
The pharaoh

"Are you this angry that l didn't come to rescue you and your consort to make you come here to confront me" Aposis mocked Geb crossing his legs like a king on the chair he had sat on before.

"Don't praise your ego demon lord" Geb gave him a hard glare, not seeming pleased with what he just said. "I am not here to confront or cause any issue with you. Actually, l need your help, and it's urgent".

With the sound of his voice, Aposis could tell he was not joking at all. He brought down his crossed legs and placed his hand on his chin. "What is it?".

"I need you to help me destroy mother nature's prophecy upon my consort".

"Hahaha" Aposis laughed which obviously got Geb and Arad annoyed.

"What is funny Aposis" Geb stared at him with his eyes blazing with anger. "Did you not see that what l said is a very serious matter?" He fumed.

"I do understand you and what you said earth god. But what l cannot comprehend how and why you want to embark on that suicide mission".

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