

it was about Sohail that your father wrote this poem,

I like your haughty,

It suits you,

Although it is bad habit,

Yet you are not naughty,

Shams and Aftab both say in unison, Good. . . . . . . So . . . . . This is the thing, that's why Abu didn't take any time to make a decision, everyone laughs.

On the second day, Sohail moves all his belongings from the old house to the new house, and settles in the new house regularly.

Ismail invites Sohail to attend Shams and Aftab's birthday on the morning of 14 February.

At about 11 o'clock in the night, as usual, all the people come to the roof of the inn and discuss the topic of spring.

As soon as 12 o'clock in the night, Sohail first expresses his love for the two by giving Salman and Yusuf a red rose each.

while Salman and Yusuf also present Sohail with a red rose in the same way and express their love to Sohail too.

later Sohail expresses his love to Shams and Aftab by giving one, one red rose to each. Shams and Aftab also respond to Sohail in the same way and express their love too.

Continued on Post-70

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