
Midshire (Part-2)

1 table- 1,000 wesa or 10,000 ropals

1 chair- 50 wesa, or 500 ropals

1 set of wine cups- 500 wesa or 5,000 ropals…

Salary for 1 guard- 125 wesa… the list goes on

"As you can see my lady everything here is at least ten times the normal prices. I wonder what advice you can offer me about this?" 

A visibly angry and frustrated Alexander showed the city's account books to Lady Parthia, hoping that being an experienced queen, she could give him some idea on how to deal with such rampant corruption and mismanagement.

Surely she had come with something similar if not worse in her long career.

"Did you point these out to them? What did they say?" 

While glancing languidly at the bound book made of sheepskin, the gorgeously dressed radiant lady slowly asked this, her voice flat and cool.


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