
Ch.9 Skills

The three men started walking toward the tower and after a few minutes they got in there, they found Howland Reed tending to Ser Mark Ryswell, who was as pale as paper.

"Need a hand?" Sylas said while moving towards the knight and slipped some water that was left from the canteen that healed Arthur's wounds.

Then with another canteen and the bag that Eddard took out of his horse, he started cleaning the wound of the knight. "He should live, but it'll take many months to replenish the blood and to completely heal his injuries, keep changing the bandages every time it looks completely bloodied, where is Lord Dustin?"

"He is in the room, Mark refused to be put in the room and gave it to Lord Dustin." Howland Reed said.

"How is he?" Sylas asked while standing up.

"He was also bleeding, but I managed to stop it, but he might have some broken bones though, my knowledge is rather limited when it comes to healing someone," Howland said while also standing up.

"Just give this man water every two to four hours, he should wake up later or tomorrow even, you should go and eat something, Arthur gave you a good beating," Sylas said with a toothy smile.

"I'm sorry," Arthur said apologetically from behind.

"It's not a problem, we were enemies, you did what you had to do," Howland said sternly.

Sylas, Dareon, and Arthur moved to the room where Lord Dustin was lying. Sylas took care of the man, also giving him some water, then, he started cleaning his wounds and then bandaging the man.

"Dareon, remember to get some silk threads next time, these wounds will leave a nasty scar on these men," Sylas said while sitting on the ground and stretching himself.

"Yes, my lord, but why silk threads?" He asked, slightly confused.

"Silk threads don't absorb blood, so if you close a wound with it, the chances of getting infected are lower than using any other material."

"I've never heard of this," Arthur said softly.

"I don't know, it's just when I train with silk shirts, my sweat doesn't get into the shirt, so it should also apply to blood. I will talk about this with Oberyn, try it with some animals, and see what happens with it." Sylas said dismissively.

Arthur and Dareon looked at each other, seeing that Sylas was nonchalant about such a thing.

"There's a lot of silk in Essos, probably the physicians there use it if they have enough money, you guys have to remember that silk isn't cheap, maybe in the future we can start a merchant company and go to Yi Ti and see how things could go," Sylas said with his eyes closed.

"What are your plans for the near future?" Arthur asked.

"We relax, we'll go to the Water Gardens and train there until I become a knight, after that, marry Ashara and start helping Father and House Fowler," Sylas said nonchalantly. "Oh yeah, I forgot." Sylas started writing in a paper while saying to himself 'Grant Inspection to Arthur Dayne' And he passed the paper to Arthur.

As Arthur was reading the paper, he suddenly jumped and started looking around, but he understood what the paper meant by 'Don't react'


Name: Sylas Fowler

Age: 13

Affiliation: Personal / House Fowler / Oberyn Martell

Loyalty to you: 100%


-Inspection: Ability to see people's natural affinities, name, age, affiliation, and loyalty.

-Swordsman: Ability to develop extraordinary swordsmanship that someone without the skill can't hope to match. (Martial ability grants natural advantage of focus, calmness, instincts, reaction speed, and thought speed in battle)

-Administration: Ability with numbers and letters. A gifted person when it comes to administrating people and their needs. (Diplomacy ability grants thought speed, charm, and charisma.)

-Noblesse: Natural born beauty, ability to move people easily with your beauty and words. (Diplomacy ability grants thought speed, charm, and charisma.)

-Blood binding: This ability allows the user to form a powerful connection with another being by binding them with their own blood. Through this bond, the recipient is bestowed with unique abilities and experiences an enhancement in their physical prowess and appearance. Additionally, if the binding takes place near a river, it facilitates the regeneration of lost body parts, the healing of scars, and the recovery from illnesses. However, in exchange for these benefits, the bound individual becomes incapable of betraying the host. By default, the user can establish up to 10 bindings, but this limit can be increased depending on the user's will and intent. (Men and women bound near water can receive many skills, depending on the strength of their will, thanks to Mother Rhoyne's blessing)


-Mother Rhoynar descent: Closeness with rivers, animals, and magic. If near a river, all body functions will be enhanced by mother Rhoyne as you are one of her children, with the possibility of "Bonding" with one river or seafaring animal. Water magic is a possibility with enough meditation and willpower, as well as Mother Rhoyne's will.


When Arthur stopped looking around, he concentrated and started reading what he saw. "You were telling the truth…" He said slowly.

"Yeah, unfortunately, Dareon can't see that, but he is still my right hand, so I don't really care."

Arthur then looked at Dareon and said the word softly.


Name: Dareon

Age: 22

Affiliation: Sylas Fowler

Loyalty to liege: 100%

Loyalty to you: 60%



-Bloodbinded: The peak of human capabilities has been transmitted with the bind, Talent in many fields will be amplified to just a level behind from granting an innate skill. Immunity to disease and regeneration amplified when drinking river water, a skill granted by the binder can be used, and the binder can also copy one skill of his subject. (Men and women bound near water can receive many skills, depending on the strength of their will, thanks to Mother Rhoyne's blessing)


Arthur immediately told Sylas to see Dareon, after a few seconds, Sylas started laughing loudly, while the man being observed looked weirdly at the two men.

'Grant inspect to Dareon, grant Administration to Dareon and Arthur.' thought Sylas and proceed to inspect his knight.


Name: Dareon

Age: 22

Affiliation: Sylas Fowler

Loyalty: 100%


-Inspection: Ability to see people's natural affinities, name, age, affiliation, and loyalty.


-Administration: Ability with numbers and letters. A gifted person when it comes to administrating people and their needs. (Diplomacy ability grants thought speed, charm, and charisma.)



"Arthur gave him the paper," Sylas said while giving the two men a toothy grin.

Dareon's reaction was similar to Arthur's but he didn't look around, he immediately focused and started reading everything.

"Is all of that true?" Dareon's hand started trembling slightly and he couldn't suppress his smile.

"Yup, from what I've seen it's true" Sylas was about to dance, but he was too lazy and started rolling on the ground while laughing.

Arthur also had a small smile and Dareon was laughing loudly.

"What happened?" Said a harsh voice coming from the bed.

"We are sorry, Lord Dustin, I just told a joke and we couldn't hold our laugh," Sylas said, wiping a tear from his eye.

"So I'm alive." He said slowly.

"You are a Northman, and you are in Dorne, hell has never been closer to you ser," Sylas said while looking at the lord's injuries. "Don't move, the wounds will start bleeding and not even the old gods will be able to save you."

"Thanks for saving my life." Lord Dustin said with a gruff voice.

"No need for thanks, I'm training to be a knight, I can't let someone die if I can help," Sylas said with a smile looking at the bearded man on the bed.

Willam Dustin smiled and said "Thanks." and everyone went silent.

"I wonder if we can go to Starfall, I want to see Ashara..." Sylas said softly.

"We left The Water Gardens without telling a soul, if we send a raven from Skyreach, we could go towards Starfall and then take a ship towards Sunspear," Dareon suggested as he sat on the ground again.

"Arthur, how likely is your big brother to let Ashara go to The Water Gardens?" Sylas asked, staring at Arthur.

"I might be able to convince him, but I can't say for sure." He said slowly.

"I fucking hate noble houses man, I just want to spend time with my betrothed, now I have to get on my knees to even see her," Sylas said while pouting.

"My lord, there is someone else here," Dareon said while looking at Willam apologetically.

"Don't mind me, I'm the same, all I want is to see my wife, but this war almost got me." He said with some sorrow.

"Almost, keyword, now you'll go with your wife, I hope you get many children," Sylas said with a smile.

"My brother is more laid back than my father, it shouldn't be difficult to convince him," Arthur said while smiling.

"Now that everyone is talking, how likely is it that I get knighted for beating The Sword of the Morning?" Sylas said with a smirk.

Arthur looked at Sylas and said "Not very likely, nobody saw it but your own knight."

"I can attest to such a statement." Said Willam Dustin while laughing softly.

"I think is a great achievement to face the acclaimed best sword of Westeros, I personally saw my lord, I can say with confidence that when you are of sixteen namedays, you'll be matchless in Westeros, and with a few more years, Essos could be added." Said Dareon with a smile on his face.

"I have to admit that this brat's sword is good enough, with some time, we would've traded injuries, I wasn't really confident against him if he was older," Arthur said sternly.

"Well, I'll see if Lord Eddard. Ser Mark Ryswell can write a letter to Oberyn since I can't go to King's Landing, if Oberyn is to know my achievement, he'll be proud, maybe he'll knight me in Sunspear, after all, I don't know if he is back at The Water Gardens." Sylas said with a small smile.


Remember, if you want to support me for some reason, p@treon.com/VoidCL :)

This isn't a serious attempt to recreate the good writing of the books, I'm a newbie, lower your expectations, please c:

So, I was like really sick, mb

EmptyVoidchcreators' thoughts
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