
Blood for the Blood God, Khorne's Birth

(General POV)

Location the Warp

Within the Immaterium called the Warp the surge of emotions, beliefs, thoughts, and worship both direct and indirectly can manifest into reality, it can create life the calamity caused by the first Great War aka the Soul Wars caused such catastrophical inbalance to the Realm of Souls from the countless dead Necrontyre, Old Ones, Krorks, and even Eldars that surged and were deprived from the Realm of Souls has all but destroyed what it once was and after so many years and all sorts of emotions and concepts have flowed into the Warp has caused something or better said someone to begin to be spawn...breathe...think...rage.

Deep within the Immaterium a massive dark blackish red orb was floating and pulsating as the once multi-colored void now is primarily red, and brass colors as the flow of scarlet bloody mist surged around this pulsating orb as the echoes of roaring warriors fighting against one another, spectral silhouettes depicting great battles, multiple murders, gruesome combat, and in-between these depictions are daemons pulling the strings and influencing the wrath, and flames of war.

As time passes and more of these emotions and concepts flowed into the Warp, rage, murder, war, and blood the faster the orb grows and pulsate as bright crimson colored cracks are slowly start to form.

All the wars, vicious battles, warrior honor, bloodshed, and all alike across the stars by the mortals of the Materium were feeding this entity, as well as hastening it birth especially the mortals creatures called humans from a planet in the Milky Way Galaxy on the world name Earth.

Despite the Eldars conquering and colonizing planets into their ever expanding empire, or the warmongering, savage brutes commonly known as Greenskins waging Waagh across the galaxies, it is the Humans that most feed this Warp Entity from providing their strength through vicious combat, destroying enemies in battle, submitting to their carnal rage to break those around, performing acts of violence and murder onto others, or simply waging war to sastify their bloodlust Humans have been slowly bulging the womb of this daemonic diety with all the mindless brutality and murder but as time passed in that lonely little planet, humanity evolved...slightly from mere savages into proud warriors forging weapons, establishing codes of combat, creating factions and brotherhood, and waging brutal wars over the ages as humanity progress so did their need for bloodshed and to create better tools of wars to use on one another all those deaths, all those souls, all that rage has been engorging it as the presence within the Warp was bleeding not only across the Immaterium but also into the very being of humanity.

(...Khorne POV)

Location the Warp, within Khorne's Cocoon

I feal the ferocity, the hatred, the power, I can taste the blood and chaos those mortals are hastening my emergence within this cocoon I feel my power growing regardless of their conscience worship of my being and name!

Soon I shall be born and all shall serve me for I am Khorne, the Master of Conflict, the Lord of Blood, the True Ruler of the Materium and Warp!

But even within the blood filled dark cocoon I can feel another entity...similar to myself some upstart that dares take claim of the mortals souls, of my domain in the Immaterium!?

My rage boils I feel it affecting the Warp outside my cocoon I need to emerge soon!

I need to crush whoever dares claim the souls that are mine by divine rite, no one shall ever dare steal from Khorne, once I'm born all the galaxies shall be bathed in crimson blood, the world shall burn forever in the embers of War and Rage!!!!

And I shall govern over all were the strong trample the weak, all the blood and skulls of those slain in my name shall be blessed as long as the blood flows like endless scarlet rivers, through the glorious honor of combat shall the truest warriors become worthy followers and know what true immortality is...as long as they remain as the strongest champion!!!!

Whoever this other Deity is invading my realm is he shall know Khorne's wrath as I feel the Warp react to my fearsome power, this made me realize that the Immaterium was mine to command even from within this cocoon gathering all my constant growing power from both conscious and unconscious offering from the mortals I start preparing to overthrow this...pretender to my rule I am the one and true God of the Immaterium and regardless of this intruder or others I shall reign for all eternity!!!!!!

(General POV)

Location the Warp, site of Khorne's daemonic domain

From the massive dark blackish red orb that is Khorne's cocoon covered in ever growing cracks of crimson magma as it bleed and merge with the surrounding by Khorne's own will it began to take shape and form of what shall become his personal dwelling...the Brass Citadel.

As the entirety of the Warp shook to Khorne's power bending to his desire from the Blood God's dominion is little more than league upon league of blasted, crimson wasteland, made ruddy by the blood spilt upon it at its ever expanding/spawn landscape stood the Brass Citadel with the dark blackish red orb, Khorne's cocoon resting the titanic bloodstained metallic throne with skulls scattered at the feet of the throne ranging from Greenskin to Human hence its name the Skull Throne of Khorne, while the cocoon floated and magma seeped from it's crack pouring down the throne and in turn down to the brass grounds the landscape took upon a cross between Khorne's mood of simmering rage and apocalyptic fury.

Clouds of black ash belch forth from hidden geysers, for this hellish domain pools, volcanes, and crack of infernal lava started to emerge as this smoke form into the scarlet skies of the Blood God's domain.

Many structures and locations are started to be formed across this domain, one of these said structures that spawned between the edge of Khorne's and Laharl's domain is Bastion Stairs which is a girded by a titanic wall or cliff of deepest red and blackened iron that stretches unbroken from one end of the horizon to the other surrounded by pinnacles, columns, and arches of blood and carved bone, the Bastion Stair is built as a fortress and prison the sole entrance to his realm as the Daemons of Laharl were at first surprise by the emergence of the brass, metallic structure Laharl wasn't for this shall be the starting point between his and Laharl's battle.

And much more from the location of the Butcher's Haunt to the Slayer Forge all was quickly build to Khorne's desires as the furious Lord of Skulls continues to build and finalize the creation of his realm, sensing his sibling has gathered and is still gathering his armies at the west of the Bastion Stairs, Khorne decided to begin creating his own legion of neverborn perfectly modeled after himself and all he represents fury, bloodlust, and power!

He tore pieces of his own essence within the cocoon to start spawning his minions starting with the lesser blood daemons known as Bloodletters.

These sharp, needle-like teeth stud a Bloodletter's slavering jaws, with serpentine tongue constantly flickers to taste the spilled blood of those they slays, rippling muscles lie barely concealed beneath the daemons scaly red hide, knotted sinews that give the strength sufficient for its jet-black claws to pierce the most unyielding armour this might is guided by a killing instinct that surpasses that of mortal men.

A Bloodletter is unburdened by any other thought or compulsion than to reap the lives of Khorne's foes and claim skulls in the name of its divine lord, they carry massive warp-metal sword called Hellblades perfect weapon for the daemons of Khorne.

Next came the ferocious beast of Khorne known as Flesh Hounds, mostly resemble a bloodthirsty, rage filled cross between a hound and drake thesr wolf-like beasts that hunt down and destroy the enemies of the Blood God.

Along with the Flesh Hounds Khorne also created another ferocious daemonic beast meant more for power while the Hounds are tracking and speed orientated these are the Juggernauts, while it may seem more machine than flesh these daemonic beast are all fury, and destruction appearing as creature of living metal whose flesh is brass and whose body is pure fire they are four-legged, and in the future shall be the daemonic steeds that are rewarded to Khorne's greatest mortal champions but for now the Bloodletters able to "tame" and mount a Juggernaut are known as Bloodcrushers Khorne's only true calvary as in now, with broad bodies, powerful legs, the heads of warped bulldogs, and heavy, wide mouths with massive, razor-sharp curved blades serving as their teeth.

Next are the Blood Thrones a horrific cross between a daemon engine in the form of a great hellish daemon cannon operated by three Bloodletters firing infernal cannonballs made from blazing daemonic projectiles to devastate it all as the Bloodletters that hang on the side of the daemonic cannon aim and load the Daemon Engine, on the back a powerful Bloodletter drives and operates the Blood Throne itself even wielding a even longer Hellblade making this heavy artillery just as deadly and capable in range as in melee.

And lastly for now are the Greater Daemons and Commanders of Khorne's legion the most closely similar to Khorne's form than any other daemon in his service/creation they are called Bloodthirsters.

Bloodthirsters each is a manifestation of the unreasoning rage and savagery of total war, armed with various daemonic weapons to spread untold death in hordes to their enemies while preferring Great Axes, they are known to also wield barbed whips, or even greater Hellblades, they are the very essence of brutality, every blow ever struck and life ever taken in anger distilled into a single, towering form of iron and sinew of all the Neverborn in 40k their the closest resembling actual devils in Earth's religion.

They appear as deep red skinned behemoths that stand nearly ten metres tall, whilst the mightiest of their kind are the size of a Scout Titan, covered in crimson fur the colour of spilt blood and their eyes are crimson like magma, their bodies are impossibly muscled and covered in various brass armor with a pair of massive bat like wings, feet are cloven and the ground burns as they stomp across the battlefield and massive sharp-teeth the truest embodiment of rage.

All the daemons born from the essence and power of Khorne roaring in great fury, chanting the name of the Blood God even within his cocoon he is pleased with all he has created and bounding it deeply with his essence and will has further the process of his birth, as the cracks became more refined and the overwhelming power, and the scent of sulphur and blood filled the entire hellish landscape from the top of the Brass Citadel.

All the while his powers grows and grows, engorging the cocoon until it finally burst open and a massive surge of warp-energies blanket the entire area flowing and flooding across the domain of the Blood God and unto the rest of the Warp and unto the Nethervoid the only current daemonic realm aside from the Blood God's domain, as scarlet smoke blocked the vision of all the Blood Daemons from clearly seeing the mighty form of their God and Creator then all the volcanos and geysers burst/erupted across theAà hellish landscape drowning the red earth with lava and blocking the scarlet skies in smoke and ash followed by a colossal greatsword falling from the hellish sky...this is Khorne's trusted weapon, a world destroyer name the "Unmaker" from the scarlet smoke a brass armored clawed reached out grasping onto the greatsword's handle as two burning eyes could be seen as he has finally born with the daemons chanting "Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Thrones!" over and over pleasing the young Khorne as he sits upon his throne overseeing all his realm.

But he wasn't ready yet but soon war shall enraptured the entirety of the two daemonic realms, and two legions of the Chaos Gods.

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