
Know You More

With Varya's new position in the lab came more money and a small amount of freedom.

The servant who came to her weekly with groceries started also bringing her new clothing upon her request. The new clothes allowed her to not have to rely on her lab coat to hide her stomach all the time.

As she got ready for the day, she pulled an oversized grey sweater over her spandex uniform and fluffed her hair when her head escaped the neck hole in the top.

She turned her body side to side, making sure the bump was hidden from all angles.

The day came when Varya could take time away from the lab and go wherever Ebari wanted to take her. He was going to meet her in her room in just under an hour and told her to pack things for three days.

It just so happened that the emperor was off the planet, so they could move freely without worrying about his watchful eye.

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