
Chapter 7

After all the medicines and equipment they could carry were in the suitcase. They are getting ready to go out.

"We're heading to the teacher's room, right?" Saeko asked again to confirm their destination.

"Right. We need a vehicle to get out of this school." Yoru answered.

"Okay, we better walk slowly." Saeko suggested.

After that little conversation, the three of them exited the infirmary and walked towards the teacher's room.

They had met some zombies. However, Saeko was more than enough to clean them.

After a few minutes of walking. They were almost at the teacher's room. However, they heard someone shouting from the direction of the teacher's room.


"Don't come any closer you little shit!!!"

"DIE!!! DIE!!! DIE!!!"

'That's a little too much of a scream'

Saeko immediately looked at Yoru after hearing the scream. And by the look on her face. Saeko seemed to want to run first.

"Saeko, you go there first. I'll walk slowly with Shizuka."

Saeko who heard Yoru's words immediately ran towards the source of the scream.

"Shizuka, we'd better walk a little faster." Yoru said as he walked over to Shizuka.

However, what Yoru did after that made Shizuka a little angry.


Yoru tore off Shizuka's skirt.

"Ahhhh this is a prada!" Shizuka looked very irritated.

"I'll give you more skirts later. As long as we're safe, whatever you want later, I'll fulfill it." Yoru said a little seriously.

"Is that true?" Shizuka was a little disbelieving.

"I swear. Whatever you want, as long as it doesn't kill me, I'll grant it." Yoru answered more seriously.

"Okay then." Shizuka looked a little happy.

After that the two of them walked faster towards the teacher's room.


After arriving in front of the teacher's room. Yoru could see that everything was over. Yoru can see 4 people there besides Saeko.

"Is everything over?" Yoru asked Saeko who was walking towards him.

"Yes. There aren't any other zombies around here." Saeko answered.

"I'm sure you have a lot of things to talk. But I suggest we lock ourselves in the teacher's room first." Yoru said as he opened the door to the teacher's room and he entered followed by Shizuka and Saeko.

Seeing the three enter, the four students followed them and entered.

After all enter the teacher's room. Yoru then raised several tables and chairs to block the door with the help of the two male students present.

"Saeko, can you wait here for a moment. I'll go out to check on something first." Yoru said to Saeko.

"Should I come along?" Saeko asked.

Saeko's face immediately turned slightly disappointed after hearing Yoru's answer.

"No need, I just need to go out for a while. I'm sure you must be tired. You should just rest first." Yoru replied while patting Saeko's head.

After that, Yoru exited the teacher's room through the window and immediately ran out of the teacher's room.


Inside the teacher's room that Yoru left. Everyone looks tired. Not only their bodies but also their minds.

"Shizuka-sensei, is there any food here?" Saeko asked.

"I don't know, but it looks like there's a drink. Just open that fridge." Shizuka answered while pointing to a refrigerator.

Hearing Shizuka's answer, Saeko then walked over to the refrigerator and opened it. There he found several bottles of mineral water and fruit. He immediately took it all out.

"You'd better eat first. Even if it's just this." Saeko said while placing the bottle of mineral water and fruit on the table.

After that, they all took mineral water and fruit and ate them.

"Sorry in advance, you are Busujima-senpai and Marikawa-sensei aren't you?" Said a girl with pink hair.

Saeko just nodded at the girl's question.


When Saeko and the others rest and eat. Yoru ran to find where the dojo was.

"The dojo was supposed to be over here."

Yoru ran until he finally found the dojo he was looking for.

"Finally. I can take all the swords and spears here."

[So this is why you didn't take all of them earlier. Are you also going to do the same in the infirmary?]

"Of course."

Yoru immediately put in all the wooden swords and wooden spears he could find. He also found a storage room, which he eventually emptied as well.

After the dojo is empty. Yoru saw a building near the field.

"Is that a field extracurricular building?"

Yoru then walked towards the building while killing all the zombies he encountered.

After arriving at the building. Yoru entered the room one by one. He found a track and field room with nothing but shoes. Tennis room with only rackets and tennis balls. Basketball which is also empty. Soccer that smells like a garbage bin. And the last room, baseball. Here Yoru finds some baseball bats. Seeing that it could be used as a weapon, Yoru immediately took it. After seeing all the room of the building, Yoru immediately went out and headed for the infirmary.

After Yoru arrived at the infirmary. He took all the medicines available. After that he walked in and out of the classroom looking for a backpack.

After going in and out of several classes. Yoru found some backpacks he could use. He prepared 7 backpacks, and kept the rest in his inventory.

In the seven backpack, Yoru put some food and mineral water bottles. He also didn't forget to prepare a wooden sword, wooden spear, and baseball bat which he had engraved with the activated symbol. He also take out a short bow and quiver with some arrow.

[Do you have enough mana?]

"For now, that's enough. I used the symbol 5 times. And I used the Eye of Truth as well which consumes 10 mana/1 hour. So I still have enough mana for now. I won't be using the Eye of Truth after this. I use it just for an experiment."

[So you already thought of everything]

"Of course. It's all for my own safety you know."

[That is true. It's useless to save it later and then became a source of misfortune]

"I'm still low lvl. If I'm already high lvl. Maybe I can be a little extravagant."

[So, are you going to take them to Mochizuki general hospital?]

"I'll definitely take Saeko and Shizuka. But to the other four students. I don't know. Maybe only until they find their families, if we go the same way."

[You don't feel sorry for them?]

"Are you crazy? Sorry? I myself don't know if I can survive, why should I think about other people too?"

Yoru looks a little annoyed.

[At least you can take advantage of them. Who knows they could be used]

Yoru looked a little confused.

"Take advantage of them. Good idea. But I need to know what they can do first. I already know about the fat student and the other male student. And the orange haired girl also seems to be of some use. But the pink haired one. I can't see her as useful."

[This is your first time meeting them right? Maybe there are people who can be assessed directly. But, there are also people who can only be judged after meeting a few times]

"Alright, I'll take your advice now partner. Hopefully they can be of some use to us." Yoru walked back towards the teacher's room with a smile on his face.

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