
Sword Intent Upgrade!

After some time passed things finally started to calm down and Weles could make the last announcement of the day.

Weles:"So seeing as YingYing just came here, he will start to live in our guestroom, I still have some things to do today so I hope one of you can guide him"


Weles:"Yes since you just joined us, I decided to celebrate me not being the youngest member anymore by giving you a nickname" I really wanted to say something about it, but he seemed to be set on it and the others seemed to like it, and give their approval.

Weles:"So who will be going?"

"I can" Gong Yuhe stepped out.

Weles:"Yuhe huh, well since it's already decided it's about time for me to go, it's quite a busy day for me " Weles went out of the house, soon enough Yuhe and I went on our way as well. Going together was quite awkward, and since we weren't talking at all, I decided to try and make a conversation.

Cai:"So how should I call you anyway?"

Yuhe:"Hmm, just call me sister"

Cai:"What?" I was quite surprised by it, that seemed to come out of nowhere.


Yuhe:"To be honest I have a lot of siblings, but all of them are girls. My dad also keeps making comments about wanting to have a son, so I always wanted to know how it feels to have a brother. With you here I can get a small taste of that at the very least."

She seems to be smiling? Yuhe seems to be really fond of kids, the previous arrogant vibe she was giving off, seemed to be completely replaced by a caring and gentle feeling, compared to before the difference is like between heaven and earth. Damn my mindset already seems to be slowly influenced by living in this world.

Cai:"I will be sure to remember that"

Soon enough we reached the inn I was staying at. After entering my room I quickly went to start packing my things, the earlier I'm done with it the better.

Yuhe:"You don't seem to have that many things to pack up do you?"

Cai:"Yes, I was pretty much just travelling the entire time before coming here, so I didn't really have a chance to buy many things, nor could spare the effort to carry them around."

Yuhe:"I see, I will help you to pack your things up, it will be faster with us together"

With Gong Yuhe helping me out we finished in a few minutes, as expected of someone with a lot of siblings she seems to know how to help out with things like that.

Cai:"That's everything now, we should start to go back now"

Yuhe:"Mhm, let's go we still have to set your room up back at the base"

After picking up all of the things we packed up earlier, Gong Yuhe showed me the way back to the base, honestly if not for her and Weles giving me directions I would have long since been lost in this town.

Once we came back the others except Weles were still there, they seemed to be staying to help set up the room for my moving in, I was honestly grateful for all of that. With Yuhe I started to unpack all of my things again this time for the stay in this room, this once again proved me she is fond of kids. Once we entered the house her aura of arrogance really could clearly be felt, but she was still really caring and attentive while helping me with my things.

Cai:"Thank you for helping me out sister."

Yuhe:"No problem" she said with a warm smile.

Cai:"And to all of you too for setting the room up for me, and letting me live there"

"Obviously we will do that, since you are a part of our group now we naturally can't treat you like outsiders. What are you going to do now anyway, soon we are all going in out ways"

Cai:"I was thinking of cultivating, I didn't really have much progress while travelling"

"Good luck to you then"

"Indeed I will see you again next time"

I went outside of the house this time, I decided to cultivate on the beach this time. I wasn't lying when I said I was lagging behind in my cultivation, I barely made any progress if any. All I tried to do was solidify my recent advancements but for how much can you do that? After a few days I was pretty much solidifying nothing.

As for why on the beach, I thought it would be nice to train outside were fresh air is, especially since I'm literally next to the sea the air is especially nice here. As for what I'm going to train it's obviously sword intent, my soul power and spiritual power are extraordinary for my age already. The most progress I can make right now is to make my weakest point stronger, and my current weakest point was sword intent.

After moving away from the house for a bit longer I finally found a nice place, no one was here the breeze was cool and nice, and my ground was quite solid here, kind of like sand mixed with earth. I summon Caliburn out and start doing my swordsmanship.

To be completely honest I have no Idea how to improve my sword intent, since sword intent is my understanding of the sword I just thought I have to understand it deeper, to do that all I can do is hone myself more and more.

Truly I think the only way to do that is to immerse myself in my sword more and more, how do I do that? That's quite hard to answer but it seems to just come to me, every sword strike I make is making my brain working, every time I struck blows with it I feel more obsessed with it by the seconds.

Every time I move with it, my brain comes up with ways to make my strikes more and more refined. Faster, stronger, sharper more precise. I strive to improve with each strike. Even if I can improve my trajectory only by a millimetre, I feel like in the long run all of it will pay off.

I don't know when but I seemed to close my eyes at one point, swinging my sword around with eyes close I started to release my sword intent, it was transparent just like before. Even though it should be more like a storm of fast cuts when I use it, it feels like a barrage of fast club attacks.

I know I said before that it's all okay but honestly I hate that, it's not the level I should be at. I'm really an ambitious person deep inside me, it's rooted in me. My first thought when I got a chance to come to this world was 'I'm going to become a god'. That's why whenever I see no improvement in me, I feel disappointed and angry at myself for not being good enough, not being up to my own standards.

It's all okay if I see even a small increase in my power, the smallest possible is okay, doesn't matter if it's soul power, spiritual power, my physical abilities, the use of my elements. As long as it increase by even the least possible amount a day it's okay, as long as I don't stay in one place I will eventually reach where my ambitions lie.

I'm just incredibly frustrated that I can't even cut a piece of bread with something that's supposed to cut, even the dullest knifes I had back in my previous world could do that! That's truly something unacceptable for me.

*Whoosh* *Whoosh* my blade and sword intent pushed the wind around me. I truly don't know why it happened at that time, maybe because of my frustration or my dedication? It may even be because I found my path. But at that moment my previously transparent sword intent started to gain colour, slowly and surely with each strike it turned white and just when all of it filled up.

*Slash* A sound rang out, and a gush appeared on the ground that was clearly made by a cut, at that moment I finally stopped swinging my sword and slowly opened up my eyes.

*Pant* *Pant*I was gasping for air, greedily trying to get as much as I can, sweat ran through my body and even my whole shirt was wet, but I felt extremely joyous at this moment, even small chuckles were coming from me. I finally did it. So it's all good.

I don't know what came over me at this training session, but what I think happened here is I was so focused and determined before starting the training and through it, that I entered a state of enlightenment that caused my emotions to over flow. But I really don't care anymore, all that happened, happened it doesn't matter anymore. All that matters is I achieved another step in my cultivation journey and the goal ahead of me.

But white, I guess it shows my sword is still without a way, without experience. White because it's still pure and weak, and innocent sword intent that wasn't yet tainted, but can be changed and strengthened by its later experience.

A small smile curled up on my face, it seems my direction is much clearer than before, I know where to head now.


It's 00:14 right now for me, pain

Bookworm_Douluocreators' thoughts
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