

Sage stirred, feeling a warmth that seemed to permeate her very being. She groaned softly, her eyes fluttering open to meet familiar ice blue eyes that filled her with joy.

"Cyrus?!" She sat up, her hands reaching out to tangle in his silver hair as he smiled and cupped her face, his thumb stroking her cheek tenderly.

His silver hair, those ice blue eyes..m he was back.

"What happened? How long have you been planning to merge your souls?" She asked, tears welling up in her eyes.

"My demon state has been fighting my dark state for a while, which awakened my normal soul's essence. The struggle was becoming too much, so my dark state and I decided to unite once and for all. It wasn't a deliberate plan, nor was it a choice we could avoid." He explained gently, leaning his face close to hers.

"Is your dark state no more?" She asked, her voice shaking as their noses touched.

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