
Stab (Part-2)

Chapter 1179

"Stop it! Stop it I tell you! Halt this madness! What do you think are you doing? Cease!"

At the initial breakout of hostilities, Lord Bernard tried to cool the men using his words, ordering them to restore order amongst the ranks at once.

He had hoped his sole status as a nobleman would be enough to make them yield.

Needless to say, that did not pan out at all the way he thought it would.

In the heated moment of battle, it was found that Lord Bernard's noble peerage mattered little to the rest of the crew, with the enraged soldiers feeling disinclined to follow this civilian who commanded so little prestige amongst them.

They completely ignored him, instead turning their attention to the much more important matter on hand, filling the decks with as many corpses from the other side as possible. 

Thus the bloodshed continued, the melee being extremely bloody and macabre. 


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