
A Somber Feeling

Prince Basileus felt particularly somber as he woke up, laying on a green cot in a hut that was open to the ocean.

The orange of the sun in this solar system was manageable at first, but it seemed that the planet wasn't even in summer when he crash-landed here in the first place. Now that summer had set in, the only comfortable place was next to or inside of the sea.

As he sat up and tried to stand, he felt his feet sink into the soft sand and he fell forward onto his knees. The heavy feeling in his body was all mental. Whenever his mood swung to a low, he was always tempted to give in to the feeling and give up.

However, the warrior blood that ran through his veins stopped these thoughts and he found himself moving forward as always.

Varya had been in his thoughts again lately and it occurred to him it must have been nearly a year since he had seen her. He had lost his entire family at one point in his life, but it felt like the past year was the worst of his life.

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