
The man and the snake, part 2

Boruto didn't seem to be in doubt or in a hurry. His stories emerged in an orderly fashion, giving time and form to each specific event. Shikamaru was alert for the first few minutes, he still had the feeling that the whole meeting was a big trap and he did not want to fall into it. After the moment of doubt had passed, he decided that Bolt would even try to kill him at the end of his confession; It was a good time to take advantage and learn everything you could about Root. Besides, it was two against one, because Ino wasn't exactly a helpless girl when it came to fighting.

-My first mission was a sample of the war that we inhabit… -Bolt said in some space of his story-I remember that they sent me to disappear a corpse.

-A corpse? –Ino consulted, behind Shikamaru- Who?

-It was years ago ... -the blond man barely recalled smiling, sitting comfortably- I don't remember his name, but who he was.

-From Konoha? Shikamaru asked seriously.

"An ambassador of the cloud ..." Bolt replied calmly, "ninjas de la Roca assassinated him on the border between countries." To later leave it lying on the outskirts of a town within the country of fire.

-Why? –Both the Nara and the Kunoichi mechanically interrupted

-The Hokage had spent a couple of days before in the area, checking border guard posts –Bolt smiled slightly- The intention of Iwa's ninjas was clear….

-The intention? –Said Ino without understanding- Lady Tsuchikage is an ally and friend of Naruto. I can't believe she's trying ...

-She Not she was the current leader certainly…. -Defined the Uzumaki- but the head of the hidden organization known as… "Granite". The secret group that resides in Iwa.

"You said they were rock ninjas," said the Nara, concentrating on the story, "but now you are stating that Lady Tsuchikage had nothing to do with the matter." What is the truth?

-Both… -Boruto answered seriously- the organization "Granite" is what Root represents for Konoha. In the cloud they have "Black Ray", in the country of water "Bloody Fog". And in the land of Uncle Gaara…. "Gold sand".

Then Boruto did something terrible. He began to conceptually detail the entire network of hidden villages that were commanded by supposedly retired ancient leaders. Armed hidden villages, within each participating village of the alliance. A system to continue taking missions that transgressed the peace of the borders, for large amounts of money.

-And why did they throw the corpse of that subject into our territory? Ino asked suddenly, making the two men go back to the previous story.

-Your lover can tell you perfectly… -the young Bolt smiled amused- Isn't that true Shikamaru-sama?

The brunette had instantly reasoned. Ino was not aware of the leadership meetings in recent years. But as the Hokage's personal advisor, Shikamaru had attended every past encounter. He remembered the matter of the dead diplomat, and how the investigations in Tierra del Fuego yielded no results. At the time it was strange to him that designated trackers had begun their search at the border between fire and rock, when the missing diplomat was not specifically targeting Konoha. And it was even stranger, that no traces of the corpse were found anywhere. Even the Inuzuka clan trackers lost track of him. But also Shikamaru, he thought he remembered how the lack of results had especially surprised the Rock trackers.

-They wanted to dirty your father ...- the Nara reasoned aloud- Naruto is the voice of peace, but if a dead diplomat appeared close to him, at least they could question him when he promoted the trade and alliance treaties.

Naruto was the only clean one at the leaders meeting. For that reason everyone trusted him and no one refused to meet to discuss common agreements. Doubting the Hokage's good repute was a good way to break the balance that was taking so long to build and maintain. Shikamaru was beginning to understand the reason for hidden villages, within villages.

-The old leaders in times of the world war withdrew, unable to continue the forms prior to the covenant of alliance. But they created sub-villages in the dark, tasked with taking jobs that the new Kage could not officially accept. It started on the Rock, those on the cloud continued. The fog was incorporated into the system some time later, everyone wanted their slice of the clas missions that emerged from the occasion. Konoha responded to those advances by reviving the Root. And finally Suna had to create his own clandestine organization so as not to be left behind in the espionage career -After those last words, Bolt smiled as if remembering a specific matter and declared- which brings me to the Temari-sama matter.

-Temari? –Ino whispered to Shikamaru confused- What did she do? Does she also have a lover?

Shikamaru was silent. Thoughtful and with crossed arms. He had stopped worrying about the alleged trap and now the mystery of his wife was all-encompassing. In a way he tortured her a bit not knowing what she had done, or more specifically with whom. His wife had always shown a bad character and you had to flee when she exploded. But unfaithful, it wasn't something to expect from a woman like that. Shikamaru did not consider himself an "irreplaceable" man, or perhaps "irresistible". Except that Temari was not a woman to easily accept any subject. She could barely understand why she had chosen to move out of town and marry him.

-According to my calculations… .- Boruto said calmly- Temari Nara should have been executed exactly 8 months ago. Taking into account the average length of treason trials in one year.

- Executed? The companions asked in unison.

-By espionage and treason… -Definition Boruto- Kankuro of the arena is the leader of the secret organization in Suna. And he convinced his sister of the need to uncover secret information within Konoha. She agreed, because she loves her hometown and she didn't want Konoha to be plotting against Suna. And searching here and there, she found scraps of the Root's work. Information that must have cost him his life. But thanks to Shikadai's timely assistance, no one ever knew about that information leak.


Shikamaru now understood everything. Temari must have found information about Root, but her son interceded with Bolt not to expose her to the Hokage's ANBU. The Nara could not believe that the beings most loved by her had been so close to death without him realizing it. Shikadai had protected her mother from her. She had prevented the Nara clan from being exposed to the village as traitors to Konoha. Shikamaru had no doubt that Naruto hadn't judged the whole family equally. But with the evidence at hand, Temari would have been arrested and later executed. The laws of the alliance were harsh in that regard.

-That is the debt that Shikadai owes you ... -defined the Nara between surprised and annoyed- you made him believe that you had protected my wife, when what they did was prevent the reports about Root from reaching Suna. You have only covered yourself.

"Wrong ..." Bolt smiled, irritating him even more "Temari's information only detailed some missions carried out by Root. She gave the guideline to whoever read, that an organization existed behind my father's back. Of course we couldn't stop Temari, nor could we harm her without leaving any loose ends. But Shikadai devised an interesting plan that we successfully implemented. After that, Temari believed she had completed her last mission in favor of Suna, and in the arena they received false information that denied our existence and activity. Konoha for all, remains the only Shinobi village that does not have a hidden organization behind the back of its respective Kage. As for deceiving Shikadai ... "he smiled as if he remembered something and finished," he immediately understood what Root was looking for. And it was of his own free will that he began to participate in all of this.

Bolt's monologue continued without pause. While he related relevant data about the structure of Root, and the means available to him, Shikamaru interceded with questions regarding the management of the teams and the type of missions. He was trying to reconcile in his mind those events that had transpired in the country that until now had no explanation. He was looking for proper names, especially those referring to the leaders of Root. Or rather, the leader. Finally, after almost an hour and a half where Boruto betrayed the organization where he belonged, Shikamaru decided to cut his losses. He was not going to allow any kind of strategy that young Uzumaki had to keep both Ino and himself quiet.

-Is enough Boruto ... -interrupted the Nara- the rest you can confess everything in the trial in front of your father and the council.

-Do you really think there will be a trial? –The blonde smiled in a worrying way for those present– I have no intention of letting all this be known beyond this room. There was a day where I said that we would end up working on the same team. I think tonight is the time.

Shikamaru looked behind his shoulder at her partner Ino hers to alert her. There was no doubt that they would not get out of there without a fight. He readied his chakra by uniting it with the shadows surrounding the area where Boruto was sitting, waiting for any hint of movement to activate and trap him. The Uzumaki could currently be very strong or fast, but surrounded by shadows nothing changed, as soon as he moved he would be a prisoner. And then Ino could attack him freely. However…

-So what do you decide? –Bolt smiled without moving- Shall we start working together to protect my father? Did we start working together to protect Konoha?

Shikamaru had a mental contradiction. Much of what Bolt had said about Root seemed sensible and logical to him. But the Nara family's bad experiences with the ancient Root of Danzou, took their share of mistrust from him. Until when would the current members of Raíz continue to serve the Hokage? What if the leader began to think about accumulating power instead of serving Naruto's purposes?

-Two of my uncles and a cousin, secretly belonged to the ancient Root as I knew years ago –Shikamaru clarified seriously- It was a mistake of my father as head of the clan, to trust a subject like Danzou Shimura. They brought shame to my family. I will not allow my son to make the same mistake. Tomorrow I will file the complaint in front of your father.

"Even if his wife is accused of treason?" Bolt answered comfortably seated, "even if his son is arrested as a member of the current Root?" Even if Uncle Sai, or Temari-sama have a certain chance of finding out what their partners were doing behind their back? I think he's not thinking it over calmly. A bad experience from the past does not make the current Root a poor continuation of the previous one.

-According to who? –Ino intervened irritably- according to your leader? Isn't she going to eventually want to become a Hokage? Won't he start to desire the position of maximum power that Naruto currently holds?

Then, Boruto calmly ended the talk with his final comment:

-I doubt very much that Kakashi-sensei wants a position that he left of his own free will. –He defined carefree- especially since he has always said that it was the most boring thing he had to do in his entire ninja career. Now walk away, if in the morning you still think that the best thing for Konoha and his families is to expose everything I said tonight, I will not be responsible for the consequences.

With that said, he turned his back on them expecting them to leave. Shikamaru did not stop surrounding him with the shadows until they fell back gaining the exit. Ino was right behind her trying to stay on guard the entire time. Even when they left, they walked the first two blocks carefully, waiting for an ambush. Minutes later, Shikamaru between surprised and confused, he realized that no one was following them.

"Impossible ..." he said aloud to himself, "he has let us go after confessing everything." Are you not afraid of the consequences?

The two companions continued together to a bar. They had to show themselves on public roads so as not to arouse suspicion, before parting ways with their activities. The meeting had answered almost every question that had kept Shikamaru's brain so active for the past year and a half. Even thanks to Ino, Boruto had singled out ex-Hokage Hatake Kakashi as the leader of the Root. Although he had no ambitions to possess the leader's hat in Konoha, the silver-haired ninja ran an illegal organization behind Naruto's back. If the other villages found out, it would undoubtedly be a good sign of little leadership from the current Hokage. It would be a disaster.

-What will we do Shika? –Ino consulted nervously, after half an hour where they shared drinks in silence –Will we really expose everything? What will happen to our families?

It was difficult at that point to be neutral. His wife, Temari, would be accused of treason through espionage and relations with Suna would surely be broken once that mission was verified. As for Shikadai who was involved, he would fall prisoner. Furthermore, even if he could find a way to expose Root without compromising his family, they would still have to deal with the possibility of a Sai trying to kill them. Or maybe Temari herself takes over the situation out of jealousy. Both Ino and Shikamaru were in personal and family danger. All for opening his mouth and fulfilling her duty in front of Naruto. All for following the current laws of the alliance.

-I can't allow Naruto to continue without knowing this Ino ...- Nara finally said trying to keep the tension he felt under control- we will have many problems, I understand that, but it is the price we must pay for fulfilling our duty. It is not unlike a mission where we could die. The mission must be paramount.

Ino looked sad and nodded heavily. She did not understand the arguments of her friend. It was a difficult decision and they were risking their lives. With benefit from what? To appear more loyal to Naruto? Destroying both families in the process? Ino couldn't say anything he was thinking, but for the first time in a long time she disagreed. It was the last night where they would be together and in trust. Whatever happened the next morning.

-If you really think that the best thing is to say it all ... -Ino announced between drinks- I suppose that tonight we could say goodbye to her with something more pleasant than to be drinking until we fall. What are you saying? Give your brain a break and have fun one last time?

Shikamaru smiled, a product of the liquor. It was the last quiet night. Starting in the morning, everything would change forever. Maybe one of us would die, maybe both. They would have much to regret starting the next day. Why not enjoy what was left of that night?

-Where always? –He asked just as he paid the bill and left the place- I'll be waiting for you in half an hour.

It would be the end of that clandestine relationship. Ino and Shikamaru regretted the situation of the size it had reached. But duty came first, and the Nara could never again get caught up in Root's treachery. Shikamaru was Naruto's closest advisor. They were friends and that bond had to be protected. Boruto would pay his share for what he did, as well as everyone involved. But that situation had to end. It was the only thing that would let Shikamaru Nara sleep peacefully in the future.

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Hinata had problems, and she knew it….

Barely understanding it, she opened a kind of door that was currently difficult to close. All the events of the last month converged on the same annoying situation. For many years she had suffered from the relationship with the man she had always loved. Naruto was always a correct husband. Kind, affectionate, and very attentive to make love to her regularly. Hinata had had no prior experience before being with Naruto already married, but she felt that her marriage was strongly constituted. However, after giving birth to Himawari, things were not at peace in her home again.

Naruto had always worked hard, but his hours multiplied when he took over as the current Hokage. From that event dreamed of by the blonde, that the couple's relationship began to wear out little by little until it almost disappeared. Naruto was late coming home. The nights where they could make love were reduced month by month. With the children growing up, Hinata in the role of her mother had many "excuses" to keep busy and not pay attention to the shipwreck of the couple in privacy.

So, the present seemed like a paradox of destiny ...

Hinata found her hidden courage, with a little help in her daughter's techniques, and she took control of the Hyuuga clan by subduing none other than her younger sister to achieve it. Boruto and Himawari had needed help, and Hinata was proud to have risen to the occasion. However, even though her children were not in danger from the Hyuuga at the moment, another problem presented itself in Mrs. Uzumaki's mind.

Hanabi said one night that after studying at the leaf hospital, she received the news that she was pregnant. She said it shyly, just like she acted in front of her older sister lately, but it had a curious effect that Mrs. Uzumaki didn't expect from her husband. Pure desire. Hinata understood that sharing her husband was no longer necessary. After all, the main reason for her younger sister to enter her room with her brother-in-law was strictly to get pregnant. The goal achieved, there was no more reason for the Hyuuga leader's frequent visits to the Uzumaki house.


That same night where Hanabi announced her pregnancy, hours later when Hinata was getting ready to go to sleep, she entered the private bathroom of her room to find Naruto under the shower and accompanied by her. The image was terribly erotic. Hanabi rested both hands on the tile wall while the Hokage holding her tight by her hips, fucked her in a beastly way. The woman tried her best not to scream out loud, taking into account the orders of hers Onee-sama of hers not to alert Himawari to what was happening in her parents room. However, such an indication at that time was almost impossible for him to fulfill, since her brother-in-law seemed willing to break her in two that night in question.

Hinata wanted to stop them. She wanted with all her heart to stop that action. She didn't want to share the wonderful sexual energy of her beloved Naruto with absolutely anyone. It had to be just for her. I HAD TO MAKE LOVE ONLY TO HER! WHY HANABI WAS ALWAYS IN THE MIDDLE ?! Almost not realizing what she was doing, she stared carelessly at them from the bathroom door. And her hands took on a life of their own.

-NARUTO-SAMAAA… ..- a cry escaped Hanabi behind the curtain- you have… AAHHH… .you have planted your son in me… ..you have filled me with your HIJOOOO. I CORROOOOOO AAAAAAHHHHHH.

Naruto didn't seem to attend to anything. Hinata thought that her husband's awkward movements and blank stare meant that she wasn't thinking about anything. Instinct was taking over completely. It was like a sex machine, once turned on, there was no switch to turn it off. The tensions that he had lately carried from work, transformed Naruto into a man with extreme needs to please. He had to discharge that energy and tension somewhere. And her sister-in-law Hanabi was already a common factor to consider for this. Meanwhile, her wife watching everything from the outside. Well knowing that she could undress and both quickly and easily, join that shower to fall under the influence of her husband. How did she contain that sick desire that she had born from within her? Was Himawari's technique entirely to blame for turning her into a perverted snooper? Or had she simply released something already stored deep within her soul? What would her children think of her if they knew? WHAT WOULD KONOHA THINK IF WHAT HAPPENED IS MADE PUBLIC?

Hinata had problems, and she knew it….

Ever since her daughter influenced her mind, she had tried to go back to being who she was. Something about her was wrong, something about her didn't feel like she was normal. What was that feeling? Why couldn't Himawari return people to normal after influencing them with the partial pressure technique?

Naruto changed position. Hanabi had come hard and that didn't mean it was the end of the matter. He turned her around as if she were a doll, and taking her by the thighs he carried her onto himself inserting her into her member as if to measure for her. Hanabi couldn't stop moaning, screaming and begging for a bit of truce, but it was actually empty words of her real desire. She barely felt that she was no longer stepping on the ground, she braced herself with her arms and legs around the man allowing him full access. Hanabi may have been very inexperienced at first, but now she knew perfectly how to complement the movements of her lover. She was incredibly accommodating and submissive. But she was not at all willing to let any being, including the one that was brewing inside her, take her away from the fiery desire generated by the Hokage.

As Hinata watched her husband fuck her younger sister in an incredible way, she was not aware of anything other than that terrible sight. She couldn't even notice her hands running down her body. Touching, masturbating, submitting to cravings as hidden as they are strong. She couldn't contain herself. The sex was getting better and better. The modest reasons for stopping everything could not beat the excitement of that perverse game of three in the deal.

Days ago, when she sensed that Hanabi might be pregnant, she had told him that as soon as that happened; she would no longer have permission to come to the marriage room with Naruto. But her younger sister, with a gesture of weakness and apology, replied that until the sixth month of pregnancy she could still have sex. And that she did not wish to stop serving Naruto-sama sexually.

Flash back:

"That doesn't matter ..." Hinata clarified harshly, "you will do what I order."

-Hinata Onee-sama is very selfish… -the youngest Hyuuga barely smiled- she doesn't want to share Naruto-sama. But she did get drunk and slept with the Inuzuka dog. Naruto-sama wouldn't like to hear that.

-You threat me? Hinata answered angrily.

-Yes… ..- Hanabi said shyly, lowering her head- Onee-sama can punish me at will if she wants it that way.

End of flash back:

Hanabi was at her command, that was clear. But Hinata still had problems because her sister enjoyed both the punishments and sex with Naruto. It was then that she wasn't going to give up one of them, when she clearly could have both. And to add insult to injury, Hinata Uzumaki's hands didn't seem to stop. She felt like a horrible person at the time. Masturbating in the doorway of her own bathroom, while she watched as the love of her life pierced her sister Hanabi without contemplation, that she could hardly contain the urge to scream from her. Thank goodness the bathroom and bedroom had seals on the walls to combat sinful sound.

Hinata felt trapped. Her desires and instincts were out of control. She recalled that her daughter had warned her about the side effects of the technique as soon as she asked for his help. That opening certain locks of the mind could also cause certain unexpected consequences. Even Himawari had the ability to implement a specific order, but the sub-conscious of the people could have their own interpretation of that order. Varying therefore, the required effect.

However, everything could end if she only asked her husband not to fuck Hanabi anymore. But that also had a moral consequence. Hinata couldn't forget that even for alcohol reasons, she was the one who had failed Naruto first. It didn't matter if Bolt had shut up Kiba, killing him. Hinata couldn't forget the betrayal she had committed herself. Hanabi came again amid a passionate scream. If Naruto hadn't already gotten her pregnant weeks ago, the amount of semen he injected into her would have achieved her goal right now. Even so, the panting man held the black-haired woman in his strong arms, otherwise surely his own legs could not have done it. Then, the Hyuuga leader stared at her out of the shower. Speaking a few minutes later when catching my breath:

-Are you going to watch us all night Onee-sama? –Hanabi said as soon as she could articulate two coherent sentences, hanging over Naruto- Why don't you join us at once?

Naruto looked at his woman. He stood with difficulty by the door to the bathroom. And his desire was no less for the wife and mother of his children. He loved Hinata, but he loved even more that she had decided to explore other possibilities of love. Naruto had never thought of leaving her, not even when they had serious intimacy problems. Why would he do it now that he was getting more and more exciting his nights with both Hyuuga sisters?

"I want you to come here ..." the blonde indicated to his wife as soon as he realized that she was looking at everything from the door, "you will not touch yourself again ..." never again. It's a promise Hinata-chan.

That night, the Hyuuga sisters joined the Hokage in a frenzy hard to forget. A marathon that started in the bathroom, continued on the double bed and even had some skirmishes in the kitchen around the early morning hours. If anything Hinata might have any doubts about the advisability of keeping that strange three-part agreement. Two weeks later she would clear all concepts when she learned of an important news. Although she was sure she had not forgotten to apply chakra as a contraceptive, she was still expecting her third child.

And she couldn't be happier about it.

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Boruto after meeting him with Shikamaru and Ino, he waited prudent time for them to leave without the Nara feeling insecure. He then busied himself with closing the room he had borrowed, finally leaving for his apartment without further ado. The plan that led to this meeting had been in place for a few days. Boruto had finished his last training with Kakashi-sensei and apparently the silver-haired man thought he was ready. They would not have any more training, Boruto seemed to be at the proper level according to his sensei.

The following moves were key to the overall success of the mission. Root for many years, he accumulated from the shadows both power and enemies. It was the natural movement of things. Invest in espionage where ninja camps had existed before. Large armies were not politically correct, and one wondered whether the feudalists would willingly accept not having lavish military forces to support their peer-to-peer territorial claims.

However, it was a grave fault to exist as a spy force in Konoha, without the consent of its highest leader. The seventh Hokage of the blade. Which basically made every member of Raíz a perfect candidate for charges of treason. Boruto did not see it in that direct way, he always reasoned that the task of a ninja was the fulfillment of the missions by the necessary methods. What was illegal to be a spy behind her father's back? Possibly. But neither could Naruto deliver answers to the hidden organizations that emerged in each village supposedly fully adhering to the "alliance". Shouldn't protecting Konoha be the top priority of every ninja born in the land of fire? But if the Root ninjas were candidates for treason, so would the Shinobi from the other underground organizations in the other villages.

As he reflected on the latest orders received by Kakashi, Boruto began to wonder if his teacher had not been carried away by the pressure exerted from Naruto. In a way, Kakashi had always felt indebted to the current leader. In addition to the death of Sasuke Uchiha, in whom the silver-haired man had always known how to reflect, perhaps they were passing the bill to him:

"-I'm old for these things Bolt -Kakashi told him the last afternoon of training they had- I have to retire definitively. The new generations will have the responsibilities from now on.

-But…. Does that mean that root must be destroyed? –The blond answered doubting the general plan of his master –wouldn't the village be left defenseless? Why do we have to sacrifice everything like that?

"Sacrifice is no problem," Kakashi added, smiling calmly, "we swore to give our lives for Konoha from the academy." I do not forget that promise. And the objective of Raíz is none other than what we will achieve by following this final plan. Can I count on you Bolt?

What his teacher asked of him was complicated. The slightest miscalculation and everything would be destroyed to no avail. But done well, it could be a complete overwhelming success. Root would be a legend that forever and ever, would never be extinguished in the children of the leaf. They would carry it in their blood for life. Although in the annals of history it will end up being an unwritten page. Every great sacrifice, had the inconvenient possibility of anonymity. And Boruto was already resigned to not having the respect and trust of his father. Even if he hurt her, he would be a political exile from his own family. But they would be safe. It was a sacrifice that young Uzumaki was willing to accept.

"Kakashi-sensei ..." Bolt agreed, confirming his participation in the plan, "I will never forget everything you have taught me over the years. I just want to tell you, I'm never going to let you down. I will never abandon my friends, I will never allow someone to harm the Hokage, or this village.

The veteran ninja smiled. Under his mask you could never notice such effusive gestures. But right now, Boruto was close enough to notice. A hand on Bolt's shoulder, and the most sincere and transparent words Hatake Kakashi could ever declare:

-For years, I felt in my heart that I had failed as a teacher. I couldn't give your father or Sakura Haruno the proper instruction to openly consider me his sensei. I was trained by your grandfather, the best teacher I have ever known, but still I have failed everyone. Even with Sasuke. To whom I could never teach the will of fire. Incomplete tasks, of an incomplete man. However… one afternoon he wished for luck that he could see you fight. That afternoon I knew that he had one last chance.

-Kakashi Sensei….

"It doesn't matter what happens to us from now on ..." interrupted the silver-haired man, "it's an honor ... to have been your teacher." Never forget that your path makes me feel very proud. Fulfill your mission boy, I know well that you are not going to fail me.

-I never back down on my word, that will forever be my ninja path. "

Boruto entered his personal department after midnight. It was not exactly time to be active, but he still had a task that night to do. So he made a bowl of instant ramen to eat and make time until the right time. The night shift at the hospital began at exactly 1 a.m., but the young man assumed that she would not arrive until after 2 a.m. After all being high in rank, she had certain privileges.

Boruto just had to have dinner and wait. All to confirm that night, if the plans made continued their successful progress.

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Sarada Uchiha smiled pleased….

For whole weeks she had been gathering anger. The information had hit her self-esteem. Already it was difficult enough for him to digest that the love of hers of her whole life, she had been seeing and sleeping with another female. And for the worse! She turned out to be not another young woman of similar age, but a married woman! A woman old enough to be her mother! That was the most insulting and intimidating thing for Sarada.

Boruto could tell that he was mutual, but surely that experienced Kunoichi had seduced and confused him. For that reason her Bolt was considering not marrying her. It was all that woman's fault! Sarada was poisoning herself little by little with that idea. And more she was right to think the hypothetical situation, when she thought she discovered who it was. Therefore, she devised a strategy to get rid of her love rival. Sarada might seem like a neurotic and jealous girl, but clearly her training as a ninja surpassed all that. She could wish that woman's death with all of her might. But she wouldn't ruin the rest of her life by killing her in the middle of the street in front of everyone. Not only was he going to end her, but he would seek to get away with her as well.

So ... She devised a secret plan ...

She did it just as if she will prepare a murder in another country. Simply studying her target, understanding her habits, memorizing her weaknesses, work schedules and strengths. That woman might think herself very safe, but she clearly was about to die. Sarada swore that this was going to happen soon.

And she arrived that night, the long-awaited….

She knew perfectly well that Ino Yamanaka would occupy the night shift of the hospital. She had been out of her house several hours earlier than expected. The young Uchiha did not bother to follow her step by step, she simply waited in the place where she knew perfectly well that she would end up going. She might not know how to track her down her chakra in the middle of town. But she Sarada had the advantage of walking through the corridors of that hospital without restrictions, like the daughter of the director Sakura Uchiha. She so she could know everything about Ino. Her medical records, her work hours, even her blood type. During her childhood and into her current adolescence, Ino had been a kind of sister to Sarada's mother. That the certain way of her had made her an honorary "aunt" for the young woman. But right now all those feelings of affection for the blonde, were reason for more hatred.

Sarada had been almost three hours earlier, in the darkness of Ino Yamanaka's office. The shift started after one in the morning. And then Sarada would almost certainly have her revenge. For weeks she had savored her, ever since she saw her aunt Ino talking to Bolt alone in a hidden alley in Konoha.

After that, she set out to watch Bolt relentlessly. Personally when she could, and counting on a group of trustworthy people when she had missions to do. And so she discovered that her hunch about the identity of the "loving wife" was quite accurate. Although Bolt did not tell him names when he confessed the clandestine relationship, he did give data that brought Sarada closer to various conclusions. Ino was a married woman, she was part of an important clan and therefore possible target of an internal mission. She was also very beautiful, and according to Sarada had found out, she had had several visits from Bolt in the private office of the hospital in previous weeks. For what other reason would she meet her so many times? Why those private meetings in her personal office?

Sure they kept seeing each other to fuck. Bolt could have said that he no longer saw her, but it was clearly a lie. Ino had moments of disappearing for hours, and no one gave an account of her whereabouts. Surely the most experienced woman, she had him completely seduced and used it for fun. Surely. But all this was going to end. Boruto might suffer when he found out that his lover was dead, but in time he would understand that this relationship should never have existed. That was a mistake.

Sarada was still waiting in the dark, she wasn't sure of the schedule. She couldn't turn on a light for fear of ruining the plan. Sooner or later, Ino Yamanaka would appear. She would walk into that office and find a nasty surprise. An unexpected and deadly visit. However, Sarada did not intend to kill her in the conventional way. She would not give investigators a chance to presume murder. Everything would seem like an accident, that was the strategy.

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The concentrated blast obliterated half of the upper floor in the leaf hospital. It was 2:30 in the morning. And the only thing that broke with the brutal outburst, was the bold leap through the window in Ino Yamanaka's private office. Seconds before the entire show of fire and pieces of building strafing the area began, Boruto had jumped through the office window with the medic Kunoichi in his arms. They fell to the roof and flew out into the street as a result of the shock wave. Bolt turned his back on the fall, shielding an unconscious Ino from the blow. It was hard enough to fall three stories, but not at all deadly if the chakra was controlled as Uzumaki certainly did.

Half an hour later, the whole street was abuzz with people. Ninjas using water jutsu to put out the fire and at least 10 ANBU teams surrounding the area to investigate the event. A hundred civilians snooping, trying to figure out which rumor about the hospital fire was the right one. Some alarmists favored the version of an attack. Others were betting on the simple chance of accident. Actually most people didn't even remember the horrible time of the last war. It was highly unlikely that this casualtyless explosion was related to an attack from outside. But the accuracy in the range of the damage made those who knew more about explosives doubt that this was a mere accident.

Sakura Uchiha was called to her house by the ANBU, to take charge of the situation. At first, it was reasonable that there were dead from the explosion and the subsequent fire. But almost an hour later, it was found that the 4 offices and the specialized laboratory that exploded, had not had people inside, (except Ino Yamanaka) who suffered from it. Only material losses, no victims to regret.

"It was a fortune ..." Sakura clarified to the investigators who questioned her, "the night shift only has one person in that critical area." Only Ino was present there tonight, and she must have died. But luckily the Hokage's son got her out of the place in time.

Sai appeared in the area. As the leader of ANBU, it was not exactly a matter that forced him to show up at dawn, but it was clear that his wife was in danger. That had forced him to jump out of bed to introduce himself as soon as possible.

-Boruto Uzumaki saved the life of her captain's wife, -said the ANBU in charge of the investigation to Sai as soon as he arrived from her-he jumped with her through the window and protected her from the explosion. We know that the laboratory under the offices exploded, and the fire must have killed her.

The entire ground floor of the hospital was intact. The explosion was well sectorized and only a limited part of the building was in ruins. Sakura was treating Bolt in a downstairs office, as Ino was only unconscious and unharmed. The boy had some burns on his arms and back, plus the cuts caused by glass shrapnel and other consequences of the fall. Boruto was aware, face down, he allowed himself to be cared for by Sakura who was dedicated to removing the small fragments embedded in her body. He was not in danger, he was too strong to die from such damage.

Boruto did not understand what had happened. He only knew that he had gone to Ino's office, to check if the woman had fulfilled her mission. Weeks ago, they had had several meetings to agree on her incorporation into Raíz. Ino understood that Shikamaru would not stop chasing Bolt's secrets. And that put both the blonde and Ino's family at risk and Nara himself. Ino disagreed with her teammate and lover. It was not worth discovering the root and losing your life for it. Ino decided to make a pact with Bolt, to form a plan to make Shikamaru stop trying to uncover the mystery. Therefore, he came to an agreement with Naruto's son.

The human mind is an extraordinary machine. Ino knew his partner perfectly, and she knew how that big brain of hers worked. Generally, he was very lazy. He wasted no energy on trivial problems and worked almost by inertia. But when a big question arose, his energy seemed to focus entirely on it. And then, Shikamaru didn't take a break until he found the solution to that mystery. Therefore, the best way to get him out of the game without damaging him, was precisely to calm his mind with the answers sought.

That's why Bolt told him everything. He gave him the information that Shikamaru required and thus reassure him with the resolution of the case. Then, Ino would jump into action by taking him to bed one last time. Right after sex, it would be to take him off guard and erase everything he had acquired in the last hours from his mind. Generally, forcing someone to forget was difficult and time consuming. But Ino was a Yamanaka, and therefore an expert in mind manipulation. Her key was not to erase the answers, but to induce the mind to forget the questions. Without the mystery captivating Shikamaru's mind, the newly incorporated answers were meaningless and unimportant. Therefore, they were expendable material for the mind in question. It was a fine job, as an expert in the field could be awarded. And therefore completely successful.

Everything was going well, the agreement had been carried out successfully. Shikamaru would wake up in the motel bed without remembering anything about Root. Just one last night of sex with Ino, and the promise of never meeting again for those things. With that mission accomplished, Ino not only protected the stability of her family, but through Bolt, she joined in the wake.

That Kakashi-sensei's last orders changed everything, it was mere coincidence. And Bolt understood that these contradictions were the price to pay for an organization so hidden that even most of its elements did not know each other. The Uzumaki had only stopped by the hospital that night, to confirm if Ino had accomplished her mission. Otherwise, it would not matter too much if the case. After all, Root would be dismantled shortly. But even so, Bolt had to confirm if Shikamaru Nara had been taken out of the game, or was still in it to cause trouble.

"What the hell?" Bolt said hours ago, knocking on Ino's office door and starting to smell gunpowder from inside.

He entered forcing the door, only to find the unconscious Kunoichi on the ground, surrounded by strategically placed explosive papers to implode the area. When opening the door, some nearby papers were activated and the only thing that Bolt could reason, is to run towards the position of the woman and take her in her arms to escape from her running over against the window that overlooked the roof. Fire began to surround him from below, as explosions covered everything around him. And yet, the monstrous reflexes of him, product of his training with his father, allowed the Uzumaki to escape from hell by unleashing on the spot. He was able to get her out of her in time, and consequently become the "hero" of the situation.

Still, the assassination attempt on Ino was clear. And Boruto was the only one who was sure that that explosion was not a mere accident. He had seen the explosive papers, he had seen the woman passed out on the floor. Someone tried to kill her, and Bolt had to make sure the identity of the attacker, before he tried again. Could Ino give him more details about the attacker when he woke up? That was the main question to answer as soon as Sakura finished healing him.

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The chain reaction was almost natural ...

Just 6 hours after the attack on the leaf hospital, the Hokage Naruto Uzumaki gave the green light to the ANBU commanded by Sai. Everything for him to begin to force the march on the suspicions made by Shikamaru Nara, on the matter of the secret organization. Ino had stated that she did not see her attacker, and that she could only wake up in the middle of the street, when Boruto had her in her arms after saving her life. Meanwhile, Bolt assured that the explosion was not at all accidental. Although it seemed that the accidental explosion of certain chemicals in the laboratory on the second floor was the cause of the entire incident, it was quite suspicious that this explosion was concentrated towards the area above only and left almost the entire second floor intact. That only the laboratory and four closed third-floor offices had burst into flames on the night shift. The matter seemed to generate quite a bit of suspicion considering that only Ino Yamanaka had died. Too targeted, too personalized, too perfect to be just an act of bad fortune.

Naruto sprang into action, and doubts about acting dictatorially over the private property of others aside, he had to raid suspected warehouses and ninja houses on a list compiled by the ANBU and endorsed by Shikamaru's suspicions. Although the Nara took little interest in what happened as soon as he appeared the next day, Naruto told himself that later he would find out the reason for such apathy in Shikamaru, on a subject that had intrigued him for years. It was as if he was no longer interested in the alleged conspiracy, as if he had put it aside in his mind.

Initial 24 arrests in 12 hours. Novice ninjas, also other more recognized and some family leaders. They were arrests made in secret and everything in front of the public was as if only those ninjas were sent on a mission entrusted by the Hokage or to private meetings with the council of clans. At the moment they were not going to defame anyone publicly without the evidence to prosecute him accordingly. But for the moment, the interrogation rooms began to fill up and those who had to wait their turn were "invited" to wait inside a cell for their respective turns. The attack on Ino Yamanaka was just the excuse used to investigate the whole affair of the supposed hidden organization. Thus, in the bars of the third day, the ANBU arrived at the residence of the ex-Hokage, Hatake Kakashi.

There, the ANBU ninjas found the ones the Hokage had actually sent to find. There they found a closed and abandoned room where more than 200 folders with names of active ninjas were found, which seemed to be the archive of that secret organization of which until that moment there had been no evidence. Kakashi was taken into custody, and without even resisting or worrying, he allowed himself to be led to the interrogation barracks. Then he would be brought before the current Hokage, when those files were opened and his content became known.

It was the moment that Naruto had waited for months. The precise moment, where he could begin to distinguish the most important of everything in the village of the leaf. At last he could clearly distinguish between faithful men under his command, and the snakes that in one way or another, tarnished all his years' work in the search for peace.

End of chapter.

Next chapter