

 They reach a neighborhood that seems lonely and maybe even deserted but blessed with nature as trees are seen for miles. They see a signboard that says "Letchworth".

They drive around for a while passing a few buildings that seem to stand on their last legs before Bryan finally parks in front of a small building. He looks past his boss to look at the building. It is a white duplex with a black roof.

There are two pick up trucks in front of the building but no one seems to be around.

"Goodluck," he says as they walk out of the car. He goes to the trunk and removes the bag of weapons before tapping the trunk, "Take care of my car," Samuel says before Bryan drives off.

Samuel can see Gabriel standing beside him, "This place is dangerous. Protect her," he says.

Samuel stretches his hand for Rachael to hold on to and she does. She feels safe just being close to him.

They walk towards the building but before they get there the door swings open and several men and women come out. Their eyes are fixated on the group like starving animals.

"Let me handle this," Amanda steps forward, "We seek passage into the Otherworld," she says.

A lady steps forward, "I see you brought us a gift. Once we have our fill you can enter," she says, "That can't happen," Amanda says, "Then you can't enter but we will have the human," the woman says.

She nudges her head and one of the men zooms towards the group but Amanda grabs him and restrains him, pressing his face against the floor. But another makes a move and runs past her.

Unlucky fellow.

Samuel slaps off his head and his body drops to the ground. Samuel's eyes exhibit their blue glow as the corpse jerks, "The next one of you that comes close to her will join your friend here," he says.

"A sphinx," the woman says, "Call father," she orders one of the vampires.

Amanda snaps the neck of the man in her grasp and glares at the woman, "You vampires really don't want to start a fight with us. You may not like how it ends," she says.

"Let our father decide what happens," she says.

 Rachael's heart races and her grip on Samuel's hand tightens.

So, this is what they meant. Since they are vampires they will want my blood.

She looks up at the 6foot man and he looks into her eyes, "I won't let anything happen to you," he says.

The door swings open and a short man comes out of the building, he wears a suit and dark shades. His hair is full and wavy and his goatee is neat almost a mismatch for his brown hair.

He removes his shades to reveal a pair of glowing blue eyes.

He is a sphinx.

He looks down at the corpse at Samuel's feet, "Why am I staring at one of my children's body?" he asks. His aura feels simple but he clearly isn't.

He looks at Rachael, "Because of her? You know the rules of my gate, bring blood for passage," he says.

"Come on, there are blood banks now. You don't really need sacrifices," Elma says and he glares at her.

"Tell your pet to pipe down or she will be joining him?" he points to the corpse.

"Shut up, Elma" Samuel says. His voice is steady and deep.

"Elijah, I need to get to the Otherworld. Please man," Samuel pleads, "And why should I let you through?" he asks.

Samuel turns his head and looks to an open space. Rachael notices that Amanda is also staring at the empty space. She looks to see what they are staring at and she sees a shadow.

Nobody standing there, just the shadow and immediately she knows.

She can see Elijah stare at the shadow, "You are mortal," he says, "Your treasure, it's not safe. Go," he says. "Make sure you bring him back," Elijah says.

"Thank you, man" Samuel shakes his hand, "Let them through," Elijah orders and the group goes forward.

"Samuel, the Otherworld can be a dangerous place for a human. Be careful," he warns.


 The graveyard is dark and the caws of crows is the only sound that echoes through the thick atmosphere. The ground is wet with swampy floors and different skeletal parts sit on the top of this unholy ground.

A blue light flashes and a man in white suit appears. His long blond hair almost glitters amidst the darkness and his green eyes shine bright. He frowns at the stench that fills the air.

Alucard walks into the graveyard with broken tombstones. He moves his head from left to right has he takes in the dark surroundings. The dirt beneath his feet stain his shoes and his fair skin is darkened by the shadows of the night.

Alucard passes a grave with a skull halfway out of the ground. The immortal can almost taste the stench of the air.

His green eyes darken under the blackness of the grave as even the moon dare not shine its light on this graveyard.

"Sphinx," Alucard feels a husky voice behind his ears like an ominous breath of wind. He turns around to find the owner of the voice but no one appears and a frown stretches across the face of the sphinx.

"I am Alucard Tepesh. I summon you monsters of the dead to come forth, time has come for you to pay your debt to my father," Alucard shouts into the night.

Alucard hear snarls and growls emerge of the darkness and he feels his most evil desires claw at his heart as the presence of a dark being draws his mind close to a swarm of madness.

"Show yourself," he roars into the night as his mind refuses to give in to the manipulations this evil.

A corpse dig its way out of the ground and emerges out of the moisty soil with parts of its rotten flesh sticking out like a spotlight. Even in the dark Alucard can make shape of the disgusting creature before him.

"Alucard, the loved son of Dracula" the corpse says, "You are the demon of Gerasene, you are Legion" Alucard says as he notice corpses begin to burst out of their graves.

He finds himself standing in the midst of rotten corpses, some with maggots sticking in and out of their body.

"What is it you want?" they all speak in thunderous voices. A collection of different bodies and yet the same voice, "You owe my father a debt and I request it be paid.

You must have heard of Samuel Mortem Stone. I want you to find him and kill him," Alucard says.

"Bring his body to the edge of the underworld, to my father's castle and your debt to my father will be settled," he says.

"You are not Dracula. We owe you no debt Sphinx," their voices echo in his ears like the sky's thunder, "Dracula is dead and I am his heir. Help me avenge his death. You owe it to him,"

"We will agree to your demand on the condition that the soul of your brother will be ours," the possessed corpses say.

"You can have his soul, I will have his body," Alucard says.

"Then, we have a deal" Legion says.

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