


Hot oil seeps into the steak as its texture changes against the heat of the pan, Cassandra pours some spices on it before turning the steak over. Bare feet against the creaking floor draw her eyes to the kitchen door.

The 5'7foot woman at the door watches Cassandra's hand with meticulous gaze. She is deaf to the rumbling of her stomach as all her attention is fixated on the frying pan.

The kitchen is small and only has a few utensils.

Someone wasn't planning to stay here.

"Don't worry, Maya. You will eat soon enough," Cassandra says with a smile. Her hair is tied into a bun as she fries the steak.

"You want to help out?" she asks Maya who is almost salivating now and she nods her head.

Her long black hair drapes over her face and covers her eyes, "Check the fridge over there, there are more steaks. Bring them over," Cassandra tells the shorter woman.

Maya walks to the fridge, the big purple T-shirt covers her body like a child. If she wasn't used to running naked in the woods she would have complained about the size of the cloth.

Maybe she will when her hunger is satisfied.

She walks past the kitchen table to the small fridge, she opens it and finds six pieces of steak and some beer.

"How many do you need?" she asks, "Three,".

She pulls out three pieces of steak and puts them on an empty plate on the table, her eyes stay on the steak as her hand gradually moves toward it.

Her mouth gets watery with saliva, "Don't even try what is in your mind, girl," Cassandra says.

"Take out a pot from the cabinet, let's boil them steak," she says, Maya growls but obeys nonetheless.

"How did you become feral?" Cassandra asks as Maya searches the cabinet, "I was a late bloomer," "How so?" "My wolf didn't come out until I was 21. By then most of my peers had already known their place in the pack and my wolf was too big to be trained with the new wolves.

As time went on I was simply sidelined and kicked out of the pack," Maya says.

Maya removes a pot from the cabinet and places it on the sink, "No one stood up for me when they kicked me out, not even my family." her tone is heavy and somber.

"Sorry about that," "Don't apologize," Maya growls.

"All my life that is all I've heard because my wolf didn't come out on time. I am tired of everyone being sorry for me," she says with gleaming eyes behind her black hair.

"Okay, but don't growl at me again. I'm your alpha now," Cassandra says.

She carries the steaks and begin to wash them as Maya fills the pot with water before placing it on the cooking gas.

"You know we can eat that raw instead of doing this," Maya says.

Cassandra glances at her with the sides of her eyes and smiles; "I know but I prefer to have some flavor in my human form,".

Maya turns on the gas cooker and Cassandra transfer the steak into the pot, "So why do you want to be an alpha to ferals? I mean I know you said you want revenge but why do want to do it with ferals?" Maya says.

She wonders what a strong werewolf like Cassandra wants with them.

"Is it because we are easy?" she asks, Cassandra chuckles, "Feral ones tend to lash out without a strong leader but when their trust has been earned their loyalty is second to none," Cassandra says.

"So, you want us for our loyalty?" "Maybe," "What is your goal?" Maya asks as the 6foot woman pulls out fresh pepper and some onions from a polythene bag on the table.

Cassandra drops them on a chopping board and removes a knife from one of the drawers, "You want revenge on your former pack?" "No, Maya. My former pack weren't loyal to me when I needed them to be. That is why I want to form a pack with feral ones.

But my goal isn't revenge on them, it is revenge on the ones that killed my mate," Cassandra says.

"Why didn't your alpha support you?" Maya asks, "How do you know my alpha didn't support me?" "If he did, you wouldn't be looking to form another pack," Cassandra giggles as she chops the pepper and onions.

"I was the alpha," "You mean Luna," "No, alpha" Cassandra says.

Maya giggles, "That's impossible. Only a man can be an alpha," "That's what they said in my pack until I proved them wrong. I have the strongest wolf my pack has ever born," Cassandra says, "That explains how you can defeat two ferals in one night," Maya says.

Cassandra adds some salt into the pot before she turns in the sliced pepper and onions.

She turns her attention to the frying steak and Maya helps her with some plates where she dishes them.

"Wow. That smells good," Joseph inhales deeply as he leans against the doorframe, "Bring the beers from the fridge," Cassandra says, "You, take these" Cassandra hands Joseph two plates of steak.

"Just for me?" his mouth waters at their sight, "Don't even think about it or I'll be cooking you next," Cassandra threatens.

She assists Maya in carrying the beers and some bottles of water to the living room where they sit.

"Dig in,".

Samuel puts his gold cufflinks on his suit as he steps out of the penthouse, Amanda follows behind him until she catches up to the black man. They walk towards the river bank and slow down when they arrive.

Amanda dips her hand in the water, she plays with it for a few minutes before she stands up and returns to Samuel's side.

"Were you just doing a Percy Jackson move?" "What is that?" "Never mind," "We could have just gone to the airport," Samuel says as he watches an elderly couple stroll along the beach.

"My boyfriend will get us there faster than a plane," she says, "Are you sure you called him? Why can't he just get a cellphone like every other man?" "He isn't every other man. He is a god," she says.

A wave comes in view and it dies down a few feet away from shore, a man steps out of the water. He waves his long brown hair backwards throwing water into the air as he clears his face.

His eyes are as blue as the sea and his half naked physique looks like it was sculpted by Phidias himself. A tattoo encompasses one side of his chest and his smile captivates the blond woman who stands beside an unentertained sphinx.

His fair skin seems to glitter under the sun as he starts to walk toward them. He has a white cloth around his waist and another tattoo around his wrist.

"I love the way you look at me every time I come," he says with a deep voice and a sassy smile, Amanda turns her red face away from his blue eyes and pouts, "Shut up," she says.

"Hello Samuel," he rubs his full beards and puts his arms around Amanda as soon as he reaches her, he doesn't wait for her to say a word before he pulls her against his body and joins his lips to hers.

"Hey, Poseidon," Samuel rolls his eyes.

Amanda feels the roughness of his tongue and the taste of the sea as her hands hug his muscular torso, he pulls her hair backwards but gently and nibbles on her lips, "I've missed you," he says against her lips.

Samuel coughs to get their attention, "If you are done, I'd like to get a ride back to America," "We want a ride to America," Amanda corrects.

"What is happening in America babe?" the tall man asks his woman as he stares into her eyes.

"My brother is dead and I am going on a vendetta," Samuel says, "You want to board my ship then?" "Yes but we need to get there like now. I would really appreciate it if you could just open a portal for us," Amanda traces his chest with her fingers.

"I am sorry for your loss my friend. I heard you killed your father and now you have lost a brother," Poseidon says.

Amanda turns to face Samuel in surprise, "What?! You guys killed Dracula? Why don't you tell me things?" Amanda screams at him but he is unbothered.

"Just finish kissing your boyfriend so we can leave. I have a bastard to hunt," Samuel says.

Poseidon turns to face the sea, he stretches his hand out and the water begins to rise. "You know I'm not your personal portal creator," he says.

"You are, it's one of the perks of dating me," she pecks his hairy face.

The water begins to rotate in a circular motion, "Step in," he says, "Wait. Take us to Pennsylvania," Samuel says and the god turns his eyes to the sphinx.

"Please," Samuel pleads in low voice.

"It will take you wherever you want to go. No place is hidden from me," Poseidon says, "Thank you," Samuel gives a small bow before heading inside the portal of water.

Amanda tries to join him but Poseidon holds her hand, he kisses her intensely before letting her go.

"Be safe," he says before her figure disappears into the portal.

Samuel's head pops out of a swimming pool, he walks out drenched in water but it immediately dries off as he eyes his body. Amanda steps out of the pool and she can see that the pool is inside a compound.

A woman dressed in a black uniform raises alarm and before long guards can be seen running around. Samuel closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. His mind stretches itself to feel the psych of those around.

His ears listen to the heartbeats and the running feet as they beat against the floor, his nostrils take in the scents of the people who dare come after him even though he invaded their home.

He smiles briefly, "Tremblays," he says in a hush and his face turns to a frown.

"Where are you Erwin Tremblay? I have come to kill you,".

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