
Children have a way to pierce your heart with simple thoughts

I almost spat out my goma, but she looked at me with clear, large black eyes; curious and innocent. I could tell there was no malice contained in that question, so I decided to answer it truthfully.

"Yes, I am."

I waited for her reaction. While adults had enough sense to hide their true feelings and pretend to be nice, children were usually more honest. Their reaction would mirror what the adult taught or showed them.

"Oh!" she suddenly straightened her back, and stared at me even more keenly, eyes blinking and wide. "If you're a human...that means you're the Lord's bride?"

Hmm...was it possible to feel bashful and anxious at the same time? Yes, yes it was. "That's right," I replied briefly.

She paused and kept staring at me, before exclaiming. "Wow!" and then shifted her attention back to her goma.

What...that's it? Well...this is awkward for my anxiety.

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