

Strange sharp pain felt in Himari's neck and the surrounding started getting blurry while her heart filled with the guilt of Nibutani and not only had physical pain she also had emotional pain getting betrayed and being killed by your best friend.

While dying Himari asked Yuki "Please tell me at least a little part of our friendship easy real". And was dead. The blood on the knife and the bold on Yuki's hand, Yuki thought to herself that it was over the whole plan, the revenge was completed.

Yuki untied the ropes and took them and dropped a letter on the floor and threw the knife near Himari and she was on her way to school. Cause she knew no one will be at school in the night, she went to the backyard and ignite a fire and threw the ropes in the flames.

And she had gloves on she threw the gloves in the fire and changed her clothes and threw the blood covered clothes in the fire and went home. She wore gloves to not to leave any fingerprints of Yuki to the knife nor the letter on the crime scene.

She knew there would be an investigation. So, she purposely left the letter there in that letter she had written

"I had enough of everything I can't take it anymore and the match I lost I can't get over it".

I'm sorry bye Yuki I better of dead.


Yuki made the setup look like Himari committed suicide because of the district level match she lost, cause everybody knows how much Himari loves volleyball. Then the next day when Yuki went to the school.

She acted like nothing had happen and went to the same friends and asked Isn't she here yet? Her friends obviously replied No. Yuki called her phone multiple time and said her friend after school I'll go to see her.

Then Chiharu interrupted her and said I'll come with you too. She never misses school especially when there are practise matches with the other school. Yuki nervously agreed then Chiharu said I'm worried about her what if she is sick.

Yuki replied Yeah, I worried too. And after school Yuki and Chiharu went to Himari's place and there was no one. Chiharu said she might have gone out somewhere Yuki said yeah. They decided to call the cops if Himari didn't show up.

And filled a complaint for Himari missing and informed her parents and Yuki was acting like she was worried and becoming nervous she acted like she cared to avoid the suspect in Himari's missing. After everything was done Yuki and Chiharu went home.

Yuki called Nibutani and told her everything the way she murdered and everything.

Nibutani was stunned she just thanked her for taking her revenge. It been weeks since Himari had gone missing not even a single clue was found.

Yuki had the normal days of high school but except for one thing she had to keep up with the act of not losing hope of finding Himari.

Chiharu started hanging out with Yuki and always talked to her and just like that Yuki was back to her normal old life. But then suddenly something unexpected happen the cops had found the dead body and a letter near the old cloth factory.

When Yuki found about this her heart was pounding, she was really nervous. She had all sorts of thought in her head and then Chiharu came to Yuki and gave her the same news pray to God Yuki, it shouldn't be Himari she said.

Since, Himari is missing her parents were devastated by their daughter's missing and when the cops called Himari's parents Yuki and Chiharu were at Himari's house. And the dead body they found in the old cloth factory was indeed Himari's body.

to be continued....

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