
Chapter 35: Curse of the Ruby Throne 1: The Time Has Come

Leaving Cyrodil Arc

2 years and 7 months later

4E 196

(A/n I haven't been using dates like Thurdas, or 22nd of First Seed, and such because I don't want to ruin the dates and timeline I will create when the events of Skyrim happens and only giving it roughly. Reason being is because on any save file you create, Alduin will always attack Helgan and accidentally save the player at preciously 9:21 AM, 17th of Last Seed, 4E 201. It will always be this date and time no matter what you do, unless that stupid bee makes your cart in the beginning cutscene fly a million miles into the sky.)

It's been roughly 2 and a half years since I aquired the Book of Fate from the Auction and constructed my new Dwemer Arm.

I've been constantly modifying it's appearance and I must say that it looks decent. I made the color white and put some designs onto it.

(Image, only from elbow to hand)

What's interesting is that I when I made an Ebony metal arm it wasn't functional.

I wanted to test this hypothesis and it seems true with the Lore.

Dwemer metal was special and cannot be replicated, the only way to make Dwemer items is to melt down pre-existing Dwemer metal to obtain it or to find the Dwemer Ingots inside Dwemer ruins.

I ended up having the Ebony arm, that was just made a day prior, be melted down into Ebony Ingots again by the Master Blacksmiths I had hired.

Alot of stuff happened in these 2 and a half years.

I had met with Amaund Motierre and directly called him out on wanting to eventually kill the Emperor.

Additionally, I revealed the Book of Fate to him and told him that was how I knew of this and foretold his death but not by who.

I proved my claims of partially knowing the future by revealing a great many things about both the future and the secrets of the Elder Council.

Ironic that his future self in the game revealed these secrets to the player, and I in turn used it on his current self to convince him.

It wasn't enough and so I resorted to my Grimoire to find a solution. The Grimoire showed me pages of an alternate version of me in another timeline that had successfully persuaded Amaund Motierre to help him.

I literally just copied what he did word for word as the conversation continued.

I needed to convince him some more but after showcasing my knowledge, revealing I am a Falmer and showing him my Elder Scroll, like my other timeline me had done, he easily believed me.

I had been able to coerce him into helping me with numerous things.

First was finances, he easily provided me with 200,000 Septims!

Second was ingredients and material supplies. Nothing major and only extremely low cost but high quantity materials.

Additionally, he provided me with many Alchemists and workers to help with my Alchemy experiments at forest bunker, that had my Greenhouse and Frost-Flame Forge.

The Frost-Flame Forge was created using Curalmil's notes to make a special type of Daedric Salt that can alter any Forge, however it will need the user's blood and would be specific to them.

Hence the Forge took on the properties of Heat/Fire because of my bloodline connection to Auriel/Akatosh two God's of both the Sun and Dragons that breath fire. Secondly was my innate Falmer connection to Frost.

Back to Motierre, the three Blacksmiths I hired were actually from Motierre, they did a brilliant job at crafting my Light Armour and weapons of various kinds.

I didn't place enchantments on them, instead I asked Amaund Motierre for more help and had him hire mages that were Masters in Enchantments to listen to my orders.

I instructed them to Enchantment various gems and the items specifically.

The only job i had left was to use the Thu'um to merge them all together like i had done in the past with my other pieces of gear.

Now I am truly overpowered in terms of gear, but my actual ability is lacking. My gear can save my life for a moment or two against an Master or Legendary level being.

If I met Muraak again and didn't freeze up from the PTSD, then it's possible I can trade two blows with him, tank one hit directly (unless its a piercing attack) and only then would I die.

That my friends is worth it.

I've now got the most perfect gear I can get for the next 5 years.

In that time I will Master Enchanting, Alchemy and Blacksmithing myself with all the notes on those subjects in my Grimoire and recreate my gear personally.

I want to use Stalhrim for it in the future but I had no choice for now but to leave it.

Ebony is already the best material I can get.

I would need to hire a Conjuration Master to summon a Unbound Dremora so I can make it submit to me. I'll order it to being me many resources from Oblivion.

One of which is Black-Iron from Molag Bal's realm Coldharbour.

...and maybe a few of Dagon's Sigil Stones along the way... :P

🖕 Dagon

Back to Motierre, the ingredients and materials I got from him I had used to mass produce a special kind of Fish Bait that I think the Chinese of my past life had created.

I discussed a plan with Motierre and in the end we used it to completely destroy the Economy of the Imperial City for a brief time, nothing to serious or long but just enough so that Motierre can "arrive" and take control of the situation.

What we had done was we used this fish bait all across the lakes and rivers in Cyrodiil to genocide all the fish living there. This caused a crisis all across Cyrodiil to occur but by then Motierre would arrive and provide the solution to their problems.

As for gow we did this unnoticed, we had done it during an arranged night.

Motierre then came forward and revealed how the new 4th moon, Ja'kha, can fix the issue.

Amaund Motierre had convince the Emperor and the Elder Council to keep this a secret from the Thalmor, and with the confirmation of the alternate timeline in my Grimoire, it guarantees that it indeed is never revealed to those shitty Elves.

I and Motierre then repopulate all the rivers with pairs of various types of fishes, I used my [Moon Shifting] Shout to cause the 4th Moon to appear which in turn multiplied the birth rates and egg production of the fishes by many times over.

As for all the fish we had caught, Motierre simply lied and said he was able to hire many workers and mercenaries to go out to see and gather the fish.

He then brought all the fish to Cyrodiil and redistributed it across Cyrodiil and made a Hell of a lot of money.

All of which he had to keep and not give me or it would look fishy.

No pun intended...

Motierre gained more power in the Elder Council and with my invention of the fish bait, he soon released it across Tamriel however, its only been 2 years so he wasn't a millionaire yet since it takes time to travel back and forth across the continent.

Thirdly I received his help in obtaining [Barilzar's Mazed Band], it was utterly useless to me since only a God can use it without the unknown Curse on it being activated.

Barilzar's Mazed Band was an artifact of immense power created by the former Clockwork Apostle, Barilzar, in the middle of the Second Era.

It was capable of teleporting multiple people at once across dimensions.

The ring's powers far exceeded Barilzar's intentions, as it was able to open rifts in time and space, and could even open the gates of Oblivion, releasing nightmarish creatures upon the land.

The ring was cursed and stripped of its power, so that only a god could use it without being destroyed.

This curse is thought to have resulted in the death of Barilzar, although the mage lived on as an undead lich, and was sealed within an abandoned crypt in Old Mournhold along with the ring.

The Nerevarine would obtain the Ring and later on the Ring will be buried in Forelhost Crypt where the Dragon Priest Rahgot resides.

In 4E 201, Mecinar, a former Clockwork Apostle who was banished from the Clockwork City for his perverse research into creating the perfect lifeform, employed treasure hunters from across Tamriel to retrieve Barilzar's Mazed Band to use in order to return to the City to see his vision through.

I intend to restore the Rings power and use its full power for myself.

Additionally, I'll hunt down and capture Mecinar when he is banished from the Clockwork City and use his knowledge to seize control of the Mechanical Heart and the Clockwork City itself.

Though the problem is that the Ring is powerless now, the only power it has can be accessed by Mecinar, so how can I activate it without the curse be triggered.

I'm not willing to wager on my Demigod bloodline being able to protect me nor let me use it properly.

I'll be patient for now. The fact that Motierre helped me by sending hordes of mercenaries to obtain the Ring was good enough for me, though about a hundred of the 450 mercenaries had died fighting the nameless Lich that guarded the ring.

They had no choice in the matter since Motierre had threatened them with his power and position.

Next of the bucket list was that I had met some Khajiit merchants and showed them my Khajiit Ring the Clanmothers of Elsweyr gave me a few years back.

With ot I had obtained alot of information and detailed maps of various kinds, trade maps, detailed terrain, city maps and more.

I made my own personal pocket watch, that is actually a 3D holographic map.

I inputed all the other map information I received over the years into it. Its basically my own personal 3D Gamer/Player map.

I also expanded my spy network of Khajiit Spies.

Using this enlarged spy network, I had them locate a specific Dunmer Mercenary, Teldren Sero.

Teldren was easy to convince with the promise of 1,500 Gold every week.

The ingredient farm of Daedric ingredients that I made, using the shamless knowledge Sheogorath revealed to obtain fertile soil to grow them, it was easy to create a few specific substances.

One was an Aphrodisiac that can grant increased Vigor, Endurance and Stamina on a crazy level.

The next was a Healing Potion I called [Ambrosia], named after the very core ingredient that was inside it. This was stronger than an Ultimate Potion of Healing and Ultimate Potion of Stamina combined into one.

The last was something similar to Deadra Vein. A ingredient only found near or inside of Daedric Oblivion Gates during the Oblivion Crisis hundreds of years ago.

Deadra Vein - Spell Absorption, Fortify Destruction, Ravage Health, Paralysis.

I made an Potion that could grant the first two effects of the said ingredient.

I didn't sell [Ambrosia] but I did mass produce and sell the other two with the help of Ri'saad from the Khajiit Cravans I had long since befriended, and Jin'da.

I was easily able to remake the money I would lose by keeping Teldren Sero employed under me for such a High cost.

Not even Maven Black-Briar pays this much to the mercenaries under her, instead she controls them with low number of spetims to hire them and mostly fear.

Onto other matters...

I had apologised to Cirilla and Elika to how I had reacted back when my arm was made.

After explaining it to them and making it up to them everything went back to normal.

Elika and I had gotten closer together in that time and I began to grow deeper feelings for her.

I was almost and adult in this world, just 1 more year and I would be 15, the age one becomes an adult in this universe.

I was a teenager right now, duh.

Our feelings for one another grew, but we didn't become a couple, I had requested we not so so for a while, at least until a few years had passed since then and she agreed.

As for myself, I have been acquiring various magical books with the help of my connections.

With them I have been improving in my magic greatly, however I wasn't at the level I wanted to be.

I also tried learning the Dawn Magic which I had the basics absorbed into my mind from the [Black Book: Lazarus Rune-Song]

Elika had been learning the Thu'um at a fast pace since she obtained the other ability from the Black Book which bestowed her knowledge of Tonal Manipulation basics.

I guided her and she had been advancing very quickly in that area.

I however, have been struggling to learn Dawn Magic. I have no one to help me on this obscure type of Magic. I have been going over the personal notes of Ahzidal I aquired from Apocrypha, but even that was barely enough.

Ahzidal explained it in such a way that it seems he was literally touching the Metaphysical concept behind Dawn Magic, that being Creatia magic and the principles Reality and Creation.

It was then that Cirilla saw my failures and actually gave me some useful insight to learn Dawn Magic.

"If Dawn Magic can create and manipulate Magic in its purest form, why not just create your Magic."

Her comment was simply the starter of the conversation so she didn't expect that I would do something as crazy as that.

And so I did!

After 1 year of dedicated study and practice, I have been able to create my own School of Magic!

It's not what you might think, Cirilla continued her explanation saying what she actually meant.

She was trying to say for me to make my own magic using existing spells but altering them to suit myself.

For example, I am proficient in Frost Magic and have already showcased my aptitude to it by making many spells in that area.

And so I already have a foundation in Frost Magic.

Similar to Duidic Magic, I simply altered every spell that I could and knew of to be able to make Frost element versions of them.

Flame spell (Destruction) ---> Frost-Fire

Fireball (Destruction) ---> Iceball

Firestorm (Destruction) ---> Icestorm

Lighting Storm (Destruction) ---> Frost Ray

Stoneflesh (Alteration) ---> Iceflesh

Bound Sword (Conjuration) ---> Frost Sword

I had spent a long time making every spell known to man related to Ice, Frost and Water.

I even made a type of Bloodbending spell using Telekinesis as a basis to create it, however if my target is strong enough they can resist it.

It was great, never have I progressed so well in many of my much needed to do tasks.

I also started to train under Teldren Sero in physical aspects such as swordsmanship, blocking and archery.

I would also learn from the Blacksmiths that Motierre had previously hired to help me make my gear out of Ebony.

Teldren Sero had advised me to get a stronger body or I wouldn't even be able to take a single blow in a fight.

He was right so thus began a new training arc!

I made a pendulum and would swing it around, this would help me to replicate two handed weapons and the technique I learned would allow me to use it should I ever need to in the future.

All that I was lacking was experience in combat related to two-handed swordsmanship.

As for one-handed, I would learn from Teldren Sero while doing a multitude of body building exercises.

Good thing is that my strength and muscle mass increased, but I still maintained a slim muscular physique.

I was basically a 6 pack Elf, soon to be 8 pack since I can see the outlines showing on the lower part, it was already there, just the lines wasn't well defined.

Seeing Elika's reaction was priceless when she walked in on my as I was in my personal Gym, without a shirt on...

To my suprise, a few weeks later I realised her visits would change in time. She would come one hour later than usual.

When I investigated this, it turns out that she was copying my training regime.

Now that's adorable.


I was currently in my laboratory while carefully extracting and harvesting a Jarrin Root plant's pods.

It was hard but I had aquired this rare plant.

Right now I was extracting the pods that grow on the ends of its branches while taking maximum safety precautions.

The pods of the Jarrin Root plant can open up as a defensive mechanism and release both a corroding gas and a poisonous one that is just as deadly as consuming the Jarrin Root itself is.

These Pods can then be used to create more Jarrin Root plants.


I had suddenly felt a sensation, I hadn't felt since a few years ago, occur just now.

It meant that someone with malicious intent has breached the perimeter that my alarm spell sensors covered.

By how many times I felt the sensation go off in my head, there was maybe a few dozen and they were spread out in an encirclement around my home!

Someone's come for me!

Not even hesitating, I took out my Storage Ring and stored all the items inside the laboratory and the storeroom as quickly as I can.

I did telhe same to the Jarrin Root I was working on just now, after putting it inside a special steel box.

Finished with what I needed to do I ran to the corner of my laboratory and opened a secret passageway to a crevice in the wall.

"Stop! Falmer!" Said a female voice I recognised.

I had no choice but to turn around so i can create a plan of escape and a possible diversion depending on the distance between us.

But I was at a loss for words of how I was found out and where did I go wrong?


Daily Dose of TES Lore!!!

Lorkhan's Creation of Nirn

At the Dawn Era Lorkhan convinced the other Et'Ada to create a world so that they can create life, just as they were created and birthed from the Celestial Twins.

Lorkhan is the God of Limitations and Death.

Thus, in secret he use his divinity sphere of Limitations to place it on Nirn as it was being created.

This drained the Et'Ada of their divine powers but they realised it too late.

Normally, creating a world like Nirn would have been easy for them and they would have kept their powers, but Lorkhan's Limitations had made it so that it would drain them of their power.

Thus, the Magnus and a those that followed him fled from Aetherius, creating fissures and cracks in the process as they fled which became the stars and the sun (Magnus).

Through these cracks and openings of Aetherius caused by the stars and the sun, magicka enters the universe.

The Deadra refused to participate while the Aedra had no choice and decided to continue in creating Nirn.

When Trinimac fought Lorkhan, Lorkhan said that his heart is the heart of Nirn and cannot be destroyed, then Trinimac proceeded to tear out Lorkhan's heart.

Auriel and Trinimac did not know what to do, so Auriel shot the heart of Lorkhan into the sea with his bow, which would later become Red Mountain, and Lorkhan's body became the twin moons in the sky Masser and Secunda.

Boethiah who revered and worshiped Lorkhan for his marvelous deception and trickery was outraged to learn of what Trinimac did to him.

Thus Boethiah "defeated" Trinimac in some manner as the legends greatly vary, in the end the legends say she tricked him and made him lower his guard, ate his head off while he was off guard, beaten her in battle, devoured him whole, seduced him and cursed him. But the common legend is that Boethiah ate Trinimac and pooped him out as excrement/dung.

This excrement/dung became Malacath.

Malacath was shunned by both Aedra and Deadra and became a God that was in the middle ground, not one or the other but half-half. Thus the Deadra don't acknowledge him as a Deadric Prince.

Malacath would continue to uphold the principles of Trinimac but would alter them slightly, these would become the core laws and The Code that all Orcs live by and follow.

Nirn and Mundus became Lorkhan's secret Deadric Realm, while he is worshiped as Shor by the Nords who created Sovengarde.

Shezzer are individuals that are believed to be the reincarnation or Avatar of Shor (Lorkhan).

The Last Dragonborn is believed to be a Shezzer but is unknown if this is true since Shor's Throne is empty when the player enters Sovengarde.

Next chapter