
Demons and Psychopaths

The path to the dungeon was another unknown part of the castle, and the path of the hallway was becoming dimmer and dimmer, leaving only the light from the fire torches as a source of illumination.

Sage fiddled with her fingers as she gazed at the walls, which had changed into rock walls with strange yet beautiful carvings on them.

"Cyrus." Sage called out and took Cyrus' hand in hers.

"Are you afraid?" He inquired, without looking at her.

"No, it is just that at this rate, I might be compelled to kill Lianna once I see her." Sage couldn't believe the woman she saw as her aunt, someone who existed in her life even though she only thought about herself, had been deceiving her. She was a Statkus mage? She had killed her mother?

It was all too much for Sage, and she knew she wouldn't feel anything if she saw her Lianna's corpse.

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