"Valley of Pills seems to think they can just come late to the party, expecting to pick up easy spoils, right?" Cao Can, president of the Alchemist Union, furrowed his brows as his hand holding the wine jar paused.
"Pick up easy spoils? It's not their turn!" Yan Guowen, president of the Beast Tamer Master Guild, chuckled shaking his head, "If they think that just because they have three Heaven Rank professionals, they can be the kings of this continent, that's just naive, isn't it?"
Qin Yu remained silent. He was well aware that as the Young Master of the Snow Wolf Mercenary Group, he had no right to sit with the presidents of the Three Great Guilds, based on the distribution of power. The people of the Three Great Guilds, all belonged to the three most noble professions on the continent. With a single call to arms, these three could gather a host of strong followers willing to die for them.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: