

When all the parrots were talking to each other. suddenly one of the parrots noticed Fyu and Babu.

he said to the other parrots, "Get up, now go and sit in the garden on the other side of the canal, and we talk other things there." Yes, these two mischievous boys look like hunters to me. they are trying to catch us.

when Mama Mithu saw Fyu and Babu.

he said to these two parrots, yes, these two boys are after my catch.

and the cages holder Junaid is my owner.

Junaid is a very good person. Both parrot says to Mama Mithu. leave the good person, fly away from here, and go there and sit in that garden.

then Mama Muthu and those two parrots fly from the stadium and sit in the trees of the garden on the other side of the canal.

From the top of this tree, Fuy and Babu see all the parrots sitting in the trees of the garden on the other side of the canal.

they both come down, ask Junaid to go to the garden on the other side of the canal.

Junaid says Now let the parrot go, but Fyu and Babu say to Junaid, don't be afraid.

we will catch your parrot in that garden, you follow us, Fyu and Babu rush towards that garden with their wood stick.

As they go, Junaid follows them slowly with the cage.

On the way, Junaid thinks, that a person who is a teacher in a high school, who always lectures his students on not cruelty to animals and birds, strictly forbids his students from trapping and imprisoning birds.

that person today is following a bird's catching.

then thinks, how foolish Anila is too, who loves a wild bird too much.

then thinks, if I, If I go back home without get catching this parrot.

Anila will be very sad, she will be very traumatized.

which will directly affect my baby growing in her womb.

Junaid thinking this while crossing the bridge of Canal and reaches the garden on the other side.

Fyu and Babu reach the garden before Junaid, and start looking for the parrot in the trees of the garden,

Mama Mithu watches Junaid's distressed condition from a distance. on which he is very sad, he says to his friends, look at Junaid.

how much Junaid loves me.

how worried for me.

Both parrots says. What kind of love is this, that Junaid is running behind you with a cage to imprison you.

Junaid is a tyrant, who wants to torture you in prison, to end your freedom, to take away you from your forest.

He wants to keep you away from your nation, your relatives, friends, your beloved. and you still call such a tyrant a good person.

Mama Mithu says to these two parrots, please don't say that about Junaid.

because Junaid is a very good person, a sensitive, loving person.

Tyrant was that person who had abducted me from the forest, broken all the feathers of my two wings, sold me to another cruel shopkeeper. who beat me and made me bleed and unconscious.

but when Junaid bought me from this cruel shopkeeper.

then Junaid wanted to free me.

at that time I was all injured,

all the feathers of my two wings were broken, at that time I was completely unable to fly.

then Junaid and his wife treated me, gave me love all the time, gave me all kinds of fruits to eat.

even today Junaid is very happy about my freedom, but Junaid does not want to shock his wife Anila, because Anila loves me as much as her own son.

Continued on Post-99

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