


Gabriel lies with his belly on the floor and the ice slowly growing on his legs. The world around him has gone white with snow and cold painting the scenery like an artist, turning the walls and floor to plain white with the three black figures hovering over him.

Gabriel's eyes' sees past all this and looks into the reality of his brother's demise. All this happened because he wanted Rachael alive, "Samuel does not deserve to die because of it, because of me," he thinks.

He watches Alucard appear with his sword in hand, the same sword that he drove through his chest; is he going to do the same to Samuel?

Will this be the end of Morst et tempestas?

A hint of hope lifts the feelings in his chest as the door barges open, Elma and Rachael enter the castle and without wasting anytime Elma sniff's out Samuel and zooms off to his rescue.

"Don't die, Sammy" Gabriel says.

Elma stops in her tracks as Alucard's back comes to view. Broad shoulders covered in armor with his long hair draping on the back of his neck. He hears her footsteps and stops to take a glance, "Vampire," he grunts.

"Have you come to die for him?" Alucard asks, "You are the only person who is going to die here," Samuel says and stands on wobbly legs.

"I guess you love your brother that much. Even when you are going to die you still stand to fight. Now you understand a fraction of my pain," Alucard says. He turns so he can watch the two of them at both sides.

"Pain? I can't believe the brat who was showered with love is telling me about pain. Did you ever try to survive on your own as a child? Did everyone hate you when they found out you were different?

I'm sure you were already prepared to meet The Creator at maturity, do you know how that felt for us? How scared we were? We were hunted and we didn't even know why?

Bitch, you know nothing about pain" Samuel snarls.

"Like I said, you two were an abomination. You weren't supposed to exist," Alucard points his sword at Samuel and charges; Elma attacks him from behind while Samuel manages to get a punch in.

Alucard drives his back against the wall and swings his blade at Samuel who manages to dodge the slow swing, Elma holds him tightly and sinks her fangs into his neck.

Alucard groans and roars, a pair of gold wings burst from his back and breaks the wall behind him while pushing Elma through it. He retracts his wings and Samuel delivers a drop kick to his chest, sending Alucard through the hole in the wall.

The sphinx falls through and lands on his back, on the ground floor where Rachael is.

Rachael walks to the armor arranged close to the fire place, she pulls the sword and runs toward Alucard who is already on his feet.

"Madness, a lowly being as yourself can doing nothing against me," he says and walks majestically, knowing that he is faster and stronger than whatever she can throw.

"Don't forget about me pretty boy," Elma says and smashes a vase against his head. Rachael stabs the sword into his midsection but he swings his hand downwards and breaks the sword before slapping her with the back of his hand.

Rachael flies backwards and rolls on the floor, she spits out blood and the side of her mouth turns red. Elma charges from behind but Alucard dodges and cuts off her hand with his blade.

Her blood gushes out and spills across the dark floors but she has no time to grieve the loss of her arm as her eyes are keen to see the blade coming for her head.

She bends backwards and falls on her knees making the sphinx miss her head with a powerful swing. Elma grabs her hand from the floor and jumps away from the sphinx.

"These pests think they can hurt me," Alucard says as he pulls out the rest of the broken sword from his stomach.

"Fuck," Elma mutters as his blue glowing eyes stare at the two women. Elma reattaches her hand and Rachael swallows her saliva, the night is about to become something of great pain they reckon.

Alucard's nose catches the blood on the back of his hand, he smells it and looks at Rachael. He smiles, "I can't believe it. You are a human," he says. "You are Gabriel's girl. I didn't notice you at the hotel but now I remember your face. I didn't think you were human," he says, "Does that mean you will return Gabriel to us?" Rachael asks.

Alucard laughs a little, "You are quite brave for coming here to save your boyfriend but no, I will kill you once I have killed the brother" he says.


Gabriel lies still as the ice extends over his waist and moves toward his back, "Please, take me instead and let my brother live. If the bond isn't broken we will both die. You are reapers, it is your duty to take those who are dead and his time isn't due. Or have your kind become so rotten that you let the corruption of the living affect your duties?" Gabriel says as his body slowly succumbs to the cold.

"You dare question us. You are the one who prolonged the inevitable. You are the corruption, but you are right. Reapers aren't like you and the rest of the living, so we will let you choose. Let him fight and meet his death or will you die and let him live? If he lives he may take that which you love" one of the reapers say.


Rachael holds the broken sword in her hand and raises it in a stance, Alucard eyes her from head to toe and begins to laugh, he raises his sword and takes his stance.

"Good, at least die like a warrior," he says, "Fuck that," he turns at Samuel's words but is slow to dodge the round shield Samuel slams into his face. He groans and staggers as Samuel smacks him again, Elma appears behind Alucard and hits his legs with her hand while he comes down crashing on his back.

Samuel aims for his neck with the edge of the shield and presses it against Alucard who catches the other side of the shield, holding it with one hand while Samuel presses it with all his strength.

"You are too weak," Alucard says, "Not for long," Elma says as she joins in and supports Samuel in pressing the shield against Alucard. "Watch me take your head," Samuel says.

Rachael runs over and joins in the push, Alucard tries to swing his blade with his other hand but Elma matches it to the ground, "This is it. We are taking his head," Elma groans.

Alucard roars as his eyes get brighter and blue sparks surround them, the sparks get brighter and they bloom up into a flash of light and the trio find themselves stumbling hard against the floor with the shield stuck to Samuel's chest.

Suddenly the blue light flashes again in their midst and a force scatters the three of them away in different directions.

Alucard appears from the light and looks at the three of them with scorn, "You cannot defeat me,".

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