
I Cannot Let You Go [Bonus chapter]

Alwin explained the alternate body was derived from the original so it was still the same person. Only, the alternate body was just a fragment of the original.

Everything Alwin had been telling her since the beginning seemed to be impossible and unbelievable but Arabella no longer wanted to be shocked or so surprised. She simply assumed that anything is possible in Estrella.

"You are so easy to read and you thought you were able to fool milord?" Alwin mocked her when he was able to guess what she was thinking once again.

'Could he actually read minds? How can he guess what I am thinking about again and again?' Arabella frowned. 'Am I truly that transparent?'

"There was nothing to worry about since a dragon's body is untouchable when their souls are in their human body or when they are hibernating. They are protected by the mighty God of Dragons. The dragons are already so low in number so the God of Dragons protects them from going extinct."

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