
Seeking Information

When Galen was satisfied with the amount of food on his plate, he picked it up and put it on the counter in front of one of the chairs, intending to eat a quick breakfast while Solana spoke with him.

She was always so nervous around him and he never understood why.

His orange eyes went to hers and he raised his eyebrows in curiosity.

Solana signed and leaned against the counter, her elbows resting against the top as she pressed her hands against her forehead, stressing about what she was going to say.

"The emperors are a good pair, aren't they?" she asked hesitantly.

Galen stared straight forward, wondering if she suspected something.

"They're fine," he responded.

Galen felt he wasn't in a place to speak for either of them and he decided to keep his answers short. If Solana was suggesting what he thought she was then that would be something Varya and Ebari had to explain to her.

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