
Alexander's Response (Part-2)

Alexander's command to have another four hundred men join him in his expedition was at first received with quite a bit of difficult skepticism, due to reasons already iterated earlier- i.e.- there was a serious manpower shortage.

Siphoning off so many would seriously weaken the defenses of the manor here, to the point, some officers grimly added that it could even lead to a revolt from within the family, as the opportunistic men sought to take advantage of this brief lull in security. 

Of course, they were overblowing things here, as Alexander had made sure to make the Margraves entirely toothless here, but their general alarm was still justified.

If things did not pan out exactly as expected, and Alexander and Remus were somehow captured or worse, well the entire campaign would be lost then and there.

And perhaps even that would be the least of their problems.


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