
19: Everyday life of Hades (IV)

The water trembled in waves as Hades walked out of the bath. He wore white and black cloths before opening the door. Behind that door that seemed to be made of wood, stood Thanatos with a jacket in his hand. He presented it to Hades who started wearing it before they started walking in direction of Hades' study room.

"What do I have plan, for today?" asked Hades before sitting behind a desk.

Hades was now sited on his throne. In front of him was a soul, that seemed to start having shaped. This soul was human, but its strength was definitely beyond the normal human scope. The soul's name was Atticus, a prince of a 'small' kingdom. When he was still alive, he was the third son of a king and someone with the potential to grow strong.

His daily life was spent with training to become his father's successor, a hopeless dream for a third son in this age. As he was not the oldest, he had to show much more than his older brothers.

He first started his real training at five years old with archery. At six years old he began being taught how to be a good king. He learned about the dilemma he might face and how to manage his money as well as how to be a good speaker.

When he was seven years old, the old army chief became his instructor in the matter of survival and fighting. The veteran sent him alone in a dense forest to survive for ten days. On the tenth day, as his instructor made his way toward the young prince, what he saw greatly surprised him. Not only had the prince been able to make a survival camp to survive but he had also killed a monster thrice his size. The only thing that the instructor noticed that he needed to absolutely teach the prince, was how to wash himself and in cloth as he was full of blood, which was probably not his.

At ten years old he had to fight against a noble who at the time was 15 years old, so 5 years older, who had tried to woe his sister. They had decided to fight a duel but the young prince was at a disadvantage because the arena was small and so it was more difficult with a bow and arrow then a sword.

But despite those harsh conditions he still won. He did not kill his enemy, to not make an enemy of the noble's father and respected his opponent even after winning against someone 5 years older. The young noble had a small smile on his face as he was not angry and said that if ten year old pure human could defeat him like that, then he was not worthy of the princess' hand.

Time quickly passed after that for Atticus, he had become 15 years old and had become great friend with the noble that he defeated as he was still a small kid. He had been recognized as worthy by both the people and the nobles. They all said that he had better the chances of becoming a king then his brother who were lacking.

His relation with his sister also grew till the point of now where they had a good relationship. His marriage had become planned and he was to marry a beautiful woman of the same age as him who was also of royal origin, thought it was from another kingdom. Atticus was so happy that he had already thought of the name of his future children.

Two days before the marriage, he was drinking with his sister, they had been celebrating the good news and had had a small feast between the two of them. They were full of hope for him to become the king. To become a king one has to have a bride capable of bringing a royal heir, so he was now one step closer to kinghood

However as the night had wrapped the sky, blocking the rays of the sun to illuminate the world, he lied on his bed, drunk. He was strengthless but with a smile on his face. They had been celebrating for quite some time.

His sister also smiled, but this one seemed to have something different to itself. His sister jumped on him. Her enormous boobs pressed on his face. Her hands trailed on his body before reaching his leg. She had a smile on her face as she blushed and screamed "You are mine, and if I can't have you, then no one will. I have poisoned our drinks. Let's die together while making love!"

She then proceeded to rape him and after 15 minutes they both died. The prince death and what he was doing with his sister as they died, provoked chaos in the kingdom. The family of the bride were extremely angered. They thought the royal family had betrayed them and with all the power they possessed, they started a rebellion which resulted in the death of many humans.

Hades gazed at Atticus thinking about his life and how the human before his had no luck. This was a case given to him by Nemesis, she thought he was a good kid whose life was cut too short by someone he trusted.

Normally they would have just send him to Axia (the 'paradise' of the END) but with how strong his soul was and his age, they could do something better.

At this moment Hades' voice rang and Atticus listened closely. "Atticus, you have been deemed worthy of a greater purpose. A new life with power. Be reborn"

The god waved his hand and a tall and a bit thin black body with purple eyes and purple particles surrounded Atticus's soul.

The new Enderman bowed and said "thank you" though Hades could still fell great sadness emanating from him. "Thanatos will guide you to your home and will give you your instructions" spoke the god before disappearing.

Hades walked through gigantic doors, he proceeded to go down with the 'stairs' beyond those door.

He arrived in another realm. The floor was made of stone and magma. There were many stalagmites made of what seemed to be dark stones.

On the land many eldritch abominations roamed.

Hades stretched his hand skyward and then he let his arm fall. Countless black spears with crimson cracks and were surrounded by a golden white light flew at high speed toward the many monsters.

A blood bath was made. In the thousands of monster's only around ten were still alive.

Hades had to do the household before going on his journey toward Asgard. *Whoosh* he blurred before what seemed to be the mix of a bear and a wolf.

He stretched him palm before bitch slapping the shit out of the monster. The wolf bear was ejected at extremely high speed toward one of the thick stalagmites and *boom* both exploded at the contact.

He then made a gun shape with his finger and then uttered *bang*. A bullet made of ice lodged itself on the brain of another monster.

Only eight left.

*Sigh* "This is boring" said the god before clenching his fist and all the eight monster's exploded. Their blood flew in all direction but nothing touched Hades.

At that moment a voice rang behind the god of the dead. "If those monster's do not procure any challenge. I propose a spar to alleviate your boredom."

"Oh. A spar Thanatos? Why not." Responded Hades.

Thanatos started wearing white gloves and focused on his Lord who seemed to be relaxed.

The god of peaceful death flashed toward the silver haired god. He went with a right hook, which was quickly dodged by Hades.


Look at my other book HP: The Rise Of A Serpent

If you like this story don't forget to review and if you have any idea or plot that you want to see comment it.

Hope you have a great day.

Sorry for the long wait, but i spent the last two day sreading manwha/mangas and all so yeah. I may post another chapter tommorow if i have time, which i currently don't have that much.

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