
Dragon ice

Sage's eyes snapped open, and she let out a sharp gasp as her entire body registered the chill that was consuming her.

And like a tidal wave, all the events leading up to her current predicament suddenly revealed themselves! Her heart began to race with fear and disbelief.

"Cyrus... Cyrus." She burst out crying. Her voice thin and weak. Tears quietly streaming from her eyes.

Where was she?

All she could see were the gloomy clouds that obscured the night sky.

How long has she been lying unconscious in the middle of nowhere?!

Groaning softly in pain, she grasped a handful of snow with her trembling hands and turned to face Snowflake, who was staring at her.

His eyes widened, hinting that he was relieved, but Sage was in complete awe.

"Snow?!" The shock that was washing over her made her voice a little clearer.

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