


The smell of smoke spreads through the air accompanied by a refreshing gust of wind and the warmth of a lantern close by makes for a lively companion.

It feels like the demons that would normally hunt her sleep shy away as a protector stands on guard, watching over her like a guardian angel.

Rachael's eyes flicker but remain closed as she wants to salvage what is left of the sleep in her eyes. Waking up to the reality that Gabriel is dead and everything she went through was not a dream is scary so she seeks solace in a dreamy world of peace.

"What are you going to do when you revive Gabriel? You know he and Rachael are a thing from what you told me. That doesn't take away the fact that you love her," Rachael hears Amanda's voice over the waters of the sea.

"I don't know. Maybe try to get the club going again, get busy with work or whatever. But no matter what happens, I won't leave" Samuel's voice echoes softly against her ears and she breathes out with relief.

Something burns on the ship, like a barbecue but with no flavored smell of spices.

"That is going to be hard. I've never seen you like this. Tortured and loving at the same time. When you went out with Emily you weren't in it for love.

In fact, she was the one that was all over you and now you are the one watching a human with the eyes of a man in love," Amanda says.

Samuel doesn't respond to that.

"Love, I never knew a sphinx knew the word. Considering that the ones I know are cunts, except you Amanda love," Elma says and Amanda laughs.

"You are becoming quite ballsy vampire but we aren't all cunts. The twins just hate vampires which makes me wonder why Gabriel insisted on dating the assassin sisters," Amanda says.

"He didn't. He fell for that skinny wench, Gretchen. Her sister came with the package, considering that they were twins and we are twins it just seemed like we should go out.

That and Gabriel wanted me to, to save his fucking relationship." Samuel says.

"He got the good one and you got the crazy one," Amanda says, "Well, crazy has always been the story of my life," Samuel says.

"Like you falling for your brother's girl when you know you can never have her unless you let Gabriel die," Elma says. "As it is, it is a decision between your brother and Rachael. I don't think you are selfless enough to save Gabriel.

I think you will get cold feet at the end," she says.

Rachael hears this from her half-asleep state and her belly tightens, Elma's words are disappointing to her ears.

She feels Samuel's body heat up a bit and she moves a little, she somehow feels his gaze on her and his body returns to a more comfortable temperature.

She can tell that Elma's words vexes him but he maintains his cool.

"Rejection is something we all have to learn to handle. That's the only way you grow, Elma" Samuel says and the deck goes quiet for a while.

"Okay, I'm done. You should wake her up, she looks so cute in her sleep" Amanda says.

Rachael feels a soft tap against her cheek, "Wake up Rachael," she hears a whisper and a soft breathe against her ear and her eyes open widely as if caffeine has just kicked into her system.

"Whoa. I needed that," she says and stretches herself.

Elma still sits with her back against the wall alongside Samuel while Amanda squats in front of her with roasted fish on a stick, "Here darling, you need some strength for that mortal body of yours," Amanda says with a smile and hands her the stick of roasted fish.

"Thanks, I am starving" Rachael says as she accepts the food. She takes a few bites when she notices that she is the only one eating, "What about you guys?" she says.

"We don't need to eat. We can go weeks without food. We don't need to eat," Amanda tells her.

"Well I do, so if you are offering your blood that would be appreciated," Elma says and Rachael cringes at the thought.

The last time a set of fangs touched her body was when Dracula killed her. It was terrifying.

"So, what is the plan?" Rachael asks, "There is a narrow path, hidden to the normal eyes at Mount Nagas, we will pass through it. It leads to the underworld but since we are going to the edge we will drop off and continue the journey on foot," Samuel says.

He looks drained and his eyes look darker than usual. He is clearly becoming weaker, "Are you alright?" Rachael asks as she instinctively holds his hand.

His hand is cold and pale which leaves her confused since she knows he was the source of the warmth she felt.

He looks down at their hands before pulling his hand away, "I am fine," he says and stands up, he turns to the ferryman who has been silent throughout the journey.

"Mahaf, how long till we get to Mount Nagas?" Samuel asks and the ferryman turns his front face to the sphinx, "Why do you ask a question you already know the answer to?" he says and Samuel grits his teeth and starts to pace about the ship.

Elma laughs, "What is wrong with her?" Rachael asks.

Amanda sits close to her, "I think she is jealous. I don't know why but she may be falling for Samuel too," Amanda whispers in her ear.

The ship is quiet for about an hour as they go. The skies have been dark ever since but soon the clouds clear and a deep blue sky illuminates the heavens with countless stars.

Rachael stands up and walks close to the edge of the ship. She has never seen so much stars in one place. They shine brightly and easily map out different shapes and constellations, reaching as far as her eyes can see.

Captivating her in a strange and welcoming presence, like she could touch them.

The lights seem to shine into her eyes, revealing beauty and a strange warmth she has never felt before. She crosses her hands over her chest as she feel the stars gaze down at her. Like a mirror she feels her emotions reflected back at her and she sees something like a smile from the heavens.

If God is real this is what he feels like, embracing and gentle she thinks.

Samuel stands beside her with his hands in his pockets, playing with the coin while his eyes watch her amazed expression.

"They are beautiful aren't they?" he says with a smile, "Yes they are. This is the most beautiful thing I have seen," she says.

After all the craziness she had seen this was by far the best.

"They say the stars reflect the soul of those who stare at them, that must be why you feel this way. You have a beautiful soul Rachael," he says and she giggles like a little child.

Her amusement though, is short-lived as the stars begin to vanish one by one and a sudden black smoke begins to take shape in the skies. A feeling of distraught fills her chest as she feels the dark smoke reach out for her.

Darkness clouds her mind and her sight, she sees nothing but darkness and a fire floating in the midst of it.

Flames begin to drop from the sky all around her and the clanging sounds of metal fill her ears like a battlefield.

Pain suddenly surges through her body and she begins to scream in fear. She hugs herself tightly, as the pain stab into her heart like a knife.

She keeps on screaming and Samuel wraps his arms around her, his eyes peer into her mind and he sees the darkness that looms over her soul. He feels the fear in her heart and sees a thick black smoke around her, it gathers and starts to take shape.

Like a person in a hooded cloak, the smoke forms a being of pure darkness with only a scythe to identify its nature.

His eyes take the form of their blue glow as they twinkle like a little star, "I am here. Nothing will happen to you. It will be alright," he says and hugs her against his chest.

Her warm tears fall on his chest as the disturbing vision vanishes and the stars reappear in the skies, "You are alright, you are safe" Samuel says but his own heart beats and dances to a song of calamity.

That was a sign.

His memory goes back to Ororo's words at the shop, she said that Rachael had touched old and dangerous magic. Samuel quickly connects the dots, "This has something to do with Rachael's resurrection," he thinks.

Maybe the grim reapers are after her too, calling and waiting on her to die but he won't allow that, not if there is anything he can do about it.

He remembers when they first came to the Otherworld; she seemed to be in pain when she slept and she refused to wake up until Elma slapped her.

"She was having a nightmare," he mumbles.

Gabriel may not be the only one who is being attacked in the spirit realm, maybe even the mortal that breathes, fights and lives is facing battles that only she can feel.

And she has been quiet all this while.

Why wouldn't she say anything?

Rachael, why?

Rachael is fighting are new found demons alone. Should we kill her?

KingPablocreators' thoughts
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