

After four years, Yusuf completes his master's degree, gets first position in I.R, Salman advises Yusuf to pursue a PhD in the same subject, Yusuf starts preparing for Ph.D.

When Shams and Aftab complete five years of their lives, one day Salman asks Yusuf, brother, how much money is in your account? Yusuf says, Bro! I know, that you have deposited more money in my account than I gave.

Salman says, brother! My purpose is not that I am reminding you, but I need a lot of money, so I am asking you, if your money also decreases, I will have to borrow more money.

Yusuf says, Salman Bro! Now it is five times more than the first amount, if it is less, then I will take all the money from Dad and uncle for you.

you don't need to borrow, bro! Can you tell me how much money you need and what you will do?

Salman says, Yusuf! Whatever I do, if you can ask your father, whatever money he has left, borrow all that money for me, and give me a blank check for your money as before.

Yusuf, signs a blank check and hands it over to Salman, and gets his father to sign on a blank cheque, which he also hands over to Salman.

When Ismail comes in the evening, he says to Salman, son! I have called my brother Ibrahim for more money, he will also bring all his remaining money by tomorrow.

Salman says to Ismail, uncle! You called your brother for nothing, there was no need for him.

On the next day Ibrahim also brings all his remaining money, but Salman refuses to take it from him.

Yusuf used to take all that money from his uncle Ibrahim.and says, thank you very much,

Ibraham says, son! I am not lending this money to you people, consider all this money as yours and spend it as you wish.

Salman now tells everyone, that I don't need that much money, and as much money as I have taken from you, I will try to return all this money to you soon.

Ismail says, Salman son! Can you tell me what you need this money for? So that, I can estimate how much money you need,

Yusuf says to Ismail, Dad! Whatever Salman Bro does with this money, do you have any objection?

Ismail says, No Yusuf son, I have no objection, but the purpose of asking is that if Salman needs more money than this amount.

we will fulfill that amount by sending our land and property.

Because now Salman's need is everyone's need, I don't want Salman to face any problem or trouble due to money.

Salman smiles a little, and says, you guys are getting worried for nothing.

there is no such big problem with me, ok, now I end your curiosity.

I tell you everything,

I have contacted with a international university to get major degrees for my brother Yusuf, And for both children Shams and Aftab.

Continued on Post-53

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