

Hannah's face is wet with tears, she rubs her eyes ignoring the strands of hair across her face, she sniffles and sobs as she takes one last look at Axel's corpse before the coroner takes it away.

She bites her nails and falls on her knees.

Shedrach and Joseph help her to her feet and take her outside.

Cassandra and the coroner stand and talk, "What happened Cassie? Who is that guy?" he asks, "He was a friend," she says. Her voice is weak and her hands are folded. Her green eyes are sodded with a gloomy gaze.

"Thanks, Festus," she turns to leave but he calls her back. "Seriously, how have you been since the fallout with the pack?" he asks. She glances at him, "Goodbye, Festus" she says and walks out.

She can't believe what happened at the club, she had the advantage but still she failed to kill the bastard. She failed to avenge John. In fact, if not for Rachael she may have died.

No. A time will come when I will have my vengeance.

She reaches the car where the rest of the pack stand trying to comfort Hannah.

The bastard even went ahead to kill a member of my pack.

"What was that? I didn't know who we were going after, I thought it was a vampire and I was okay with that but we weren't prepared for that.

We weren't prepared to be manhandled like little children," Shedrach complains.

She suddenly remembers her time with John, she recalls when he told her that the twins weren't vampires but she never knew what they were.

"What is he?" Joseph asks, "I don't know. My mate told me he wasn't a vampire but I never found out what he was," she says.

"Maybe the next time you want us to kill someone we need to be sure it's not someone that can take on five werewolves at once. I'm starting to think this pack is a big mistake," Shedrach raises his voice but he is immediately shut down by Cassandra's grip on his throat, "Shut up. This isn't over,".


Amanda and Elma enter the club, the broken furniture could have sent the wrong message but the stench of the wolves fill the air. "Werewolves," Elma hisses.

Elma drops a piece of cloth she brought in on top of a table.

Samuel and Rachael come down the stairs and Amanda can't help but smile at how they look together. She can see Gabriel's soul at the end of the staircase watching them, "Don't worry, you will get your turn" she says.

"I got your pants," Elma points to a pair of blue jeans on the table.

She looks up at them; Rachael wears a white long sleeve shirt paired with black jeans while Samuel is in a black suit.

The door swings open making everyone turn their heads towards the door, "I must have missed something important," Bryan says as he sniffs into the air, "Dogs," he says.

"How did you even know to find us here?" Amanda shakes her head in surprise, "It is my job to know what goes on around the club especially now that it's closed.

We don't want any intruders coming in,"

"And yet Alucard came in here and took my Brioni suit without as much as a spider to tell me. I had a collection of colors for that and now the white one is gone," Samuel's voice send waves of fear to the vampire as he feels Samuel's gaze on him.

"Sorry boss, the guy teleports. It makes it difficult to see him coming," Bryan says.

Samuel waves his hand and grunts, "Well, you will have to do better. I'm leaving you in charge which means handle the NYPD problem as well. There are certain things that need protecting here and I will be gone," he says.

"Gone? Where are we going Sammy?" Amanda waves her hair backwards as she speaks. Her navy blue jeans hug her features and her black top makes a perfect fit for her.

"To Count Dracula's castle, we are going to the Otherworld,"


The hall is dark with dim lights penetrating into the room from the end of the hall. It is dark but bright enough for one to see the ancient drawings and scribblings on the walls.

The throne room has six big pillars holding it up and marble tiles on its floor.

It's colors are brown and matte.

The middle of the hall has a drawing of a lantern on the floor and sunlight illuminates the room from the skylight.

Dragon depictions are drawn on the pillars.

A throne is situated at the far end of the room and a wall of glass behind it.

There is a man on the throne, he has brown full wavy hair with textured wave that stops where his neck meets his shoulders.

He is fair skinned with a warm undertone and dark eyes.

There are men in suit at the entrance of the throne room and at every pillar.

He wears a Jack and Jones navy blue slim fitted blazzers and with a grey T-shirt underneath with matching pants and a black Oxford shoe.

He rubs the gold ring on his hand and smiles to himself.

"Everyone, leave" he commands and the room empties as the guards walk out of the room and shut the door behind them.

Azazel comes down from his throne and walks to the center of the throne room.

He begins to utter unknown words and flames appear on the floor, going round to form a pentagram.

"Tuyul, come forth" he says and the middle of the pentagram turns into a black goo. A child with a smooth and hairless head comes out of the goo.

He has pale skin and pointed ears, he smiles revealing a set of pointed teeth, "Master," he bows his head to Azazel.

"Tuyul, I need you to do something for me. There is a sphinx who has died but his soul lingers on. I want you steal one of the treasures that he guards," he says.

"But master a sphinx soul also thrives in the spirit realm, I can't fight a sphinx" Tuyul says.

"Not this sphinx. He has lost his abilities and his soul is close to crossing the threshold. You know what this means," Azazel says.

"He has a human soul? This means his treasures are unprotected while he hasn't crossed," Tuyul says and he smiles brightly.

"This is good," he robs his hands together, "Bring me a treasure from his inventory," "This isn't usually my kind of gig…" "But you will do it nonetheless because I say so," Azazel glares at him.

"Of course, master" "I will give you a piece of my power so it will be easy for you, the journey may not be as easy as it seems,".

"Now come to me," Azazel orders and the child looking demon walks to him and kneels.

He raises his hand up and Azazel places two fingers in Tuyul's palm.

The demon feels a surge flow into his body and strange tattoos appear on his bald head.

Azazel removes his fingers from the demon's hand, "Now go and do not fail me Tuyul," he says.

Tuyul steps backwards into the black goo and decends into it, the flames disappears from the ground as Azazel finishes his summon.

He smiles as he walks to his throne

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