

He also used to look at me, but I don't know anything, what was his opinion about me, what did he think about me, he belonged to a rich, prosperous and advanced family,

Yusuf! Like you, he had all kinds of love and comfort. I have already told you what my condition was at that time, but there was never a hi, hello, talk or meeting between him and me.

Whenever we came in front of each other, we used to just stare at each other. Then the waves of the sea of ​​circumstances swept me to this point, now I have no idea where the boy is.

Yusuf says, Salman Bhro! It is Good thing, that, that guy didn't meet you.

Salman says to Yusuf, why? What trouble do you have with that boy?

Yusuf says, Bro! If that boy had met you, become your close friend, then I would have had a lot of trouble finding a brother like you, that boy would have been in my place at that time, and would have said these loving talks to you.

Salman and Yusuf don't know the time between the talks, the night is tired, the rays of the sun have cleared the darkness from the sky, but the full sun has not yet risen, yet it is early morning, dawn has begain. Salman's pigeons had also come out of their nests and sat on the wall. The sounds of birds' beaks had started everywhere, humans and animals were slowly waking up from their sleep, and were starting the struggle of a new day of their lives. Then Salman recites this poem to Yusuf.

یہ ہے آغازے صبوح.

This is the beginning of the Dawn.

مرغے کی ککوکو.

Kakooko, of Cock.

کوے کی کاں کان.

Kan, Kan, of Crow.

بلبل کی چوں چوں.

Chon, chon, of Nightingale.

کوئل کی کوک.

Kook, of Coil.

چڑیا چہک.

The bird chirps.

شبنم کی چمک.

The glow, of Dew.

پہولوں کی مہک.

The aroma, of Flowers.

ہوا میں ٹہنڈ ک.

Cooling in the Air.

درختوں میں رکس.

Dance of the Trees.

ستاروں کا چھپ جانا.

Disappearing, of the Stars.

اند ہیرے کا ہٹنا.

The removal of the Darkness.

راہبوں کی دعا.

The prayer of the Monks.

مسجدوں میں آزاں.

Azan in Mosques.

ردھم سا یہ سماں.

Rhythm in the Atmosphere.

یہ سب بتا رہے ہیں.

All these, tells.

یہ ہے آغازے صبوح.

This is the beginning of the Dawn.

Continued on Post-30

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