

After every six months Shams and Aftab release a new musical album. they become more successful than before, and set records in the world.

Every year, all pre-regular programs such as Yusuf's and children's birthday, Rakhi ceremony, and other programs are held in a wonderful pattern.

Shams and Aftab keep earning PhD in two subjects every year without any dfficulty, in this way the two children complete 14 PhD degrees in 5 years and fulfill Salman's wish.

Every year they travel to nine countries of the world for two or three months.

They have become richer than rich, have successfully entered the petrol business in addition to other businesses.

During all this time, Yusuf have trained the both children in gymnastics, karate, kingfu, Shaolin, master art etc.

As both children approach their 18th birthdays, it is preceded by Yusuf's birthday on February 5, which is attended by the entire family, when the brithday ceremony ends.

Tarnam, Yusuf's wife, tells Salman, Brother Salman! Till today you have not rejected any of my wishes, even today you will definitely fulfill one of my wishes.

Salman says, speak my dear dear sister! what do you want,

Tarnam says, brother! Shams and Aftab are quite young now, so I want to see them get married soon.

this same wish makes me Muskan, Aram, Khusboo too.

Ismail, Ibrahim also express this wish, now Slman sees towards Yusuf.

Yusuf says, Bro! I am with you, whatever you decide will be my decision.

Salman says, Thank you very much to all of you. who have drawn my attention to this important issue,

my wish is that Shams and Aftab get married soon. but I want know Shams and Aftab's wishes in this matter. I will give importance to them.

the second is that there should be a good and quite small family for the relationship of these two, which is in accordance with our temperament, I will make some conditions for it, as I made some conditions for my marriage.

Ismail says, I am the grandfather of Shams and Aftab, it is my responsibility to find a good and small family for both of them.

and I have already prepared to fulfill this responsibility.

good small and you people's mood. There is exactly one family in my view.

I am sure that you all will like that family, you just meet them and confirm them, and give your opinion, I will do the rest myself.

Salman says, I want to know the likes and wishes of Shams and Aftab, because I don't want to do anything against their likes and wishes, nor do I want to impose my decision on them.

I always want to fulfill every desire, the happiness of these two is the happiness of all.

this is the matter of the whole life of these two, if these two are already sitting somewhere with their heart, then completely free and fearless.

Tell me, I will never break their hearts, I will try my best to fulfill their wishes and desires.

Shams and Aftab say, Father! Before today, both of us brothers have never thought about this matter, you can absolutely believe that we are not sitting with our hearts attached to anyone.

Continued on Post-65

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