

Amanda traces the top of her glass with a finger as she savors Rachael's confused expression, she folds her legs on the couch and drops the cup on the glass table. She watches Rachael, she listens to her heartbeat; the beats are minuscular but thunderous in her ears.

"I already have them both," Rachael says, "Not like that. You can have them both as lovers," she says.

Rachael almost chokes on her drink, "Why would I do that? There is no way they would even accept that," "How do you know? Think about it, they love each other and they love you,".

Rachael drops the glass and leans her back against the soft cushions of the chair, "Aren't you their friend? Why would you want that?" Rachael asks, "You would be having a threesome every week and they are loaded," Amanda says while rubbing the tips of her fingers together.

How do you really feel about it, Rachael McQueen?

Rachael runs her hands through her hair, "You are sick," Rachael says and the immortal appears before her. Her blue glowing eyes pierces Rachael with a frightening stare, not malicious but devoid of emotions.

"I am really surprised that Gabriel and Samuel are in love with a human. Gabriel sacrificed his immortality for you and Samuel can't stop thinking about you.

They have been with humans before but not for love. But they are willing to die for you, at least one is," Amanda says.

Rachael's heart beats faster and she taps the body of her glass frantically, she knows those blue eyes only mean safety when she is with the twins but with Amanda who may have an agenda of her own it may mean danger.

Her palms get sweaty and her breath heavy, "I did not ask for any of this. It just happened," Rachael says, "I know, I'm just messing with you," she holds her belly as she laughs and her eyes dim.

"But I am curious about you, Rachael McQueen" Amanda walks back to her seat and gulps down the liquor in her glass.

"What makes you different from the other humans? Why do the boys care about you so much? These are things I want to know but I don't think you can give me an answer," she says.

"Would you believe me if I told you they like me because I'm short?" Rachael says and Amanda can't help herself but laugh.

"You are funny. I don't think they have a height preference, Samuel maybe but not Gabriel," Amanda says.

"How long have you known them? Rachael asks.

Amanda refills her glass, "About 400 years now. I consider Sammy the best among all the sphinxes I have met. He can be so, pretentious" she says, "Why is that a good thing?" Rachael asks, "I don't know, he seems entertaining that way. When you know Gabriel long enough you find out that he is quite straight forward but his prick of a brother lies and acts like everything is all good," Amanda answers.

She doesn't speak like a friend.

"Don't mind anything I said, just enjoy them… the twins that is," Amanda winks at Rachael and sips from her glass.

Elma glances at Samuel, his eyes are close shut and his heart beats calmly. His skin looks smooth and his face peaceful. The way he looks one would think he was a man of peace but Elma knows better. He protects those he loves and destroys his enemies if they ever slip.

She wonders if a visit to the spirit realm is what makes him calmer compared to their earlier encounter.

He looks like he is meditating.

She giggles at the thought.

I bet he does when he is alone, it fits his personality.

His calm face changes into a frown before he lets out a deep breath and opens his eyes, "Dammit, I still can't reach him," Samuel says.

"How does that work? Is it like a cell phone? You dial a spirit number and he picks up?" she asks and she holds back a laugh as Samuel stares at her. His eyes are dull and he hisses, "Spirit phone my ass. It's like searching the web for someone except in another world and you don't have to type shit," he says.

"So what's the deal with Rachael?" Elma asks and Samuel raises a brow, "I mean the whole Gabriel sacrificing his soul thing," she clarifies.

Samuel sighs and glances at her.

This vampire wants an explanation too? Should I just hypnotize her? No, she has been useful. I will entertain this.

The thought of compelling her sounds soothing in his mind but he restrains himself.

"Dracula attacked us after our fight with Lucifer, he killed a bunch of humans including Rachael," he says dryly, "Why didn't you guys just make her a vampire?" "We didn't want that for her. Not after everything she had gone through. She deserved better, if she ever wants to be a vampire it has to be of her own free will preferably while her heart still beats," Samuel says.

"Wow, you guys took some consideration into the matter," Elma says, "Yes, we just did not anticipate the mortal part of it," he says.

The club comes into sight and a smile creeps on Samuel's face. The neon lights are off and yellow tapes are around the entrance of the club, "Looks like the cops got involved," Samuel rubs his hair as Elma parks at the edge of the street.

They walk to the club, raising the tapes over their heads as they step in.

The place is quiet and empty, obviously.

Not long ago this was his favorite place and now the silence seems louder than a gunshot.

"Fuck, I hate the silence" he mutters as he walks towards the elevator, he pushes a button and it opens, "Hmm, it still works. I thought the police would cut the power," he says.

"Gabriel must have been working on reopening the club," Elma says as she leans against the wall, "Shouldn't the cops have gotten whatever evidence they need? We need to get this place back and running," the elevator opens and they step into the basement.

Samuel speeds up to the door. They managed to fix it after Emily used his body to break the last door; he cringes at the thought of the assassin sisters. He enters and begins to check crates and chests, "Are we looking for something?" Elma asks.

"No. Check that corner," he points on one end of the room, "There is an underground door. You will find weapons in there," he says.

Elma watches as he continues checking the items in the room.

He is clearly searching for something.

"I just want to make sure the cops didn't steal shit and pretend it is evidence. Some of these stuffs are expensive," he says, "Fucking mind reader," Elma mumbles as she walks to the corner he pointed. There is a large crate at the corner, "I don't see any…" "Move the crate," Samuel says.

She pushes the crate easily but the dust makes her cringe, she can see two handles of a door and she wraps her arms around them but screams in pain.

"What the fuck?" she snarls at him, "The fucking handle is made of silver. What the fuck Sammy?" "I forgot," he says nonchalantly and speeds up to the corner.

He opens the doors to reveal weapons; guns, swords, spears and some other strange things that Elma had never seen before.

Her mouth drops and she looks at the sphinx, "Sammy, what the fuck? Were you planning on starting a war or something? I can perceive holy ash, wolfs bane, rabbit's foot and a shit ton of silver bullets," she says.

"We have a lot of enemies. We always have to be prepared," "For what? An overkill?" "Yes, in fact anything beneath that is inadequate," he says, "This looks more like a hunter's treasure box than a supernatural's stock of hardware," Elma says.

"Humans are easy to kill. Snap their necks, drink their blood…blah, blah, blah, you know the rest," he returns to his search, "But some supernatural creatures can be tricky to kill. Take demons for example, they can only be killed with holy ash or a blessed weapon. But one thing always works," he says.

"And what is that?" she asks.

Samuel turns and throws a bag to her, "The hierarchy on the food chain. A stronger supernatural or a higher being can kill a weaker one without all that shit. When the hierarchy doesn't favor you then you need all that.

That's why hunters use silver and stuff.

Put what we need in there," "Not much. Bryan said it was a sphinx that killed Gabriel, so we need something that can kill a sphinx," Elma says.

"There isn't much that can do that but we have something that can, Nightmare" Samuel says.

He joins Elma and helps her load the bag with some bottles of holy ash and silver bullets.

"So Rachael is going to do the killing," "Yes, after I chop his head off"

He throws some guns in as well, "Why the silver?" "Sphinxes can create vampires so I don't want to be caught off guard by some fucking two fang goons working for him," Samuel says.

"Be careful, some of those weapons can kill you," he says.

"Hey, what is this?" Elma's eye catches a paper in the underground vault, the paper looks really old and smells like almond, "Hmm, smells nice. What are these writings?" she asks.

Samuel looks over her shoulders, "It is Hebrew," he takes the paper from her hands and folds it.

"It talks of a strange formula that can bring down the power of the creator or create a door to his realm. Whichever, it has never been done and will probably never be," he says.

"Come on, let's go" he closes the vault and takes the bag from Elma.

They come out of the club and walk towards the car but Samuel stops, he looks left to right as he watches the little presence of life scurrying the streets, "What is it?" Elma asks, "Nothing, let's go".


Alucard appears in front of a castle under the darkness of the skies. Momentary flashes of lightning in the sky provide light to reveal the hideous statues on the two sides of the gate.

Bats fly around the statues and begin to encircle the sphinx and the corpse he has on his shoulder.

"Gate keeper, show yourself," Alucard says and the cauldron begins to take shape. They form a creature standing at 7feet with a hairless body and wings attached to its hands.

It's dark and gold colored eyes stare at the sphinx before it takes a bow, "Welcome home, master Alucard," the creature says, "Thank you Hans," he drops Gabriel's body on the floor, "Bring that dead thing in for me," he walks through the gates as he takes in the sight of his father's castle.

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