
03: The END (I)

Smaller chapter because tomorrow i have exam.... Sorry


In my throne, I can "see" everything in the END, except if a Primordial tries to actively "fog" my vision of someplace. The END, for now, is complete garbage, Kronos didn't really rule over it so the protection is weak, I mean there is a maze but it is broken with holes in it.

Well, I need to do something about it, because this can't go on like this. Now I won't create the same Underworld as OG Hades because I want it to work without my help and for it to really be my home and a possible Pantheon.

Now I have two possible ways to recreate it, first taking what is already done and renewing it or completely destroying the place but that would kill some mortals' souls. I want to create something in my image, so I have to do everything again and do I care about some mortals' souls, not really.

I will destroy everything and create new rivers, hell, paradise, new homes, biomes, etc.

First step destroying:

Using my extraordinary control over the END I purged it in Darkness, and it started corroding every unnecessary stone, mineral, etc. Then when everything was in darkness, I created a black hole in the middle of it that "absorbed" it all.

Just using my control over riches, I conserved what was precious like diamonds, gold, silver, palladium, etc. Those precious jewels went behind my throne so that it doesn't get destroyed.

Some strong walls resisted, so using my control over the earth and the END, I exploded them, so they were attracted to the black hole.

And the rest was burned with my hellfire flame that for some reason became blue, well it's cool so why not while I could change it again to black, I like it in blue. I also used those flames to kill many monsters that pissed me off.

I also made some sort of zone that isn't touched, near where Nix and Erebus live and where some of their children and the rest of the living beings, in the END, will live while I am renovating.

Now is the time to make the place:

First the river Styx, I am making it surround the END like an Island. The Styx is a river named after its Oceanid Goddess/Titaness also known as the Goddess of Hatred. The water is green-blue and cursed for almost every being even gods.

Then using Orichalcum an extremely strong Greek metal I created some sort of pirate ship that is 100 meters long, the front of the ship is 20 meter high while the back of the ship is 50 meters. The Flag was black and a bit shattered, and the ship also had many lights. This was the way the souls would come, and Charon would drive this ship.

After that, I created a forest at the border between the Styx and the END where the souls would wander. This forest was made of black trees without any leaves, the ground without grass but purple crystal. The sky and the border are made of many square mirrors.

This path was where the souls are judged and each step they take changes their direction until it is chosen where they are sent. I made 17 steps weighing their sins, regret, etc.

The four major regrets:

· Foundation Regret: Foundation regrets emerge from small choices we make earlier in life that accumulate into negative consequences later in life. We spend too much and save too little. We don't eat right, sleep enough, or exercise regularly. We apply only grudging effort on the job

· Boldness regrets. All regrets begin when we're at a juncture. And with this category, the juncture presents a choice: Play it safe — or take the chance? And when we don't take the chance — not all the time, but most of the time — we regret it. We regret not speaking up. Not starting a business. Not coming out. Not studying abroad. Not asking out a crush. Not asserting ourselves

· Moral Regrets. Once again, we're at a juncture. We can take the high road or we can take the low road. And when we choose what our conscience says is the wrong path, most of us — most of the time — regret it. We hurt others. We break our word. We degrade what ought to be revered. And while at first, the decision can feel fine — even exhilarating — before long it eats at us

· Connection Regrets. These are regrets about all the relationships in our lives. Partners. Parents. Children. Siblings. Cousins. Friends. Colleagues. Classmates. What gives our lives significance and satisfaction are close and meaningful relationships. But without proper tending, those relationships can drift apart. Yet, because we feel awkward, we often do nothing. And the drift widens

The seven deadly sins:

· Pride: The sense of one's self-worth

· Greed: the strong desire for possession, especially possession belonging to others

· Lust: the desire for sexual pleasure

· Anger: the excessive desire to take revenge

· Gluttony: excessive desire, for the pleasure obtained by eating and drinking

· Envy: sadness at the good fortune of another, whether in possession, success, virtues, or talents

· Sloth: laziness or sluggishness when facing the effort necessary to perform a task

Fortune: wealth, health, power, etc. gained with luck, or born with

Unfortunate: wealth problems, sickness, weakness gained through misfortune

Will/ambition: the faculty of consciousness and particularly of deliberate action; trying to do something no matter the circumstances

Circumstances: A condition or fact affecting one's life

Facts done: What someone did in his life be it "good" or "bad" for the general population or a particular group of people or a single person

Karma: "goods" deed made throughout one's life

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