
Chapter 14. Magic(1)

Chapter - 14


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Magic. A unknown power to Arthur who was from the modern times. If magic was just an unknown power, he could discard it but magic was something totally different.

Magic here was a full of possibilities. Magic provides powers outside the scope of science. And to him, in his quest of becoming the strongest it was an important arsenal besides martial arts.

So, learning magic and mastering it fast and steady as possible was the goal Arthur made. His fight with Troy made him realise that the dangers were not gone. And to love a simple life, he needs to have the strength to do so.

But the problem was that he didn't have a teacher who to give him lessons about magic. Magic was not like martial arts.

Martial arts never betray efforts. But Magic... Magic is a cheating study.

Even if you are a normal man, you can practice martial arts for years, it may take a bit time or may take long time but it eventually shows results.

But magic is only for the ones who are gifted from birth. Only the talented ones are capable of wielding this unknown power.

And even in this group of talented ones, several divisions are there. It's not common. In every field, there are divisions.

So, even if magic is wielded by many people, only a handful of them are capable of using it as much they want because of their talent.

Arthur at first may or may not be talented but now he was definitely talented. And all of this was obviously because of [Adam's Body].

Now to use magic without any guidance, Arthur thought of using the most logical course of actions.

First, Why is the magic is here but not in his modern world? Normally because of a foreign substance in air called Mana.

And magicians use this mana to make spells or to enchant tools.

So, Arthur came out of his house and sat down with his eyes close to meditate and started concentrating his surroundings to find the unknown particle.

"So, this is mana... A bit warm and soothing... Giving out a cosy feeling..."

He could feel some light bluish particles in air invisible to eye giving out a sort of energy.

Arthur slowly tried to absorb then into his body. This is pretty difficult for most people, but Arthur could do this as if it was natural as breathing.

But at this moment, Arthur didn't knew that what he was doing was totally different from the other magicians in this world do.

Mostly, to absorb outer mana, magicians breath the air full of mana and process it inside. This is the most raw and also the most easiest usable way. And it is good also.

But the method, Arthur was using was far more complex than other methods. He was absorbing the mana through his body. Through his skin pores which constantly exposed to air, he was absorbing the mana through them and was processing them inside his body.

This method is very difficult and is not suitable for large audience but the advantages of this method out classes the other one.

The air intake is very much and efficiency is very high. Without much thought, Arthur himself didn't knew that he already made a magic cultivation technique which could make countries wage wars for it.

The mana was slowly getting stored up in more compressed way in his body just like a gas cylinder. The more magic power get compressed the more it becomes pure and powerful.

"So, this is feeling of having mana..."

Arthur stood up and didn't find any changes outside but inside his body which was hollow before was full of mana.

"First, let's try the most normal way of using this magic power. Concentrate it in leg and foot... Whoa!"

Arthur moves his mana and concentrated it his legs and feet and as soon he tried to run he suddenly appeared metres away as if he warped forward!

"The speed have increased in a larger scale. In this way, Sonic step will be more faster. Let's try for punches."

Just like before, he collected mana from the legs and moved it in his arms and hands. He walked near a tree and punch it.


With a loud sound, the tree fell down with a fist mark in its trunk.

"So, this work in this way as well. If I keep my mana all over the body, evenly spread then maybe it can increase my all aptitudes."

This time instead of concentrating in one particular place, Arthur moved mana evenly throughout the body. He then moved and punched a bit. The power was less than before moves but was definitely more than his original power.

"In this way, I can gain an enhancement all overy body which can give me more strength than normal. I should name it - Mana Enhancement."

And this way, Arthur created the first magic move specially for his body and named it - Mana Enhancement.

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