
Eternal Reassurance

Ebari remained strict in his resolve for Galen to approach him first. 

He wanted the younger man to open the door to the more intimate aspects of their relationship, otherwise, Ebari felt that he was taking advantage of a younger man while he was supposed to be helping him heal. 

However, not expressing that this was his intention, was a mistake on the verge of bubbling over. 

Part of Galen's physical therapy was simply walking. 

He used to spend all of his time on his feet so he had to rebuild his stamina and make sure his joints had a full range of motion before he could even think of training again. He had only just started being able to close his hands in a strong fist but it wasn't enough for them to be able to hit anything efficiently. 

The other guards assured him that he could take as long as he needed but it still caused him to stress about it. 

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