
Thinking About It

"About the hospital bills, don't worry about it Vamp Entertainment will cover it all." Eiji had then added before flashing us a small smile.

He can't be serious, right…? Us, going with them…? "Oh, I'm not… Really sure…" Vince was kind of hesitant too then my friends glanced at me. They are fully aware that I'm the one that looked forward to this vacation. What should I do?

I had to release myself from Kangwoo's 'helping arms' and nervously said, "Please let us think about it first… Besides it wouldn't be fair to decide when one of us is still unconscious.".

"Fair enough…" Eiji thankfully accepted, "Miss Hong Min Soo wishes to hear your answer as soon as possible so arrangements will be made. I really hope you consider it, it's the least that we could do."

We gave them a nod and they slowly moved and gestured for the door. Jyuji looked hesitant to leave but Seongho whispered something to him. The younger sighed and took Elise that he'll be in touch. At Justin's bed, Byumin stares blankly at my junior's sleeping face. Maybe he wanted to stay too but a tap from Dongwu on his back had signaled him to stand up and go with them.

I could feel piercing eyes on me and I'm sure it was Kangwoo. But I didn't glance back, eventually, he followed his members out of the room. I slightly sighed when I heard the door close. Carefully, I sat back on my designated bed.

"Are we really going to consider…?" I looked up to Louie as he addressed the elephant in the room, "I mean, what if we get into a more serious problem if ever, we agreed to that… That offer…?".

"Shut up, Louie." Ebony reacted, "You're always thinking of the negative stuff.".

"Negative stuff…?" He then sounds offended, "Me…? Look at Justin. Isn't what happened to him not a 'negative stuff'? Jeanne and I... We battered, too! That's not negative!?"

"Come on, Louie –"

"No, listen –"

"THAT'S ENOUGH! Both of you!" Vince then raised his voice as he sat frustrated on the empty bed. Ebony followed suit and hugged him on the side. "Jeanne, what do you think?".


"I know you've been looking forward to this trip more than any of us. Well, we do too but you're really the top on the list so I want to know your thoughts."

"Oh… Um, I'm not…" I then paused for a moment. To be honest, I'm against it, I don't want to be more frustrated than I already am but there's a voice inside my head saying that I should reconsider. Plus, my sister's demands, huh, I can only imagine her reaction if I went against my word. She might ignore me for a whole month.

"Jeanne…?" Vince's voice had brought me out of my thoughts. I then cleared my throat and thought of a temporary response.

"I'm not sure… Since Justin isn't awake yet, can we hold that thought for now…?"

"Yeah… Yeah, of course…" Vince looked a bit worried, "But we need to make a decision soon.".

"I know… Um, do you guys mind if I go out for a moment…?" And when I noticed Ebony standing up, I added, "Alone… If that's fine. I'm just going to, you know, clear my mind…"

"Oh, sure, no problem." Ebony replied and sat back beside her boyfriend, "We'll be right here.".


"Just don't be too long.", Vince commented as I gestured for the door. I just gave him a nod and a smile as I leave our hospital room.

Vince is like a big brother to all of us, I can't blame him for being worried. My brother's the same, though he's a year younger than me, he takes being a brother too seriously.

I walked along the corridors of the hospital and even though it was late in the afternoon, I could only see a few nurses or doctors or even just people pacing the hallways like me. It came to a point that I was the only one walking the hall but I realized it a bit later since my mind was somewhere else. I was so deep in my thoughts that I nearly bump into a vending machine.

Goodness, that scared me. I then paused in front of the vending machine. I do have some coins with me and seeing food made me a bit hungry. I inserted a coin and choose a snack then while waiting for it to drop, thoughts were running around inside my head.

Should we agree on the 'merging' vacation offer…? Will it be worth it…? Well, my juniors will be the happiest if ever but how about the rest of us? About me…? I've been looking forward to this trip ever since I got my passport, would accepting the offer deprive or elevate my dream vacation…? I don't want strangers bugging us on our trip yet in exchange, I'll have to deal with that overrated idol group.

I sighed in frustration, why am I even debating with myself if we're to agree or not? The probability of choosing the latter is quite high. I'll just have to make that decision when Justin regains consciousness, yet I might have an idea of what he'll choose…

When I heard the vending machine dinged, I was expecting my snack to be on the pick-up box. But then when I reached inside, there was nothing. I looked up and saw that the snack was stuck between its spring and the glass. What the…? I got a bit annoyed and tried to tap the glass in hopes of retrieving my food. Come on, let me have my ¥150 snack!

Then out of nowhere, I heard a slap on the vending machine's side that made me jump away in fright. The snack then finally fell on the pick-up box. Then an arm reached down and took it out.

There is only one person I could imagine doing that. My eyes followed the arm and when it reached to its owner, my suspicion was right. It was him.

"[Hello there, sweet blood…]" Kangwoo held the snack near his face. I guess to force me to look at him straight in the face, "[How are you feeling?]".

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