
The Dark Part of Zanzan (Part-4)

The pimps and slavers who recruited the young girls for the capital or various lords had high standards, both in terms of beauty and brains. 

These high ranking men got tired of just a pretty face very quickly. They wanted the playgirls to be also clever, charming, quick witted, and funny, actual entertainers who stimulated their minds as much as their bodies.

However as it could be guessed, it was difficult for the recruiters to determine the extent of this quality with just a few exchanges with the parents and small girl.

Many might appear very pretty and clever at the moment but turn out to be total duds later.

And vice versa, some ugly duckling might transform into an elegant swan after hitting puberty, her charm, beauty, and elegance stunning all.

It was quite impossible for even the most experienced pimps to accurately judge each and every girl just from a few glances.


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