
Chapter 6: Figaro

Date: 10th of June, 2075

Location: Night city, El Coyote Cojo

POV: Omniscient

"You seem to be struggling." Victor mused, his arms crossed as he watched Maines' perspective - cold sweat tracking from his brows into his vision. His will to protect his crew overriding any fatigue he once had, gnashing his teeth he continued forward.

"Goddammit, I should've known something was fishy with this job! Kiwi, Falco and Pilar! They're dead you bastard!" Maine swore, his fists clenching on the wheel.

"The risks were always present, an edge runner should always prepare to drown. Now keep swimming. The package what of its status?" Victor questioned.

"Pristine…" Maine sighed, his frustrations ever growing.

"Turn to your right and head along the bridge. From there drop into the water and when you do you will be greeted by an associate of mine. When the heat dies you'll find me here on these sets of coordinates." Victor replied before hanging up. Exiting the bathroom after washing his hands, he took time to properly appreciate the scenery of the bar.

In the centre was the bar the sides having tables and stools, and a second floor overlooking the bar. It looked to be an old diner transformed into a bar a possibility that the bar was either once a tavern or diner at one point in history. Valentino's influence waffled about in the decor, golden railings and Spanish flags on the walls. Un-filtering the air for the moment it reminded him of the Aldecado's tint of authenticity.

"You shit your pants or something choom? Come on over!" Jackie smiled downing his 11th shot, the heavy scent of vodka present on his breath.

Rookie… Was all Victor thought before jumping in, his pace blitzing through the likes of Jackie who stumbled on the ground drunk - Victor now looking over his body like a boxer over his defeated opponent.

"Ah sorry about that, he gets a little too excited when things are going his way." Pepe smiled.

"I can tell, say what's Jackie actually like, eh?" Victor asked.

"He's a good man and loyal to his people but unfortunately he's a Welles… People like that don't last long in this world you know. Most of his brothers got taken out in the gang. Last of his kin, choom." Pepe revealed saddened.

"He's got heart, that's what's important. Tell you what? Would you rather die in a blaze of glory or live a quiet life?" Victor questioned, downing another shot. Pepe now impressed at Victors' tenacity, four bottles of vodka had already been emptied.

"You'd make Russians jealous with your pace." He snickered, his eyes glooming to the ceiling before answering Victor's question.

"I'd say a Quiet life, I wanna be there for my sons' wedding if I even have one. My wife means the world to me. It'd be a shame to go out so soon," He answered truthfully.

"What about you, amigo? What'd you choose?" He smiled.

"Neither, I'd choose the path of glory," Victor replied, the image of Arsaka and Militech burning, their organs spilled from their guts as they watched their entire world fall apart. To topple kingdoms was a game Victor wanted more than anything for it was his rite of passage.

"This bar, how long has it been open for?" Victor asked.

"The El Coyote Cojo has been open for many moons amigo I've spent sleepless nights here. Mama Welles, she's the owner, used to be run with her ex-husband."

"I'm surprised it hasn't been run through, Is this a Valentino bar or something?"

"Once upon a time, but we're more so open for all our clientele. We're a bar that happens to serve Valentino members now, besides it's better that way. In Heywood no matter who you are, or who you were as long as you're from here you're always welcomed. It's why we're so… aggressive with outsiders."

"Understandable, I could say the same with Texas."

"Say what's so special about Texas? All I hear are crazy stories over there, some guy called the All-father running a terrorist organisation called the Legion and some gang members joining him with NUSA halting its attempts due to possible nuclear fallout. What's up with that?"

"It's quite contrary to the rumours, the only action that takes place is on the front lines near the borders. Most of the city has been changed, and gangs are now under the banner of the legion. Before The All-fathers' interference that place was no different to here. Violent gang fights, Degeneracy on every corner, Corporations doing as they like and Homeless children fighting on the streets for scrap - now it's all changed. Not even the corporations have influence in Texas and it's better it sticks that way. The Legion has done more good for the people than any government or corporation has done in the last twenty years."

"Sounds like a Dictatorship to me choom…"

"Look around you friend. Does this all look like freedom?" Victor gestured showing the screen. The News reporter showing a new total death count, and the next scene is that of a corpo rat covering a crime scene. A joy toy laying on the floor used and abused.

"Texas is by no means perfect yet at least I have solace in knowing what I fought for," Victor explained.

"You sound like a warrior, If the troops are as nearly as passionate as you are then I can proudly say that perhaps NUSA truly does have something coming for them."

"Who knows when Night City becomes next? I haven't even spent a day here yet each sector is divided. The Tyger Claws are backed by Arasaka and 6th street by Militech, the others are all independent and segregated by what? Nationality? Pride? Power? I see it all as the works of the rich and powerful to separate their true enemy - the people. We outnumber them by 10000000:1 yet we are so blinded by our own greed that we fail to see the bigger picture. "

"That's just how it is my friend. We don't know any better than to live as is and it takes an outsider to judge our life. You'd understand if you grew up in the area, it's not simple. We aren't given a choice, i guess your city is blessed in the sense that you grew up knowing who to fight. Here we don't even know where to begin." Pepe sighed.

"I simply find this city lacking hope."

"It's hard to find hope when even the sky hides from our people."

"I kinda wish the Von Doom family never moved out of Night City. Everything went to shit when Militech decided to openly attack the tower for harbouring nuclear weapons," Pepe sighed, an opinion that was openly agreed by everyone present in the bar. Something Victor noticed instantly.

"Von Doom Industries?" Victor asked intrigued.

"Well more so precisely Von Doom foundation, the whole thing kept 90% of children off the street and in proper homes. Parents actually supported their children and being poor wasn't as bad as it is now. If you were poor back in those days, you were doing better than half the middle class right now. I heard that Mr Night was even friends with Virgil Von Doom before his passing." Pepe announced.

"So just because of one corporation your view changes? An outliner does not change the definitive fact that all corporations are malicious in their own agendas. The Von Doom family may have been gracious but their company was not, their foundation is a prime example. As soon as they befell an accident the foundation was shut down," Victor explained, his hatred for the board still burning hot.

"I couldn't help but hear you were talking about The Von Doom Foundation?" A Valentino member asked a deep scar by his eyes with a stern gaze overlooking Victor and Pepe. Brandishing a golden attire and chrome he stood tall behind Victor.

"What of it?" Victor asked casually.

"Huh, couldn't help but overhear your conversation and for that, I apologise. I just couldn't help myself, the Von Doom Foundation also helped me." He replied, showcasing a slash mark near his ribs.

"They helped my sister too, a waste they got assassinated," He sighed.

"I thought it was an accident?" Pepe replied.

"Don't be stupid Pepe, good people like June Von Doom and Virgil don't just die in a plane crash - they get killed." He continued.

"Heard they had a kid that true?" Pepe continued.

"Fuck if I know, the foundation never did outwardly state they had one." The Valentino member continued, a cigarette in his hand as he smoked. The smokey ash and tar fuming about.

"Hmm, I wonder if they did have a kid." Pepe hypothesized.

"Then he'd probably be dead too. My name is Gustavo Orta, if it's true you are from Texas then please don't worry. Know the Valentinos and Heywood welcome you here with open arms. You are a ripper, yes? Please send us your address, I'll have my men come to you for services. We Valentinos know how to spend." Gustavo replied gesturing to his chain.

"I wouldn't say no to paying customers," Victor accepted, his hands writing the address on a piece of paper. The utilities magically appeared in his hands - something that Gustavo chose to ignore.

"Old tech, eh?" Gustavo asked.

"More so a sign of respect." Victor acknowledged. Gustavo smiling then walked away back to his table, the rest then leaving the establishment. The wave of members leaving in a horde Gustavo leading the charge out. Forty or so members exiting the bar alone with his exit.

"I don't know if you were lucky or unlucky with that one choom," Pepe stated.

"And whys that?" Victor asked, already knowing the mans answer.

"You just talked to a high-ranking member of the Valentinos and you earnt his respect in a matter of seconds. I havn't seen the man so cautious and respectful since talking to the mayor."

"It seems it's fate, eh?" Victor replied before checking the time. The next day soon to call upon him, brushing himself off, he rustled his jacket nad flexed his arms and back.

"We'll continue this conversation later Pepe and perhaps next time our friend here won't die on us." Victor expressed before standing up. A large transfer of eddies now heading over to Pepe's Account - the total sum §1500.

"Wow choom, it was only seven bottles of vodka!" Pepe shouted exasperated, his brows raised at the transfer of eddies.

"Take it as a tip, compadre," Victor replied walking near the entrance. An influx of messages poured in from his connections and establishments. The Map of the world coming to his view. Numerous squads, teams, and countries all in his back pocket.

"Tell me before you leave, what exactly is the Path of Victory?" Pepe asked, Victor taking time to ponder on his inquiry. The thought of sitting on a throne flexed into his mind - his people by his side as the world prospered under his rule.

"A path longer than a quiet life but brighter than a blaze of glory, until next time, pepe," Victor answered before exiting. A figure then emerging from the second floor to look over at the fleeting figure. Victor's eyes locked with his.

Padre… Victor thought seeing the older gentlemen. Continuing his walk out he hopped on his bike and drove around the city - Old memories emerging that reminded him of his disdain for Arasaka and Militech.




"Hello comrade, this is Dimitri how have you been friend?" A Russian man asked. The thickness of his accent the common dweller not being able to understand him.

"Pleasent, I hear your daughter got married. Apologies I couldn't make it, as you know I'm quite the busy man." Victor stated.

"There is no need comrade, all is fair in war. I respect a man who works, unlike my other associates," He revealed.

"I called today to talk about those new missiles, my partners in America attempted a show on my family. Understand that I can not simply forget such things, I request ammunition for my weapons comrade. The bear will show the eagle that it is not to be toyed with. I have transferred §500'000'000 and will transfer another when it arrives," Dimitri continued, his voice while lowered was deep and unhinged. Ferciousness backed in his words, a rage so deep it permeated his heart black.

"Perfect, understand though these missiles are quite… Lethal if uncared for," Victor cautioned.

"The cold winds of Russia fear no bomb, it will not fear its own weapons. The enemy will pay for ever daring to touch the bear. Until next time Comrade," He replied before ending the call.

Indeed, comrade, fear no bomb, fear me… Victor thought holding his daughters' cloth, his hands burning them to a crisp. Feeling someone's head bump into his back he grasped their throat and raised them into the air.

"Who are you?" Victor mused staring at what seemed to be a young teen. The boy wearing tattered Arasaka student clothing with dry tears dripping from his eyes. Holding onto what seemed to be a container of ashes his eyes never wavered.

"Fuck… You!" The kid spat. Looking into the boys' eyes he let him go, amused by his bravery. While he would reward such actions he did not reward incompetency. Dropping him to the floor he walked away unbothered. Brave yet foolish was what he would describe the child.

"Watch where you're going… David Martinez. Lest you end up mush," Victor answered before entering his store. His hands merely unlocking via a fake key.

Opening his inner world he immediately set his bots to work. The worker bots smashing walls and opening the entire building open. A few bots surrounded the outside to ensure none heard the renovations. Their bodies emitting sound blockers that silenced the entire area.

Cleaning the outside and interior it was also refurbished, the once ghetto shop now a first-class health clinic the likes which corpo's would rush to. The exterior still somewhat normal. Re-newing the rooms the entrance was a front with the same mystic shop open, behind it being his base of operations.

Swapping the builder bots for battle bots they stood guard awaiting orders. While not as powerful as his iron legion they would do for now. The difference between the battle bots and iron legion is that of a mindless brute and a ruthless demon. When in mass the mindless worked perfectly yet with the ruthless demon it worked in cohesion and efficiency. The needed power supply and A.I needed for it still lacking.

Working until the next morning in his inner world Victor eventually completed his flux capacitor. A generator cable of a gigawatt of energy per second, the energy enough to last his security bots. The biggest flaw to his inventions was its ability for mass production - a gift to create Excalibur a flaw to not being able to mass produce it efficiently. While already blessed Victor demanded more, to be stronger, smarter, better.

The battle bots were a series of remote-controlled tanks repurposed to be a security force, unlike the iron legion they were more traditional in their role. As the Iron Legion was developed for harsh terrains the battle bots were made for simple defence. Equipped with energy pulses in their hands, their legs were tank wheels, and their ocular system consisting of a missile-proof camera. With a black and purple aesthetic, one could mistake it for a Miltiech tanker the difference, its drastic change of design and purple neon highlights.

With an energy core inside which transported energy to its body from the generator connected to the facility, it allowed it to be wirelessly charged without the need to manually charge and deploy it. The downside is its range of movement - a five-kilometre radius (3 miles) from the generator. Similar to a broken battery it'd last a few seconds after being disconnected from its charger. The crafting ability allowing such a reality-bending concept to exist such as irregularities being present in his arsenal. The effects while godly only worked if they were wielded in his hands or a follower. His branded members all over the globe fighting secretly for his cause.

"Lucian how goes Texas?" Victor called, his right-hand man on the other line.

"The same as any other. Organised and efficient, how about Night city? What's it like being back home." Lucian asked, a thick cigar by his hand as he looked over the city of Austin. His heterochromatic eyes shining amongst the stars. A wondrous gaze washing over the land mass, his mind gearing over to the borders of the city. His hand itching for battle.

"Putrid, the air is disgusting and the people are as horrible as they say. It's a world wonder why they remain in this cesspool of degeneracy." Victor replied casually.

"The generator will soon be activated in a few months… I itch for battle Victor, how long must my men wait?" Lucian asked.

"Your time will come, another Ragnarock will come in time. We must remain patient, Rome was not built in a day. What we have done in the last ten years has equated to more fuel than any other corporation has equalled to. Built a solid foundation so that it may support our tower of babel." Victor answered.

"Altair has made moves in Islam… Shall he continue forward?" Lucian asked.

"Do as he pleases as long as he continues to gain support from the local governments," Victor ordered.

"What of the… mistake made by O'brian?"

"Continue to ignore him until he fixes it. If he fails to deliver results, replace him."

"What of Squad Jaguar? Their masses were annihilated by that ambush. That thing proved to be effective on the field. Should we not deploy our own?"

"You should already understand that the prototype they deployed is a mere imitation to what we have under our covers. Merely fighting for land is a waste when we have it in abundance. We seek foundation and influence foremost. We already have enough weaponry to overthrow each sector of Arasaka and Militech in America and Japan, it is their stain and influence which halts our movements. The power void would be a nuisance to deal with. Ensure the bear receives our missiles and that the Brazilians remain busy fighting with France. If the Jaguars can't handle a single miss input then they aren't worthy of our help. Had Altair been down there he would've washed the opponent dead. "

"Altair has an established squad. Alicia is a student of mine and one that has just begun her journey… It'd be a waste if she were to fall." Lucian advised.

"It matter not friend, her soul like yours is tethered to mine. Should she fall, she'll eventually rise once more. It is in my will." Victor comforted.

"But nonetheless, she plays too much with her victims. Even her choice of weaponry is outdated. Had it not been for my ingenuity and your calculations her means of advancements would be simply useless." Victor continued, the blueprints of her bow coming to mind.

"I too have my doubt but if it works why change it?"

"Efficiency," Victor explained.

"And your sword?" Lucian asked.

"Focus on rebuilding Texas, Lucian," Victor replied.

"I wouldn't mind a fifth corporate war you know," Lucian smiled. His obvious comment getting to Victor.

"Your reach is too small my friend, we aren't seeking a fifth corporate war… But world war three." Victor smiled before hearing knocks at his door. Maines crew finally arriving.

"I'll have to cut our chat short, I have guests," Victor alerted before closing the communication link. Opening the door to his shop via button he sat awaiting their entrance.

"We got your package…" Maine announced dropping the large suitcase onto his desk.

"A tad late don't you think?" Victor replied, opening it. The package merely a bottle of wine. The sight of the object alerting the entire crew. Shocked at the fact they sacrifice four members to retrieve a simple bottle of wine.

"As promised your reward," Victor replied transferring them a total of §45'000 an unprecedented amount for the crew. Though such a reward was bittersweet. Rebecca silent unlike her usual behaviour, Dorio unsure of the future and Sasha angry at her own weakness.

"I now offer you another contract one which will determine our future relationship," Victor announced to the crew. Something wich piqued his interest.

"Condolences for your loss but sadly such is a factor in our trade. As you can tell this was merely a test run." Victor explained sipping on his chalet of wine. The flavour rummaging through the silk of his tongue. A bitter yet sweet flavour fulfilling his fix.

"I'll offer you two choices, continue down this line of work as your own crew, fighting for jobs only to die attempting to complete them or… You work solely for me. Know the perks… Are quite advantageous," Victor explained appearing behind them.

"Maine…" Dorio muttered.

"If I work under you… Will I get stronger?" Maine asked determined.

"Stronger? No… You'll be better." Victor corrected, the next millisecond with Victor sitting in his chair once more.

"So what will it be? The choice is yours."

"Fuck it. I'm in." Maine accepted, Victors' hand now out for a shake.

"Just shake my hand and it's all yours."

"Look, team… I understand if you back away now… But… I'm not going to run away anymore." Maine mustered, his hand then shaking with Victors.

Perfect… Victor thought smiling.

With in a fraction of a moment the world paused. The wind coming to a close as Maine's eyes shut for a millisecond. His eyes opening to see Victor's soul. A demonic figure atop a mountain of corpses sitting menacingly. A dark ebony throne of skulls the figure's seat. Staring down at Maine it merely ignored it's existence it's eyes gazing beyond him. The space empty to Maines sight. With in this twisted world the sky was blank and crimson the ground filled with blood.

Looking around him he noticed all sorts of figures kneeling to the man, the number going beyond millions. From children all the way to the elderly, their bodies wearing crimson ebony armour. The colour blending with the crimson sea. Seeing Six figures in front they all bowed instead of kneeling. A sigil behind them with their own followers. The largest one standing at 220cm having the biggest army. Not knowing what to do he bent to a knee and closed his eyes. Accepting the king as his own. Feeling the blood wrap around his body he felt warmth and solace in it's embrace, his body now coveted in the same armour as the ones around him.

Closing his eyes once more he opened them to see Victors figure looking back at him. An aura surrounding the figure. Looking at the back of his hand he noticed a purple sigil plastered against his skin. The neon light almost blinding to him before dimming.

"Now what of youse lot? Willing to join?" Victor asked the rest. His hand out to shake them. Dorio looking at her partner jumped forward accepting Victors' offer, Rebecca likewise joining the fray. Sasha the last to join in.

"How can I trust you won't betray us?" She asked, her gaze never leaving the visor of victors.

"Faith and understanding. I want exactly what you crave." Victor answered, his answer alerting Sasha.

"And what would that be?" She asked.

"Down with corporate scum, I've seen your kind before darling. We aren't special." Victor ridiculed.

"Just because we have the same goals doesn't mean you won't betray me. I've seen brothers kill their sisters to feed themselves what makes you think I'll believe you wont do the same?" She swore.

"Because I know whose blood flows through your veins," Victor revealed her words cut short as files of her mothers' service appeared in the air. A holo screen revealing everything of her mothers service. The next screen showcasing a Russian male.

"Bella Yakovleva mother to Sasha Yakovleva- Once a soldier of Militech and dis-honourably discharged due to her refusal to follow orders. Your father once served alongside my men, I never thought I'd get to meet his daughter in person. A small world I must say." Victor answered the revelation that her father still lived shocking her to her core.

"If I join you… Will I get to meet him?" She asked.

"Of course, you might even get to work alongside him," Victor answered.

"Then it's a deal," She accepted, the handshake occurring and pulling her into his world.

"Fantastic, now then… Meet back here in a few weeks' time… We'll have another commission in-store for you. Take a breather, fuck a joy toy do something." Victor excused them before hearing another knock. This time, the visitors being Jackie Welles and Misty Welles.

"What with the kid on your back?" Victor asked seeing David being sacked over his back.

"He was laying near your door amigo, perhaps he needs a little help,"

"My services have a price," Victor replied dismissively, his actions causing misty to turn to Jackie.

"I'll owe ya one. Come on ese he's just a kid," Jackie encouraged.

"Fine, chuck him on the bed. We'll see what our little street dog has on him," Victor accepted.

"Interesting, kids in Night city run around with wounds like these?" Victor asked seeing the amount of trauma the kid faced. Numerous crack ribs, fracture shins, head trauma, a punctured lung and low blood pressure.

"The ones that usually get into trouble. What are we dealing with choom?" Jackie asked concerned.

"A lot of abuse, seeing as he's wearing Arasaka wear I'm hesitant to help him. Not a fan of corpo's and kids don't have much of a print on the space. He's essentially ganic this one." Victor explained, the only data on the kid being his enrolment and deceased mother. Seeing his grades though he was amused by them.

100/100 in all studies… Perhaps there is worth in trash… Victor thought.

"Can you save him?"

"I guess we'll see. Leave the room, I'll get to business," Victor explained kicking the two outside into the mystic shop. Turning to face the child he thought back to his own childhood.

"It would seem fate is in your favour child," Victor muttered.

Date: 10th of June 2075

Location: Night city,

POV: David Martinez

"Why are you even enrolled here, Martinez? You're just a failure. Do you think just cause you're smart you can last a second here? Be honest with yourself bud, your mum is a whore else how else can you afford it here," Katuso spat, his stupid smirk overlooking me. The damn bastard using an advanced skill chip to knock me over. Attempting to get up he knocked me down again, the taste of iron quickly filling my mouth. Feeling my muscles freeze it contorted at the slightest move. The fatigue of being knocked numerous times a travesty.

"Best you stay down there punk. Wouldn't wanna dirty my boots with your filth. Let's go boys, go be joy toy or something David. Might be finally useful for something," He continued, the ability to deny his words something I couldn't afford. Taking deep breaths I swore at the world defeated. Why today? Wasn't it already enough to take my mother?

Closing my eyes I thought back to her, a memory of her death flashing through my eyes. Sitting there I eventually rose to my feet, my footing uneven leading to an awkward stance. Limping away I stared at the ground, walking forward for who knows how long. I didn't have a destination and home was just a foggy memory ago. I didn't know what to do.

Bumping into someone I was quickly held up by my throat. A large figure wearing an ebony armour, the purple highlights in his armour making him look cool. Had it not been for his quick attempt at my life I would've looked on in awe. Yet I spat at him. Fuck it… If I could die why not die to someone cool like this? At least I wouldn't die to some punk-ass bitch like Katsuo. I worked hard, harder than everyone else… and yet here i am. Still at the bottom - With nothing to my name. Was this life? If so… I didn't want any more of it. Why work when all you got was shit. Fuck this city, fuck this Katsuo and…

"Fuck… You!" I spat at the armoured figure. With all my vigour and all my power, I spat those words. My eyes never breaking away from the masked man's face. If I died here… Than fuck it. I won't die a bitch… Yet surprisingly… The man seemingly loosened his grip on my words.

"Watch where you're going… David Martinez. Lest you end up mush," He answered the words shocking me. How the hell did he know who I was? Collapsed on the ground I stared as he walked into a building close by. The possibility that it was his own shop sticking to my mind. Walking over I instead collapsed by his entrance. My back leaning against the wall, falling unconscious I sighed relieved. Perhaps… I could live another day in this hell hole. Dropping to the floor I awoke to a white ceiling. My first thought being I was in some sort of heaven or perhaps hell.

"So you're finally awake," A blurred figure announced by my side. Turning to face him it was the same person who chocked me. The cool guy with the rad armour.

"Um… where am I?" I asked confused, my shirt nowhere to be seen.

"What a lovely way to say thank you. My name's Dr Doom by the way or were you to be busy being ungrateful to bother asking?" He questioned amused, the ability to ask him how he knew me, cut short. As the memory of him saying my name still burned hot in my brain, yet I knew better than to question a guy who could end me. Looking over to his desk I saw my mothers ashes safe.

"You're in my medical firm. You were for better or worse fucked. I'm surprised you managed to still walk close to my door." He continued, his arms crossed as he showed me the damage done to my body. Fractured ribs,

"Look i don't know why you saved me but… I don't have any money." I answered truly. I didn't have anything to give except my life but even then was it truly worth anything?

"It's fine I'll let you off free of charge, I was feeling charitable today. Anywhere to stay or are some street rat?" He asked.

"Uh, no… I got evicted from my apartment. My mother died and I couldn't pay the fees…" I explained, my mind jogging at a possible solution. Come on David! Think, what do we do from here…

"Hey, look do you have an assistant or something? I can pay you back by working here or something. I could like sweep the floors or perhaps get you a coffee every day?" I proposed my mind jumping for him to accept my offer.

Please say yes! Please say yes! Please, Please, Please! I mentally begged.

"Depends on your intellect I've done a thorough search on you child and found that you were a top student in Arasaka academy. An achievement I commend if it were not all trash. I see potential but intelligence will only get you so far in this world. It's a flaw in this world that those in power are often of an extreme. Intelligent men doubt themselves while idiots are certain, while the wise know when to be both. Let's see what you can do in a fight." He revealed standing up.

"I don't think that's fair…" I muttered.

"Life's not fair," He replied. The world freezing and contorting before we appeared in an open blank area. Staring at him I stopped to realise that he was 6ft 5inches (195cm) tall. His body also surprisingly jacked behind the armour. Wearing a tank top and sweat pants the man wore a golden necklace by his neck, and a metallic mask covering his face, his eyes imbued with a violet hue. Gesturing me over I complied. I don't know what the fuck was going on but screw it. I was here and I was gonna make sure I at least got a hit on me.

Attempting to strike him, I crunched my body down, my arms south-pawed to right as my left went in to strike his face. The strike missing and leaving my entire right exposed. Flicking me in the head I weaved back confused. How in the hell? Attempting to attack him again I instead went for his feat the attack instantly backfiring as he grabbed it and flipped me over. Landing on my stomach I groaned in pain. Fuck It, I ain't giving up! I'll teach you, something bud.

Weaving dodging I slowly started to adapt to his attack. My strikes became sharper, and my kicks focused. Yet every time I nearly got him he would return the force back twofold. Oddly enough, the experience left me in a trance. My muscles burned with vigour to continue as while I knew I would fail at every attempt, I felt stronger each time I fell. The Mountain that was Doom bettering me.

I could do this all day! Nearly uppercutting me, he swiftly went behind me, my eyes turning to face his finger. The latter once again flicking my head to the floor. Landing on my ass I turned to see him somewhat chuckling over my constant defeat.

"I can see why Lucian finds this enjoyable now," He laughed.

"Dammit, why can't I hit you?" I shouted frustrated.

"Because I'm built different," He responded.

"You're probably chromed as hell," I spoke, there was no other way. The guy had to be a monster under all that supposed flesh.

"Unfortunately for you, David, this is all real." He gestured, as he flexed his biceps, the man's lats larger than my own legs.

"But then how can you move so fast?" I questioned.

"Unfortunately the laws of this world don't apply to me. While others use a Sandavistan to process the world at a slower rate I instead use my suit to heighten it, my own perception faster than what others could handle." He explained. The world showing his suit being compared to another person's implant. The Sandvistan replacing the person's spine. Each part interconnected and intertwined with their neurological system, the thing better than some of the militech blueprints I stole. Just who the hell was this guy…

"But how can it withstand such strong feedback, attached alongside those energy capacitors is directly the brain… they'd fry a person's neurons to bits if they were exposed to that much energy," I asked seeing it. Where the traditional Sandavisitan had an increased perception rate of around 20, the one I was seeing attached to the other person was 100 - The Sandavisitan attached to Dr Dooms' armour was way too technical for even the likes of me to understand.

"A techie, eh? Impressive kiddo, some wouldn't even understand the basic parts of that thing from just a gaze alone. Perhaps you are worthy of investment," He acknowledged. The next frame showcasing a persons neuro link.

"Seeing as you're educated, what's wrong with this blueprint?" He asked showing me a person's brain, the neruo-port attached to the back of their skull. A certain part missing which while minuscule was responsible for ensuring that the persons brain didn't cause fractured memories when returning back from cyberspace.

"It's missing a rejuncture?" I answered, while the blueprint he showed was somewhat technical and highly advanced it still missed the essential key which was slotted near the cerebral cortex.

"Correct, how'd a genius like you end up in Arasaka's hands, their little brainwashing facility didn't get to you did it?" He questioned, handing me a data chip and shades.

"I see you're still ganic, so for now I'll offer you these alternatives until you're at least 17. A kid like you getting implants early will stunt your growth." He stated.

"What's on it?" I asked.

"Knowledge, don't think you've escaped school, bud. It's only going to get harder from here," He replied amused.

"Damn… Do I really need to go through all this?" I asked shocked at the amount of content he was giving me. From linguistics all the way to complex maths, nearly everything was on this thing.

"If you want to be my so-called assistant then you're going to need to learn at least four of those to be qualified. I expect the best David so get to it." He explained before awaking in again in his clinic.

"Just how long have we been here?" I asked him, time seemingly lost in here. That felt way too long, was that a hallucination of some sort? Surely a BD of some kind that was technologically advanced for my understanding right now. But even then that doesn't make sense because what kind of doctor has that kind of shit lying around?

"Just a few hours." He voiced, his answer subpar to what I was expecting. I thought I was in there for days! That was one crazy BD or something.

"While I didn't account for housing there is an apartment that I recently just bought. You can have it," He replied handing me a set of keys - the thing moulding into a bracelet wrapping around my hand. Fuck that's cool.

"Now go get me a large hot chocolate and ask the other two next door what they want as well. Oh, and while you're at it get yourself something as well." He replied handing me a jet-black card.

"Ah… Do I go out shirtless or…" I muttered.

"Hmm, i guess you do need to dress the part." Dr Doom replied. Chucking me his jacket and a black shirt it shrunk to my size. The ebony and purple aesthetic really fit me. Damn it, I look cool right now.

"Ah nearly forgot too." He alerted, handing me a hand cannon as calling it a pistol was an understatement.

"Jesus, what kind of firepower is this thing packing…" I expressed shocked. Holding it, I didn't feel its weight the sensation was peculiar with the weapon looking similar to a Burya, yet larger and sleeker. Looking at the mirror by the wall I smiled. The chrome aesthetic is something that really made me squirm excited - damn do I feel like a badass.

"It's called Victory I hope it treats you well." He replied before shooing me away, my body flying out the door. Now that was something, was he some sort of magician or something or did he use a magnet of some sort? Deciding to leave my new boss to his strange antics, I went through the door and into what seemed to be… a shop?

"Hey Choom, feeling better?" A large Spanish man asked concerned.

"Yeah, feeling a lot better," I answered, the man almost bigger and taller than Dr Doom himself. Was this guy his bodyguard or something?

"Well I sure hope so, yesterday you were almost dead." He expressed.

"I thought you were a goner too," The lady next to him continued, her attire that of a retired joytoy. While I didn't mean to offend, her looks were quite out there.

"I don't mean to be rude, but ah, who are you guys anyway?" I asked.

"It's no problem choom, I'm Jackie Welles and this is my wife misty." He replied. The connection between the two was something I didn't form until a few seconds passed.

"Really?" I couldn't help but voice; Jackie then bursting into laughter. Attempting to apologise they quickly waved my concerns away.

"We get that a lot, don't think about to much kiddo. So what the doc say you need a ride home?"

"Ah, don't worry about it… I kinda work here now," I stated.

"He didn't force you did he?" Misty asked concerned once again.

"No I kinda asked him if I could," I awkwardly smiled. Was this guy some sort of mad scientist or cult leader… Why the concern?

"Anyway, what do you guys like to drink? The boss said to ask if you guys wanted a coffee?"

"Don't worry about me I don't drink that bitter stuff what about you hun?" He asked Misty.

"I'll get a latte with two sugars," She smiled, her hands reaching out for her purse only for me to deny her.

"It's fine, I got his card right here," I replied before walking out.

"Shit… Where do I go to get coffee?" I muttered.


I guess I'll plop it here, I hope you guys are enjoying the alternative universe. It ain't much and it ain't the best but I hope it is at least intriguing. If you guys have any inquiries I'll try my best to answer them - Until then party people.

TheDarkDarkcreators' thoughts
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