
Welcome to the family

"Jefferson" whimpers Moira once more. Jefferson gives her a fake smile and pulls on the handbrake. Moira sighs and puts her teeth on the rope in her mouth.

She hopelessly tries to escape the ropes around her wrists. "Jefferson please" she mumbles frightened. "Shh" soothes Jefferson and drags her out of the passenger seat. "Don't worry, Moira, you will be on your feet in a jiffy. But I have to get confirmation from your father first so that" his sentence is interrupted by the warm voice of Graham. "Jefferson!"

Moira groans when Jefferson turns them around quickly. With his eyes on Emma, ​​he places his arm around Moira's throat. "Let her go" orders Charming, pointing his sword at him. Jefferson frowns. With a quick movement, he places his handgun on Moira's forehead. "Wow", Snow shouts and lifts her hands. Graham calls his pet and points his gun toward Jefferson. A gray wolf appeared next to him. One red-eye, one black. The growling animal waits for Graham's call. "Jefferson, this is not necessary," Emma suggests, pointing her gun at him. While the Charmings are hopeless, in trying to convince Jefferson to let Moira go, Gold remains quiet next to Snow. His hands are tightly wrapped around his walking stick. On his face rested a grim look. Not a word escaped from his pale, tightly pursed lips.

"Jefferson, please. I know you are afraid, but this is not the way" preaches Emma,"You don't need her" replies Charming and Snow adds; "Your daughter remembers, you can find her Jefferson but not if you hurt her." "I won't hurt her if the dark one promises that he will let me and my daughter live. If he gives his word that neither I nor she will get hurt this will all be over." "I get that," Graham says softly and continues; "but Jefferson, hurting her, will not get you closer with Grace." "Gold give him your word" Snow orders. "I can't do that," Gold protests. "He threatened my daughter." "If you don't it won't stay threatening" Emma blows. "Jefferson give up," the prince roars. "Believe me Gold, you have to give your word" Emma begins and continues; "Someone who fights for his child doesn't just give up." Gold sighs and glances from Emma to Moira. A tear ran down Moira's cheek. Her chest rises and falls violently under his muscular arm. "All right, Jefferson. I give you my word that I will kill neither your daughter nor you for revenge. " "He promised Jefferson, it's okay now", Snow shouts anxiously." Let her go " orders Charming. Jefferson sighs and kisses Moira on her head. Carefully, he lets her go from his tight grip. "Come", Snow whispers and beckons to Moira, who shuffles to her hesitantly. Graham nods to Jefferson. "Good choice lad."

Emma takes a sigh of relief and puts her weapon away like Jefferson. The prince nods to Jefferson and lowers his sword. Gold looked at Moira with concern. Moira finds herself trembling, hugged by Snow White. Jefferson lifts his head and hesitantly takes a step back. But Gold doesn't let him escape so quickly. He raises his hand with a hiss. "Gold" Emma shouts in shock and looks at Jefferson who is being choked by an unknown force. "Release him", Graham roars and points his weapon at the older man. You promised him "Snow roars and puts her arm around Moira. The wolf growls at Gold, ready to attack. Moira looks in bewilderment at the choking Jefferson." I promised not to kill him in revenge "Gold hisses and squeezes his hand a bit harder. "But I did not promise I would not hurt him. No one, no one threatens my family "hisses Gold." No "roars Moira and tears herself free from Snow's arms." Let go of him, please "she begs and turns herself to Gold." Please "she begs and looks again to Jefferson. "He kidnapped you, Moira, he should be punished" proclaims Gold. "Please let him go. I forgive him. He did it for his child. "Please ... Father" she whispers.

Gold abruptly drops his hand, his gaze frozen on Moira. "Jefferson" shouts Emma and rushes to the man who lands on his knees. Snow looks up gently at Emma. A smile curls around her lips. Charming places his hand on her shoulder understandingly. They smile at Gold again. "Moira" he whispers and steps to Moira. He moves his arms around her body. He closes his eyes and places his hand on the back of her head.

"How can I say no to you Moira" whispers Gold in a breaking voice. Moira takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, placing her hands behind his back." Come on, there is someone I want you to know," says Gold, removing herself from Moira. Moira nods to wipe away a tear and hooks her arm in his." Give it time to snow," the prince whispers as she turns her gaze on Emma. Snow shakes her head frustrated.

"Now, if I go too fast, please tell me. I don't want to rush you" Gold says politely. "I can imagine that you had a few terrible days recently." Moira smiles softly. "To be fair, she didn't. Jefferson was sweet and polite. Even though she kicked him, smacked him, and tried to escape a few times. But in her defense, she thought he was crazy. Because of the curse.

"Belle" Rumpelstiltskin shouts. "Belle, there is somebody I want you to meet." "A beautiful young girl appears from behind the curtain. "Rumple," she asks. Her blue dress is almost the same as the one Moira is wearing. The only difference is that the dress by Belle has a high neck top and the one by Moira has a scooped top. Belle smiles when she notices this. "Good, I want to introduce you to my daughter. Moira." " Daughter" Belle asks incomprehensible. Rumple nods. "I thought you only had a son who was lost," said Belle. "I thought so too until it was made clear to me that I have a daughter. Only Regina had never told me this." "Regina? You and Regina have ..." "It was just a one-time event," Rumple defended. Moira smiles. It is clear who Belle is. "Moira, may I introduce you to my true love. Belle." Moira greets politely. "Well, Moira, welcome to the family," Belle says with a smile. Moira smiles. Never before had she had a family? A real family. She did have an adoptive mother and father, but her mother was taken from her early on. It never felt ... real. Now she knows why. "

The time slowly passes and Moira notices that the sun is slowly going down. "If it is okay for you, I would love to go to my penthouse to freshen up," Moira asks "Of course sweetheart," says Rumpelstiltskin. "But be careful!" Moira nods and leaves the shop.

"Moira," says Emma surprised to see the girl she almost bumped into. "Emma, ​​I'm sorry," Moira says hurriedly. "No problem" laughs Emma. Charming gives her a warm smile. "Do you know where I can find Regina? I want to talk to her." "She's in jail," replies Snow hurriedly. Emma looks at Snow indignantly. "For her own safety," adds David. "The station door is loose. Just go in, we'll come later" Emma says and opens the door of Gold's shop. Moira nods and hurries away. "Even tho I love to see a family reunion, I am closed" Gold jokes. Emma sniffs. "We know that it was you." "You have to be more specific... Savior" he answers. "The pink cloud," Snow says fast. "What was that," David asks. "Magic" answers Rumple smiling. "Why do you need magic," asks Emma. "Well, how do you think I almost killed Jefferson? It wasn't with my hand dearie." Emma sighs. Startled, she grabs her father in an effort to maintain her balance. A loud roar sounds through the streets. "What was that?" "That dearie was my gift to you. That's what going to solve your Regina problem," he scoffs and continues; "You're welcome". "Regina" whispers Emma. "What have you done?" Cries Snow. "Regina is in jail, she has no chance," says David and continues; "Moira is there." A sudden shock appears in Gold's eyes. "What is she doing there ?! She should be in her penthouse." Emma sighs and hurries out of the store.

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