

Salman says, brother! Your great kindness. Yusuf! This house of mine will be the house of the groom during the entire wedding ceremony, your house will be the house of the bride.

When Salman and Yusuf complete the whole program, then Yusuf calls his father Ismail,

Salman tells Ismail the whole program, says, Uncle Ismail, I will bear all the expenses of this program alone. ,

Ismail wants to say something to Salman, but then he becomes silent, after some time he says, ok son! What you both brothers agree with is my pleasure, in which you both brother are happy, I am happy in this, tomorrow I will go to my village, tell my brother Ibrahim the whole program, and bring his whole family here.

Ismail has only one younger brother Abraham, he takes care of his land in the village, does agriculture etc.

Abraham has only one daughter Tarnam, apart from her there are no other children, Tarnam is the only one. and she is engaged with Yusuf. the next day Ismail goes to his village,

Yusuf does the signatures on a blank check and gives it to Salman,

Salman checks the balance of Yusuf's account from the bank, and leaves only five thousand in this account and writes the entire amount on this check, keeps photocopy of this check in his record. and withdraws all the money from the bank,

A few days later Ismail returns to his home with his brother Abrahm and his entire family, Ismail and Abrahm meet Salman.

Abrahm also shows the same trust and confidence in Salman

Continued on Post-37

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