

earned a doctorate in psychology, then became a professor in the subject of psychology at a well-known university.

Now Salman's situation was changing rapidly. His income had also increased significantly. Salman first started paying off all his old debts, because Salman believed that, a person in debt is a prisoner to others. And one day of freedom from a thousand years of imprisonment is good. Salman cleared all his debt in one year. Also bought a small house and a motorcycle.

Now Salman was getting some mental satisfaction. He used to spend most of his time in reading books. Because reading books had become a habit of Salman. Salman used to write some poetry in the past, now it has increased and used to write down some new ideas.

Now Salman had made a time table of his life. At What time to get up, at what time to sleep, at what time to exercise, at what time to go to university, at what time to study, at what time to go sightseeing, at what time to shop, at what time to eat, and what to eat etc.

Now Salman's income was enough, so, he used to wear nice clothes. Because he had experienced, that in this era, the value of a person is low, but external show, and new clothes get more value and importance.

Now Salman used to have a lot of fun, he believed that by having fun, the fatigue of the mind ends, the mind gets refreshed, new ideas are born and creativity increases.

Now Salman used to pay special attention to his diet, he thought. That, good food makes good blood, good blood makes good body. The heart and mind are also parts of this body, so, a good heart and mind also live in a good body, a good heart and a good mind can fight the world's conditions with a good way. Having all these things is the guarantee of good health, a person can live a good life only by having good health.

Ever since Salman had become a professor, he had been getting a lot of requests for relationships for marriage, but Salman did not find anyone special. And did not pay attention, because Salman had a special experience of people's psychology, he also knew his mood very well, so, he did not want to get himself into trouble and difficulties again in a hasty decision, nor he wanted to impose his mood and style to someone else's to get them in trouble and punishment by inflicting it on someone else. Because Salman no longer wanted to spend the rest of his life in a state of conflict and anxiety.

Salman believed that, considering past experiences, present demands, and future changes, a unique, ideal, exemplary, and successful life should be lived with a completely new method, new principles.

That's why Salman needed a life partner, who is completely in accordance with Salman's ideas, fulfills Salman's desires. Whom Salman trusts, who trust on Salman too. Whose family is perfectly good,

Because Salman believed that, the effects of a good family last for thousands of years.Whose domestic conditions are good, because the effect of domestic conditions also remains in a person's life till the end. Whose mother and father has a good temperament and style. Because Salman believed that, the influence of mother's and father's temperament and style is also very important in the life of a person, whose education and training is good, because Salman believed that good education and training make a person great. It helps a lot, whether she has attended school or not, whether she can read and write or not, because Salman believed that it is not a big deal to have an appearance or schooling or to read and write.

But the effect of the education given at home, the things explained and the training is more than the visible education and training.

of that

Continued on Post-9

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