


A little girl runs in a field which leads up to the Carousel Amusement park in Forest Park. Her laughs and giggles fill the atmosphere with a cheerful energy. She wears a blue dress with white flower designs around it and her black hair shimmers with the sun's smile. She has dark eyes and a missing tooth which is seen when she laughs.

"Mommy. I want to ride the horse" she says to a woman walking behind her.

She pulls the hands of a young woman, she seems confused but follows the little child.

"Uncle told me you once had rode a flying horse. I want to ride a unicorn someday," she says.

"Okay," Rachael says with a confused gaze. She recognizes the girl from a dream she had days ago but to see her again and hear her call her "Mommy," makes the woman feel strange.

Rachael instinctively pays for the girl's ride as she stands and watches the little girl smile with so much joy as she enjoys the ride.

"The joy children bring," a voice comes from her side and she turn to see her mother beside her. She wears a sky blue top and brown pants, her eyes are bright and her smile even brighter.

"Mom," Rachael says and immediately the woman turns into something else.

Her eye sockets become empty as they let blood flow through and her jaw drops much lower than a human's should. She let's out a strange and loud cry; Rachael runs toward the carousel, "Baby come here," she calls out to the little girl but she isn't there.

She appears in front of Rachael with red bleeding eyes and her opened chest, her heart beats visibly and blood stains her dress. "They killed me. They all killed me. You killed me," the little girl says.

The grasses turn brown as they dry out and the sun shies away in the presence of evil giving room to the dark of night, "You may have escaped me, Rachael McQueen" a husky and deep voice says.

The carousel goes up in flames and from the fire a creature in black cloak walks out with a scythe in hand. His hands are bones and his eyes light up with fire.

Goosebumps rise from her skin and her breath becomes cold. Her chest gets heavy and the tips of her fingers begin to freeze.

"What is this?" she tries to run but she can't, her body does not respond but her heart beats a rhythm of fear with no one but her to dance to.

"But not for long. Death is inevitable," the reaper says and lunges his bony hand at her.

Rachael gasps heavily as she opens her eyes, she coughs heavily and spits out water. Her head aches and her chest hurts. She looks around to find herself at the edge of a stream, she sees the dark but her eyes have become accustomed to it. They make out the huge walls of the two mountains with tree branches sticking out from the edges and even with no assurance of survival her heart relaxes a bit.

She has escaped the beast of the mountain, for now at least.

The gas that filled her lungs seemed to have dissipated as the air she breaths feels clean under her nostrils, well almost, the terrible smells of the place is still strong.

Her hands press against something and she almost screams when she sees an eyeball but she remembers that the beast is attracted to noises. She holds her scream in as she makes a disgusted face.

Her stomach churns with disgust but she must endure if she is to survive this situation.

Her mind goes back to the dream she just had and she begins to remember the first time she had this nightmare. She can feel the call of death close but she refuses to give in.

She hasn't told any of her friends about what has been going on, she can't have them distracted while they are still trying to find Gabriel's body. But what the hell was that dream? She wonders.

She recalls when she followed Samuel to the Shaman and she gave a sort of warning, saying something about death hovering over her and she wonders if it could be related with her dreams and the bad luck she is currently facing.

She looks left and right, both ends lead to dark places she has no idea about and she doesn't know if anyone is coming for her. She hopes Samuel comes, he has always been a sort of savior to her since the day he saved her from the accident that took her father.

A sharp and growing pain in her wrist disrupts her thoughts and she lifts her hand up to see a bite mark, probably from one of the spiders that climbed her body.

She raises her sleeves and find more bite-marks, the pain surges in as she sees them and her skin begins to turn purple. It gradually swells as the pain grows and with the current situation the woman is forced to endure the agony in harrowing silence.


"Thank you very much, Hazel. I would have called you Mrs. but it's still a shock to me that someone married him," Samuel says, "It was quite delicious, thank you" he says.

"Thank you," Elma says as Hazel packs up the plates on a tray. Elma flips her blond hair and stands, "We appreciate the hospitality but we really have to go," she says.

Samuel stands and gives her a quick glance before he shifts his gaze to the sorcerer who is already on his feet, "Of course," he says with a smile.

"Take this," he offers the coin to Samuel, "I am not falling for that," Samuel says and folds his arms, "Nothing will happen. I am willingly giving it to you. Throw it at your enemy or friend if you to want freeze them or just to prank them," McAllister says.

Elma chuckles as she tries to hold back her laughter, "Its cute," she says, "I am on a mission to kill someone, I'm not about to go play with Alucard" Samuel says with a frown, "Just take it. A gift from me to you," he says.

Samuel rolls his eyes and accepts the coin, he observes it briefly before putting it in his pocket.

"As for you, here" McAllister removes one of his rings and gives it to Elma, "When you go through the portal picture the place or person you want to see and the ring will navigate you to wherever your heart desires. It will return to me once you have used it" he says.

Elma takes the ring and puts it on her finger, "Looks lovely," she says, "Come on," McAllister leads them out of the house.

"If they are dead before we arrive I will kill you. You know that, right?" Samuel says to the sorcerer and he chuckles. He pulls on his goatee and puts one hand behind his back, "Mortem, there is no rush in life. Wherever the times take you, whether you want to be there or not, it is most likely where you need to be.

You may learn a thing or two from unplanned events, young sphinx" he says.

"I am 500 years old. I am not that young," "And I am older," McAllister giggles.

They stand in the middle of the courtyard and they look around one last time. Hazel and the kids stand at the door and wave them goodbye as McAllister begins to chant words of magic. Strange words and symbols appear around them and a white light flashes, with its disappearance they vanish into the unknown.

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