
I Won’t Let You Die

Once they were on the balcony of one of the highest rooms in the palace, the maids brought some tea and light refreshments.

Arabella silently took a sip of her tea. She waited for Ferdinand to speak first this time.

But the more silent she was, the more Ferdinand became nervous. But if she spoke first again, he might lose the courage he had gathered when he had been thinking about how to say the words he wanted to say.

Arabella had drank a whole cup of tea before Ferdinand finally spoke.

"Earlier, in Safiro…" he paused and nervously glanced at her to check if it was fine to continue.

Arabella nodded to encourage him. It was honestly taking so much of her patience since she already knew what he was going to ask. But she wanted to hear him out so she didn't interrupt.

"You seemed to be angry at me. I couldn't get it off my mind. I was wondering why. What did I do that made you angry? Are you still angry at me?" Ferdinand continued.

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