

Rachael washes herself under the shower and tries to play back the events of her dream. The dream was vague and unsettling, she did not understand it at all.

Who was the little girl?

What did she mean when she said the twins killed her parents?

Was it Gabriel and Samuel?

These questions dance at the back of her mind as her thoughts form a melody of perplexity.

Why am I even having this kind of dream?

She has dreams like everyone else maybe more often than most but not dreams filled with dark intent hovering around them, as if to pass a message or a warning.

Gabriel is dead and Samuel wants to bring him back to life, was it the same way they brought me back?

She wonders.

Will he have to sacrifice something to bring back Gabriel?

If he has to, will he be able to make that sacrifice?

She raises her head up and let the waters wash the foam off her face as she begins to rinse her body.

Samuel and Amanda went out to meet a shaman for help, she would have gone but after her nightmare they insisted that she rest.

Sometimes these immortals make her feel like a child.

She finishes up and dries herself with a towel. Her phone begins to ring and she hurries into the room to pick the call. The name "Landlord" comes up on the screen and she feels a little nudge at the back of her throat.

She picks the call; "Hello," "Rachael, are you still living in this building? Your rent is going to be due in two weeks. I am giving you a heads up before I send you out of my building, you see" her landlord's voice puts a frown on her face.

"I will pay soon," "Take your time, if you take too long I'm kicking you out, you see" he says and she rolls her eyes.

"I've heard you, I will pay soon, bye" she cuts the call and grunts.

It's been a while since she went to her place at Greenvale, she isn't even sure if she wants to renew her rent. The twins gave her a place to stay back when the club was functional and after the Dracula attack she moved into the hotel with Gabriel.

She hasn't gone back to the hotel since it was raided and the hotel hadn't called.

Of course, the people that ambushed us must have been hunters if not by now we would have heard about how a black man killed some cops at the hotel.

They are covering it up.

Who has the power to stage such an attack and still make it go silent like nothing ever happened?

The police or some other organization? Maybe an organization of hunters or the Tremblays?

The Tremblays are the only hunters she has met and they claimed to have killed Gabriel even when they did not, just so they could get to Samuel, it is most likely that they were the ones that ambushed them at the hotel.

But if they can make it go away then they must have more influence than she thought.

It would have been nice to work with them especially since they are her relatives but then their little history has put Rachael on the opposite side of things.

"Hey human," Elma enters the room holding a cup in one hand.

She goes to a drawer and opens it; she pulls out two bags of blood and begins to turn one into the cup.

"So that's the body everyone is lusting after," Elma says as she fills the cup and begins to drink the remnants in the blood bag.

Rachael's cheeks go red, "You really know how to say nonsense," she says.

Rachael walks to the cabinet, "There are a lot of options. If you want to dress skimpy and slutty, you are in the right place," Elma says before smacking Rachael's ass.

"Soft too," she says.

Rachael looks at the vampire with shock and surprise, "Of course I'm soft, I am a lady," Rachael says and Elma laughs.

Elma raises her cup and drinks from it.

"Why don't you hunt? I mean I expected vampires to creep out at night and feed on humans," Rachael asks as she pulls out a pair of black jeans.

"It used to be fun one time but this is easier. There are secret blood banks for vampires, so we get blood as long as you have deposits with the bank and you keep paying, they keep supplying," Elma says.

She sits on the bed and relaxes her back against the bed head.

"How do they get the blood?" "I'm pretty sure they hunt and do some shit that humans may consider as dehumanizing or evil," Elma sips from her cup.

Rachael puts on the black jeans and finds a navy blue long sleeve to go with it. The shirt has an oval shaped opening right on top her breasts.

"And you still drink it?"

"I am a vampire. If I'm not paying someone to hunt for me I will have to hunt. Sure there are more peace loving channels to get blood like donations and hospitals but that just isn't enough for the vampire population so we have to invent other ways, you know" Elma says.

"Your nipples are sticking out. I've got bras in the other drawer, I should have your size" "I'm not wearing your bra, that is gross" Rachael says.

"I don't sweat and I don't age. My boobs are going to look like this forever, a bra is basically useless to me" Elma says, "I am not wearing your bra, Elma" "Alright, suit yourself" she empties her cup and opens the second bag of blood.

"How did it feel to kill Dracula?" Elma asks.

Rachael glances at her, "To be honest I never really thought about it because I was dying right after I stabbed him," she says.

"But you came back, he didn't. It must feel empowering," Elma says, "Empowering? No, not at all. But I feel bolder. When I first learnt of vampires and the other supernatural stuff I was scared.

I felt like I was always in danger but now I feel like I can handle myself," Rachael says.

She carries a hair dryer from a bedside drawer and begins to blow her hair.

Elma laughs as she fills her cup, "What's so funny?" Rachael asks.

"You think that you can handle yourself. You've always been around friendlies, if you branch out to places you shouldn't your tales of the undead may not be the same," Elma says as she begins to empty the blood bag into her mouth.

"Come, let me show you a thing or two about handling yourself," she stands up and drops the cup of blood on the bedside drawer.

Rachael watches Elma as she stands at the opposite end of the room, "Take a stance," she says, "Alright, let's see what you got," Rachael raises her hands and takes a stance.

Elma grins then appears in front of Rachael who throws a punch but the vampire dodges and sweeps Rachael off her feet.

Rachael groans as she smacks her butt against the floor, "Damn it,".

"Here," Elma offers her a hand and Rachael grabs it, pulling her to the ground and struggle to get an arm bar but Elma overpowers her.

Elma jerks Rachael and slams her against the wall before throwing her on top the bed.

"Nice one but you are still wet behind the ears love," Elma winks with a smile.

Samuel parks the car in front of a thrift shop and comes out of the car. Amanda looks around the place and observes the door of the thrift shop. She sees some strange markings, "Hmm, not bad. Your shaman has some good protection spells," she says.

"Those are decent," Samuel says as he leads the way in.

There are three people in the shop, the old woman he came for and two others who he assumes to be her customers.

The woman sells them an old chest before turning her eyes to the immortals.

Her eyes are white and plain. "She is blind," Amanda notices, "Don't be deceived by the color of her eyes. Ororo can see things many cannot," Samuel says.

"Samuel, it has been a long time since you visited my shop," Ororo says. "Yes it has. I see you still have the same style since our last encounter," he says.

"What can I do for you?" Ororo asks, "I need you to help me find a soul, my brother's soul," "Call out to him. You are more familiar with that plain of existence than I am,".

"True but he isn't who he used to be. He is a lost soul now and I can't find him but with your talents maybe you can," Samuel says.

"Looking into that realm is not something that can be done," "I will pay you well shaman," he says.

Ororo rolls her eyes, "Not interested," she says, "Blank check, name your price" "I'm old and a little bit crazy, I don't really need money".

"Tell us what you want old woman" Amanda says sternly and Ororo glances at her. She smiles a little before she speaks, "A favor to be collected at a later date," Ororo says.

"I accept. Just help me, please" Samuel pleads.

"Alright, young woman help me flip the sign," Ororo points at the door. Amanda chuckles as she walks to the door, "Young woman," she mumbles.

"I will need your blood. Come," she says.

Their eyes pick up on the strange bone necklaces that hang on one of the racks just before a the lines of clothes behind it, the place is a little cramped and would be vulnerable to shoplifters if the owner is a normal person.

Amanda and Samuel follow her to a store room where she pulls out a white cloth from a basket and places it on the floor, "Stay there," she stops them from coming closer as she places some red candles around the cloth.

She removes a red powder from a small container in the store room and draws a circle on the cloth.

"Come, sit" she says.

Samuel sits in the circle with her and she gives him a knife, "Don't worry," he says and shoots out a claw.

He tears his hand and his blood drips onto the white cloth.

"Give me your hands," she says and they hold hands.

Ororo closes her eyes and begins to look into a world unseen. The world around her is engulfed in light and a strange figure slowly materializes as the light dissipates.

She can see a gate, she walks towards it. The gate is attached to nothing but it is closed, she stretches her hand to reach for it and it suddenly disappears.

The background begins to change and the sound of birds chirping brings life to the forest that appears.

The plain white floors are replaced with wet and muddy grounds. She feels water pour on her face and looks up to see the rain showering this forest.

She walks slowly feeling the presence of a soul close by but she stops when she hears something. A hiss and a rustle of leaves.

A creature floats through the air, its black cloak emits black smoke and the scythe in its hand kills everything it touches, turning the little green plants to dead ones at the slightest touch.

A grim reaper.

She hides and let it pass before she continues her search.

She sees a little boy and two men. The men wear armor and hold sheathed swords.

They give the little boy a small knife.

They say something to the boy but Ororo cannot hear it; she watches the little boy run off.

After a few minutes another little boy moves, he seems to have been hiding and watching the earlier one.

"Long time no see, Ororo," a voice says and the old woman jerks up in fear.

"Gabriel, you startled me" she says, "Sorry about that," "Is this your memory?" "Yes, this is the Ongoye forests," "The place of my ancestors," Ororo says.

"Yes. Colonization really did change things. Last time I looked it up it had become a resort of sorts. Not many can locate it though except for those who have been there," Gabriel says.

"I think you are here for me," he says, "Yes, your brother has asked me to find you. I am here to act as a medium to link the both of you," she says.

"You have to be fast about it, a reaper has been tailing me," Gabriel says.

"Give me your hands," Ororo takes Gabriel's hands and begins to say some chants.

"Samuel," Gabriel mumbles as he begins to feel his brother's presence.

Suddenly, a chain goes round Ororo's ankle and pulls her. Gabriel holds her hands tightly as the chain pulls them through the bushes. Their skin is torn against overgrown roots and mud colors their body.

Samuel can feel his brother's soul again but something is wrong. He sees blood trickle down the old woman's nose and scratches appears on her skin. His eyes glow as he tries to see into her mind. He can see a reaper pulling Ororo and Gabriel against the floor.

The two of them struggle to hold hands as one of their hands break free.

The grim reaper pulls them close with one hand and holds his scythe with the other.

"Samuel!" Ororo screams as the reaper raises the scythe, she can see the creature swing its scythe and she knows all it takes is a touch of that blade and it will be over for her.

A monster appears and smacks the reaper away, the monster roars at the reaper revealing a set of sharp looking teeth and thick mane that covers its neck.

Its tail slithers and hisses and its black wings open wide as it roars. It roars as deep as the thunder and its glowing blue eyes are menacing. The reaper flies off as the beast approaches it.

Ororo falls on the floor as she finishes her spell. Samuel rushes to her side, "Are you alright?" he asks as she coughs.

"I am never doing that again," she says.

"Hello, Sammy" his voice echoes through Samuel's mind and he looks up to see his brother standing beside them.


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