Paris cafe had changed a lot from when the last time she was here; the design and concept had altered to fit the type of customers they wanted. Since they introduced a new chef pastry, they have been able to attract more nobles clients, and of course, the significant price increase is a part of it.

She knew the cafe supported animal shelters via donations; that way, she blessed them to take as much money from the rich.

She had couple more minutes before Baldie arrived; oh, how she had missed him so much. He is the little brother she gained from the orphans; they grew up together through thick and thin.

Standing in front of the glass display, she saw a variety of different pastries to choose from; the smell after to her mind, and she loved sweets the most. The one piece that was left on the crystal cake stand! The chocolate swirl croissant, the savory buttery textured paired with chocolate custard. She needed those to fix her cravings.

"Please pack that one for me."

She smiled sweetly, knowing she would devour it in front of Baldie and won't share it with him.

"Oh no, my favorite!" a beautiful middle-aged woman was a little upset seeing the last piece of chocolate croissant taken a right before she arrived. She blamed it on her son, that did not bring her here in time for it.

'Don't do it, Remi..don't be a hero, it's not your fault, don't do it.'

Remi is fighting within her since she gets soft-hearted quickly regarding food. She knew how it felt not to be able to eat something she craved the most. In her defense, she already ate five of that croissant as well.

"You can have it, madam" Remi turned to look at the woman next to her.

Pamela joyed inwardly and held Remi's hand. She initially declined it, but Remi said she would open the box and eat in front of her to taunt her if she did not take it.

"Fine!!, I will take it if you insist. Just a reminder you press it! Pamela chuckled.

"Of course, your majesty."

That received a chuckle from both of them.

Each bid farewell and Pamela kept her astonishment to herself when she saw Remi, that is funny and beautiful. How she wishes she could get a daughter-in-law like that. Bad feelings engulfed her when she returned to the car with Roman in the driver's seat, her eyes fixed on Remi hugging Baldie.

"Too bad she has a boyfriend."

"Who has a boyfriend?" Roman kept an interest in her mom's murmurs.

"Look at that beautiful girl; she is so kind to me and beautiful; too bad her boyfriend is bald and a little short than her. What a lucky boy! Unlike you, awarded the most eligible bachelor and yet still single."

Chuckling at his mother hurling insults at him, he loves his mother so much he lets her do anything she wants.

" Why are you keeping tabs on other people's lives?"

He glanced at Remi, that was so focused on talking to Baldie; from her back, he had to agree with his mom; her hair was healthy, and it shone. Her skin is free from blemishes, and yeah, the guy is not attractive at all.

Starting the car engine, he reversed to leave the premises when his mom decided to tell him

"I was about to invite her for our tea time, but her boyfriend came; if I would have said it just a few minutes early, maybe she will dump him for you."


Roman needs a break now; she will send her mom back to the Manor and let butler Don deal with whatever craft her mom is conjuring in her head.

"So is that what happened that night, big sister?"

Remi nodded after telling the stories to Baldie, that was fazed by it. she took out Clarissa's photograph from her childhood until her recent photos.

"Wow!! You all look alike, but she is slightly shorter than you."

"You know the funny thing was? No one, not one soul in that villa, notices our height and hair difference. Can you imagine the hell she grew up in?"

"Big sis, are you sure you wanted to do this? You know we can move to Monroe and hide with the rest.

"For the first time, I do; I want and need this for myself, but give me some time, and we can go legit! No more illegal trades."

"Sis, you know we wi support and follow you to the end of the world."

"Thank you, brother; now let us take care of Nanny Quincy first and plan our next step, the witches are in faith now, and the son is not home."

Next chapter