

His brown hair looks neat in their wavy twists with glittering oils that make them shine in the light of day and his smile steals at the hearts of those he walks past. He receive waves and blushed faces like payment for the work of personal care but many do not see the depths of his heart.

Depths that could put even demons to shame and a will to rival powers that should not be touched by the unworthy.

He walks the streets like a normal man, forgetting the early days before the time of Christ when he was casted out as a deceiver who had taught men the art of weapon forge and other evil things that have led humanity down darker paths.

To forget is bliss they say but when you are an unhappy immortal to forget is but a luxury.

He enters the tall building on his left where he is welcomed with bows and greetings and he responds to each of them with a wave and a smile. One would think he was a saint the way he walks with calmness.

He walks into the five-story building with thick walls of light brown marble with gargoyles at each end.

He quickly waves those he can as he walks toward the elevator where a bunch of people wait but his presence soon have them disperse as the elevator arrives for he alone to enter.

He whistles without a care in the world as he feels his plans come to place or so he thinks until a familiar and undoubtedly annoying voice calls out to him.

"Master, master" one side of the elevator's wall turn black and a voice speaks.

"Tuyul, I believe you are about to tell me some good news," Azazel says, "Um...no my lord. We have a problem," Tuyul says as Azazel clenches his fists. His calm face drops and he grits his teeth.

"What is it, Tuyul?" he asks doing his best to restrain himself.

"The sphinx isn't alone. Reapers are trying to collect his soul," he says, "Of course they are. It is their job damn it," he shouts as his face turns red with fury.

"I have given you enough power to fight off any threat that would prevent you from getting that treasure. You'd be wise to not fail me demon," he says.

"But master, a reaper can kill me as well" his voice trembles, "Then you better be fast about it Tuyul. Don't reach out to me until you have that treasure and don't fail me, your tiny life depends on it Tuyul," Azazel grunts and waves his hand.

The dark colors suddenly disappear with every trace of Tuyul's voice.

Azazel walks out of the elevator with his emotions on his face, he had put much effort into his plans and he would not have an incompetent little demon spoil it all.

He doesn't know when he is ever going to get an opportunity such as this.

A depowered sphinx with a vulnerable gate, as long as the gate can be found the treasure can be taken.

Gabriel Stone's death presents the best chance he has to get his hands on a sphinx's treasure, he knows all too well how difficult those are to get even after the death of a sphinx their soul still protects the treasures.

But Gabriel Stone's case is different, his soul has become tarnished with strange magic and thus his human soul protects a gate meant for a sphinx. He is vulnerable and Azazel does not plan to waste the opportunity.

His light feet walk hastily towards the hall with guards on each sides all wearing black suits.

A tall man in black jacket stands at the end of the hallway in front of a big door, "Ballan, what news do you bring? It better be good," Azazel says as he walks past the man and pushes the door open.

"Word from Alex. The winged vampires have attacked Samuel Stone and his group. They say there are somewhere in the Wild lands," Ballan says with his hands behind his back.

"So they are heading to Green Harbor then. Where is Peace?" he says, "The gate took him to Portunus. He should be getting on a ship right now," Ballan says as Azazel walks towards the throne-looking chair at the end of the room.

The skylight lets in the bright lights of day but they only darken the man's heart as the news becomes distasteful.

"Send words immediately. I want whatever ship he is on to reach Green Harbor as fast as possible. They have to be on the same ship, that is the only way that weak ass can get the dagger," he puts his hands on his waist and paces as Ballan attempts to exit.

"Stop. Send a message to Peace, tell him to talk to the captain. We are going to be transporting some goods, of course the captain and his subordinates will be rewarded handsomely," he says with a smile.

His face lights up with cruel thoughts, "What goods are our men going to send?" Ballan asks and Azazel looks at him strangely; "Snakes and scorpions. I don't care, just send anything.

All that matters is that they get on that ship and if they don't then Warren Peace better get on whatever ship they take in Green Harbor if he wants to keep living," Azazel says with a vein bulging at the side of his head.

He stops his movement and inhales deeply; he runs his hands through his hair and closes his eyes, "Go now Ballan, be swift with this errand," he orders and the tall man leaves at his master's command.

Alex and Carter boarded at a tower at the borders of Gallowway and Grasswood, the Dark Tower.

The tower is tall with five floors and darkened windows to reduce rays from the glorious bright star, they always prefer the dark to scorching lights of the sun.

Alex's long hair shimmers with a graceful flair as she walks down the stairs with Carter and other vampires behind her.

Her red lips glossed boldly while her pale skin preach an image of death with deadly suffocating blue eyes that could swallow the sea.

"We have deployed winged vampires against them, that should slow them down," one of the vampires say.

"Good. Now take as much of your men as available, give us some horses let us ride to Pike Market. We will get a wizard who can open a portal to the Wild Lands. They will either stop there or the Deep Forest and they wouldn't want to be in the Deep Forest," she says.

"Why can't we just use a car?" Carter asks and rolls his eyes, feeling disappointed with the woman's choice of transportation.

"A car won't do you any good in the Wild Lands, so shut up and learn," she snarls at him. They match with one goal in mind, to hurt Samuel Stone.

She never had anything against the twins but since the death of Count Dracula she can't help but feel some anger towards them but still she knows nothing about Azazel's goal.

It itches at the back of her mind like lice as she tries to see through his requests and lies; her new master that is.

Dracula answered to the Lantern but he wasn't a fan and even had an agenda to destroy them but now he is gone and she finds herself doing the bidding of another immortal.

With the way Azazel was able to provide the winged vampires even from the human world makes her wonder how vast the reach of the Lantern is.

Or could it just be Azazel's reach?

More questions fill her mind as she wonders why. Why all of this? It all seems pointless to her but even she would not dare go against Azazel's wishes.

But he is no Dracula.

Who seem worse Azazel or Dracula?

KingPablocreators' thoughts
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